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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. $580 plus a $900 seat license fee = $1480 per seat sec. 235 Van Miller Club. They also sent an e mail thanking fans and it a link to open a thank you fans video. When you click on it it shows nothing. It has Losman on the left and Schoebel on the right and a hat sale for 25% off but the video is just a black screen. I wonder what message they're trying to send?
  2. Up. Seat license up $100 a year per seat and game ticket goes up $6 per game for a total of $160 per seat next season. Seat license goes up an additional $75 in 08 and another $75 in 09 who knows what game prices go up on top of that. There is no option for 5 years anymore, only 3. Not bitching, just sayin. Oh and by the way, I'm renewing! We, as a community need to put our money where our mouths are and buy tickets. I'm doin my bit with 2 again. They are billing for 10 games so if they are playing 1 in Germany or somewhere else, I expect a $296 refund Ralph. Or 1 night with three of the best Jills
  3. Don't teams that play in games overseas always end up fizzling out for the playoffs? Regardless of the sport?
  4. Afrin causes rebound. Saline doesn't. Ask a Pharmacist about Ocean Saline spray.
  5. Use of Saline daily/nightly is good. Johnny it may sound stupid but have you tried Breathe Right Strips? They may help just a little but enough to let you sleep.
  6. From what I have learned through a soon to be brother in law, the recovery is significant and painfull and miserable and as others have said a beyotch. Although, I dont recall him saying it was a laser treatment and that may be helpful to your situation, or not. No way would I get something like this done with a wedding three months out. What the hell is the doctor telling you about this procedure and the recovery time and condition?
  7. I don't think Marty has ever had a team this good. I actually like his chances. And he never had Wade as DC at the other stops
  8. Whoaaaaa Nelllllieee thats a complete rip on the fraud that was Saban. And I loved every bit of it. Good luck to any student that buys this drill.
  9. I understand what you're saying. Awhat you're saying is pretty much in agreement with Ed Roch's points. No I don't want to sacrifice any chance at a W. EVER. It just seems a little odd. And if you are the Mangini and you saw that AY was on the field, don't you immediately go after him? I was at the Jets game and never saw him on the field. (could be due to alcohol though)
  10. You mean like knowing Willis wasn't going to play his first year only to lead us to playoffs every year thereafter right?
  11. Wow! Thats a lot of venom for me. Based on what? I think you really are CPA Bob and are still pissed at me for some remarks I made about a trailer park during a storm. Sorry if I offended you then, if you are CPA. If not, you can just...
  12. Seems to me that at some point he should be sent in. That all I'm saying. But I feel that in light of the fact that some people expect him to play a role next year, shouldn't we have at least got a look at him this year?
  13. This says all you need to know. I don't understand why some of you think that Saban will be gold in the NFL?
  14. The guys a joke in my eyes. MM will never get elevated there and I imagine will instead be shown the door. They will be mediocre regardless of who's in charge. And that makes me feel great
  15. I'm well aware his mother dying and him missing camp time. I find it hard to believe however that there wasn't scenario wher he couldn't have been put out on the field all year. Our playbook which he has had all along can't be that tough that it would have prevented him from seeing the field. That's why Im wondering if I missed something else with the guy.
  16. Did we know he was going to be a project that would include zero playing time this season? I didn't. Given how much help this team needed and still needs we cant afford to draft projects that wont contribute something. Did I miss something with him?
  17. I don't. You see when you have cancer that is spreading to other parts of your team like a quarterback, other wr's and even the D, you must cut that cancer and not let it linger and grow and thereby make the whole team infected. We did the right thing. Wasn't he supposed to be a sure thing number 2 in Houston? What happened? I dont know his stats off hand and dont care either. What I remember most about E Mo this season is he started to become cancerous in houston around week 10. Cancer sucks man. He wasn't happy here and nothing short of naming Holcomb the starting qb would have put him into remission. Of course that would have killed the rest of the team and all of us fans. Good luck on your third go round E Mo!
  18. I agree with you on a number of points. Memo to Ralph, sell the team to someone who will does have the money to make this thing work. Nate this year, Willis next, JP after that. If Ralphie cant stomach the thought of all that signing bonus money flying out of the bank and we are to beleive his love of the team (and city, Ha) sell it to someone who will make that commitment and wont be scared off due to money.
  19. So you are saying although you want him back, you don't believe he will be back because we aren't going to pay him Mcallister money, and because he will want at least that or more likely Bailey money? Even though we have the money available. Is this correct?
  20. No, you are not cutting him come Monday morning.
  21. No. I wish that the yards Willis accumulates running sideways could be added in a forward motion.
  22. I saw it on Sports Zone last night and he took out two players by lining up Thomas. I didn't notice it like that at the game I think because I was screaming about McGahee running 15 yards for a 1 or 2 yard gain. Again. Losman put his shoulder into Thomas and dropped him good.
  23. I am going to the because as a season ticket holder I have tickets I will also be attending a dinner at 5:30 or so if we get out of the lot. Yes I will be a little wobbly for dinner but out of respect, I will not be falling down.
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