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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I sure hope when you need one, they recognize a douche and keep on moving. You've made your comments before but I wonder why you would seperate a uniformed officer. meh, why bother.
  2. Good thing he was drinking or he never would have survived. Bad thing is if he wasn't drinking this would have never happened. To alcohol, the cause of and solution to all life's problems. - Homer Simpson
  3. Well we do have a few things some other cities dont. Winter, high taxes and bad politicians to name 3.
  4. Don't be so sure. This one includes the Corolla from May last year. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13046349/
  5. Just another day in the life of the golden Toyota. But lets try to keep it buried on the back pages ok? So as they ramp up production it seems lately that the golden company aint so different at all and in the latest installment, here's the proof. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16697719/ Hey Toyota, mi casa sous casa?
  6. You keep referring to NF Ontario. You do know that the Indians built this really tall hotel at their casino over here right? Yes it sticks out. So what? I dont believe there will ever be any growth around it either. Certainly not more taller buildings. A lot of towns have limits on how high a business can make their sign. That should not be applied to building new buildings and infrasture in dying towns. And as others have mentioned, this building looks cool. Imagine people connecting the word COOL with Buffalo in a modern architectural kind of way. You cant say it doesn't look great and moreso with the Fed Courthouse in front of it should they ever get around to building that. Which also looks great. And with the two of these buildings going up doesn't that kind of equate to what you want to see happening anyway? Growth on top of growth? Lastly and importantly, If you had three kids out of wedlock and suggested the Bills move to Buffalo you would rightfully be disowned. Where would we tailgate?
  7. I'll except that and say if he is out to prove something in a money year it should only benefit us.
  8. Albany, I type fast and often mispell. But you are talking about a proven RB who is average. I personally am more than willing to roll the dice and potentially land a stud vs average. Holy chit he's average. He is not a stud. Had he continued to use the stiff arm that exhibated two years agao, I believe he would be great! But he wont/cant whatever. The dude is average and is quickly becoming a cancer. And we as fans deserve more than the crap we are getting from the likes of him and his Drew. I hope Marv agrees.
  9. Got ya. Nobody but nobody puts a gun to your head like Mo Clarett!
  10. RB may be the easiest position in the modern era to replace. Ther are lots of fast guys that can dance. Probably many more that dance north and south as opposed to Willis' east and west dance. And I believe it is the most likely position to find a diamond in the rough. And I think we have had that happen here, dont you?
  11. I take exception to this statement eryn. I think his his brain is mush because he was a great fighter. Actually no, his brain is not mush. I take that back. He has Parkinson's disease and is all there mentally. The question is, was the Parkinson's caused by boxing? Man is far from an idiot though. Even in his incapacitated state. I certainly don't believe in a lot of the things he has stood for over time, but the man has stood up for himself in an admirable way. The man stood tall for what he believed was right, and paid a price for it and fought back from the animosity about it. And he has done a lot of goodwill in his time. Espescially with kids, and even over generations. Even today with kids who don't know who the hell he is. And he still manages to put a smile on their face with a magic trick here and there. And while I remember and admire him for that and his put your money where your mouth is mentality, I despise him at the same time for some of the very things the man has stood for. Perhaps those thoughts have softened over time seeing as how he has touched so many people over so long of a time span. Please, send him on a goodwill mission over your Jimmy Carters and their ilk. I don't believe they are cut from the same cloth. The greatest Ali! Ali! Ali! Happy Birthday Cassius.
  12. Everything looks out of place until something is built around it. In Toronto for example, Skydome. The CN Tower is kind of taller than anything around it also. I have heard some disgruntlend Cimmineli type mention that it doesn't make sense to build more class A office space when there is still some available here. I don't think Benderson heard that comment though or we surely would have 9,000 strip malls with class A office space waiting to be finished for years. Obviously I have no problem with the height. And I personally think it looks great with the Federal Courthouse in front of it.
  13. Don't do it James! You deserve a far better fate than that.
  14. Because of a comment Simms made about Marty not wearing a headset?
  15. fire Modrak, ......what has he done for the Bills lately? Why? We have no idea what he is really contributing. Good or bad.
  16. Rueben is a Marv type of guy. I miss him a lot. You talk about character, he is it. Rueben also loves the WNY area and still comes back and does charity events here. If I'm not mistaken even though he is long gone, his motorcycle poker run still goes on and he comes back for it. Think about that. How many other players still show a comitment to us like that?
  17. I will take some of whatever she's doin, and I would also like to take her.
  18. Thank you. I was too busy concentrating and focusing and things like that.
  19. That's odd. I don't think any of that had any effect on his decision. He stated that he "didn't like the direction the organization was headed" I believe he chit his pants when they re signed Briere and brought in Spacek to replace McKee.
  20. Nice job. What about the draft? It's important no?
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