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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Everything looks out of place until something is built around it. In Toronto for example, Skydome. The CN Tower is kind of taller than anything around it also. I have heard some disgruntlend Cimmineli type mention that it doesn't make sense to build more class A office space when there is still some available here. I don't think Benderson heard that comment though or we surely would have 9,000 strip malls with class A office space waiting to be finished for years. Obviously I have no problem with the height. And I personally think it looks great with the Federal Courthouse in front of it.
  2. Don't do it James! You deserve a far better fate than that.
  3. Because of a comment Simms made about Marty not wearing a headset?
  4. fire Modrak, ......what has he done for the Bills lately? Why? We have no idea what he is really contributing. Good or bad.
  5. Rueben is a Marv type of guy. I miss him a lot. You talk about character, he is it. Rueben also loves the WNY area and still comes back and does charity events here. If I'm not mistaken even though he is long gone, his motorcycle poker run still goes on and he comes back for it. Think about that. How many other players still show a comitment to us like that?
  6. I will take some of whatever she's doin, and I would also like to take her.
  7. Thank you. I was too busy concentrating and focusing and things like that.
  8. That's odd. I don't think any of that had any effect on his decision. He stated that he "didn't like the direction the organization was headed" I believe he chit his pants when they re signed Briere and brought in Spacek to replace McKee.
  9. Nice job. What about the draft? It's important no?
  10. What a tool! I see it now and will make the correction. No nest.
  11. Thanks Guffalo. I couldn't remember when they actually release it. I am curious specifically about December 2nd.
  12. Anyone know the actual date the league releases the schedule for next season? I'm curious about some planning I'm doing for December.
  13. I most certainly am! And I encourage everyone that can, to buy seasons next season. Lets make some noise!
  14. This is better than the last time posted. There are actually a few places worth going to. Off The Wall on Elmwood Chophouse and a couple others. Nice job SDS
  15. I guess the old saying is true, there's more than one way to skin a cat! I like your thinking.
  16. You're going to tolerate that? She owns you! When you have reached that milestone she will reneg on you and come up with something else you must attain. Clean the garage for example.
  17. Yes I am. Now you better put a fire retardant suit on. You are about to get flamed.
  18. I was actually up at a friends in Ontario and saying the same thing! The refs were trying their best to get the Leafs back in the game! Imagine that? Me backing up what you claim I did notice in tonights game they had with Carolina it wasn't that way. Canes had a 6 or 7 - 2 pp advantage including a 2 man for almoet 2 full minutes. And Maybe the refs only do this for them aon Saturday night for HNIC?
  19. Other areas have no seat license fee, correct?
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