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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. In honor of getting 8K, I think the powers that be should give you an oversized avatar. But you must never change it from the current FSU girl.
  2. I laugh when I hear him say that. But interestingly, I would give him the opportunity to back up what he says. I'm sure that will never happen though.
  3. I don't think I could be there and see that and not say something and get myself in trouble. I do like your idea of going to Hiroshima though!
  4. Ha! Went there last night. 4 of us $262 Great food as always. I had for dinner (and lunch today and prolly dinner tomorrow night) the 32 oz Prime. Damn thing looked like I ordered a roast A very nice thing about Prime rib from Friars is you don't get any bone and very little fat. You are making a mistake if you order larger thinking half of it will be fat. Unless you know you will need to eat again for the next two days!
  5. Would you prefer Greggo or Mikey? That 4th down call was the right call as much as I hate to say it. Ed Hochuli knew the rules? Yes why, they even made sure we knew knew when they said a ball was tipped when their was obvious pass intereference. They may know the rules but their eyesight sucks. Ball was not tipped.
  6. I'm planning on making something very simple that says: Hey Mike Last year I wasn't allowed to bring this sign in!! SEE YA
  7. How could anyone of imagined that they would fly off the shelves when the reaction was I bought a nice pullover at Penney's that had Buffalo Sabres on it. No slug. I will not buy the slug.
  8. If you are in town and it's not being televised, can you attend?
  9. Did you see the clown who got his seat bumped from sec 333 to 133? They show him on the jumbotron and the crown they made him wear fell off. He looked drunk! Espescially when the hat fell of I guess he won a seat upgrade for being a DD but it didn't look it to me. Dude was rolling around on the floor looking for his crown
  10. Unless it's the same referee's as yesterday, I think it's 4 more wins!!!! Sun. Dec. 10 at NY Jets 4:15pm CBS Sun. Dec. 17 MIAMI 1:00pm CBS Sun. Dec. 24 TENNESSEE 1:00pm CBS Sun. Dec. 31 at Baltimore 1:00pm CBS
  11. In NY state and in particular WNY, they do! Helps us with all our problems ya know?
  12. Perhaps the best advice ever offered on this board. Nice job. Nanker. It is the truth.
  13. You're kidding? You wouldn't want to have those jigglies bouncing at you while you were saying hello?
  14. AJ, like Triumph, I kid I kid! When you ask about music invaribaly you tend to get 10,000 responses like you need to try this... and this... or this...Some of it is excellent some of it is crap. But there aint know way you are buying everything that everyone is suggesting to you. Therefore=slackass. See? Relax bro. Good natured thats all.
  15. I shouldn't ask because you are from Quebec and like young girls, but what the hell is smoke meat poutine? (Something a guy from Quebec who likes young girls would reccomend) Poutine to me is fries with gravy and cheese curds. Is this version you speak of like some Hungry Man Jack dinner?
  16. Enough of all this crap you have been offered. Man what is music becoming? You have been offered and taken some great suggestions in the past. And never followed through with responses to some of the suggestions that you actually bought because at heart, you're probably some kind of slack ass. And thats ok. So to expand your ever growing library, please, just please buy this. It covers a lot of ground and you will not be dissapointed. http://www.amazon.com/Heavy-Picks-Robert-C...ie=UTF8&s=music Bluesmen and their type, forever. SRV forever. Should you buy this I would appreciate some feedback. I believe I recommended the finest album ever made on cd to you before and never heard what you thought. Are you like those guys that say hey can you find an exhaust manifold for an 89 Capri on eBay? And then when you say yes it's $239 they disappear? Check Robert Cray out and tell me what you think. Later dude.
  17. Can you explain this please? I understand the part that he was fun to watch, (batted balls etc...) But was he or was he not a great qb? Or anything for a future? I thought we already decided his fate?
  18. You know I have been looking for years for that Brittney type of picture of my girl Nikki Cox. Too bad she seems to only want to tease me. Anyway, if you can hook us up with some shots that aren't available everywhere, it would be appreciated. And a phone number would be great to set up my first date with her if you can get it. Bro.
  19. WTF is wrong with you people in Syracuse? You're closing good BBQ joints? Well I guess you can go to the Turtle? and get an awesome sandwhich. Or is that place next on the listeria sheet? Strip clubs, I said strip clubs don't get shut down like this. WTF was going on? And who got fired?
  20. Denny's ultimate omelette. Actually I'm still bagged when I get there and order that. I tip the waitress well because I know it sucks to have to deal with people like me. Moreso in that stage at that time of night/day. They love me when I leave though!
  21. Lets see, mine cost in the Van Miller Club are $132 You want me to sell them to you for a $40 loss and then miss the non televised game on top of it? Good luck with that. Not from me. But I would be willing to bet if you wait till five minutes after the game starts you could probably find an even better deal than you propose! Last year a friend of mine did just that and mocked me because he got McGuire Club seats for $20 at about that time. But if thats the way your going to do it, I would say you need to find a scalper who has those tickets before hand and know that he still has them after the start of the game.
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