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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Should be HD. I'm guessing TSN will be doing HD for the series.
  2. I know this as a Sabres fan, I am not concerned about who we face in any round. Idiots. We are going to win the cup this year. Now. Stupid Bastards
  3. I completely understand your feelings. Although while waiting for this scenario to play out, I myself have become a huge Sabres fan and just cant take the way TML goes about doing their business and have moved on from them. Which considering how much of an avid fan I was all my life, having been born and raised there, speaks rather loudly to my feelings of the organization. I'm sure they wont miss me though.
  4. What are you basing the Leafs being a hitting team on? Certainly not their last three do or die desperation games when they came out totally flat huh? If you base it on Belak, there in lies my whole problem with the Leafs organization.
  5. By the way, am I the first one to notice your intentional faux paux with the Canadiens? Or is it really Canadians. I thought that was only in commercials
  6. Some people may understand and some wont. I agree with JSP!!! Bring on the Loafs, (If they even make it) and it will be very pleasing to dispatch them quickly to the golf course. And in honor of AD I'm removing a tag line from my sig. Let's Go Buffalo Let's Go Buffalo Let's Go Buffalo The time is near, the time is now!! One team, one goal. Lets Go Buffalo!!!
  7. What does this mean? Are texting or something?
  8. Well about the only thing we're missing here is confirmation from Soprano
  9. P O S Shows up at a tourney game in a suit! Their soon to be thugs are better than our thugs?
  10. I have plans to make for December 2nd. I can wait, but those plans are waiting also.
  11. The Jills? Some of them sure do. But others, well, Willis!
  12. So I'm thinking one person gets it and the other, well less so. Based on past historical events which of course willl make no sense to anyone unless they get it. Ha!
  13. Who's going? I got an invite from the Bills today saying that they are providing, food, drinks, Jills and Billy Buffalo from 11:30to 3:30 I confirmed 2 seats for me. I want a Jill.
  14. Why must people refer to a press conference as a presser? It's a press conference. Not a job.
  15. What's this I hear about a 2pm Presser?
  16. Well then we disagree on that. He contributed while here. I never rated him high enough to overate him though. But like I said with the arm, we noticed his absence. And you also are right that it was due to not having anyone capable of filling the role.
  17. I wont say I disagree totally. But I specifically remember when he broke his arm and was out, our defense disappeared without him. I don't want to give the wrong impression in that I felt we were doomed without him.
  18. We missed Vincent? Spikes was not missed because he missed so much time and when he returned was not the same guy. Fletcher will not be missed. Guys will get tackled closer to the line of scrimmage this year. Milloy, yes I believe we missed him. Tough son of a bi tch but at this point we have moved on. So no none of those guys are missed.
  19. I loved Cowarts play. I loved Takeo's play and personality. Business is business and we learned from the last time. A lot could be said of the strength of Cowart and how he valiantly fought back from the injury. Same goes for Spikes. I don't think he will ever be the same player and we did well by the move. He had a hitch in his walk last year that was kind of scary and looks to be permanent. I will truly miss Takeo. He chose us and we loved him so seeing him go like this is rough. But it will piss him off and make him more determined to show us up. The problem will be as hard as he will try, it just wont happen. He will never be TKO again. I wish him the best.
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