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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. 109 million dollars spread out amongst 53 guys with bonuses should still provide some good entertainment I would think.
  2. You simply place the coin in betwen your teeth, turn your head sideways and then she has to squeeze titties together and remove it from your mour mouth with said titties. I could get used to that.
  3. I still enjoy the show. There are some damn funny rthings still and there are certainly a couple of cast members that stand out. Hader and Wig as has been mentioned in this thread. They just replayed the episode with Justin Timberlake which I thought would suck and it was probably the funniest one this year. The cup of soup skit and th junk in the box thing were laugh out loud funny. Also one that I was surised at how good it was had Ludicrous as the host. I think that was the funniest one this year. As to the musical guests, standouts this year to me have been, Prince and Neil Young. Neil Young blew me away with his song "Last Time I saw Elvis" and those were both live sets. I have always been in the SNL camp. I tried MAD but it never won me over for some reason. It comes across as a budget version of a comedy show.
  4. Coffee. Real coffee. Not grande this or grande that flavor of the day crap. Just real coffee.
  5. Garbage is part of a message board format. "Marv is old and stupid" might be that persons most meaningful thought of the day! Boards are always evolving and that usually means more kids, which means well you know. I certainly feel we improved, however I also feel we have miles and miles to go. But I would have been happy with an 8-8 year and was only slightly dissapointed by the 7-9 record. I am excited by what we have at qb. We are not the Raiders although I feel we have something in common with demented owners.
  6. No offense pal, but would you read what you posted.
  7. Cincinnati huh, hmm, say isn't that close to Kentucky!
  8. He wont be re signing with them. But they could be a potential for a cup match up with us. Moreso with him on board. So I say !@#$. Wish he would have just stayed with the Phlyers and rotted.
  9. I laughed at how Marv feels about the money that football players make. "5 million to play football, imagine" It is a sign of the times though that even 5 mil is not enough with some. And listening to him talk, it's something he will never be able to grasp or understand. And that is precisely why they have an Overdorf. Marv is not supposed to be a money man.
  10. He also metioned that they would like to give Nall a better look like they had envisioned last camp. That and basically said they would get some low rung qb means officially buh bye Holcomb.
  11. good ol uncle Marv. Wher the hell is Soprano? I need to know what this is all about.
  12. Too stupid to have thought of it that way I guess. I may be an alarmist.
  13. Really Big! oops, two words there.
  14. I disagree with you. There would still be 60,000 or more for every game, televised or not. Our seat capacity will be going up this year with moving the press box also. At least I think they're doing that this off season along with the scoreboard. The press box is supposed to be replaced with more club seats. I don't know how many but would think the number to be between 500 and 1000 or so. I'm surprised I don't see anyone else mentioning this.
  15. Where's the T & A baby? She's like the earth, flat all around!
  16. I must laugh at anyone who suggests Denis Green. He will never, ever get a shot at becoming an HC of an established well run and stocked organization with big expectations. He will only be considered for sad sack organizations on the road to nowhere. Or a college program or possibly some high school in Texas. I also laugh at the people who blame AJ for this. AJ is the reason the team is where it is and he has had a problem with Marty for some time. Shame on AJ only for not having the stones to dump Marty last off season when he wanted to. Instead he thought it would be better for the team for him to put aside his issues with Marty because they felt they had a Superbowl team. Shame on AJ. He should have trusted his gut. I don't know who will be the next HC, I assure you AJ is not a stupid man and it will not be Green. Even though he says he done and likes his FOX gig, San Diego must be an alluring scene for Jimmy sailor boy Johnson. He could come out of retirement, win a bowl real quick, sail off one of the nicest places to live in the country, and still get a quick laugh at Jone's expense. Oh wait a minute, isn't that the way the Miami job played out? Minus the success?
  17. Too bland I think. Could be your fathers next Oldsmobile maybe?
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