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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I toured the stadium and facilities during a club season ticket renewal. I thought everything was top notch. I was surprised. There were fridges everywhere with water, gatorade and that type of drink. Everywhere and they were unlocked help yourself. There is a kitchen with buffet stations that the players go and help themselves to food and it was alll color coordinated as to what it would help you achieve. This section was high carbs, this section was low fat etc etc. I felt the training room was excellent and if a player were touring the facility they would not walk away thinking they wouldn't want to be in that environment. They did not want for anything while in ota's. It really is one area I would have to give the Bills very, very high marks on. Just my two cents and I rarely give the Bills anything other than my money which is all they are concerned with from me.
  2. Why shouldn't they take a shot a Peppers or even the highest priced fa? T O money will be freed up and who really cares what these guys make. Each and everyone of them including the good guys, the nice guys, the Kurt Warners, the Fred Jackson stories are all overpaid. It's not our name that goes on their check so who really cares?
  3. Sorry not trying to be a dick but these uni's? We woould go from gay to gayer.
  4. Hey did you hear they let John Guy go I just want to savor that for a week or so and then move on.
  5. Quick get Jerry Jones on the phone so we can pitch this thought to him and we'll be rich! p.s. you better tell me if you actually talk to him! Dunn tire park my ass By the way it's been so long can you tell me just what the hell Pilot Field was for? Please don't make me wake Jimmy!
  6. I dont care about this but I did laugh when I saw this from you. I do the exact same thing. Especially with those three staiums!! I guess the lesson here is be the first name and keep it for a few years and you get miles of useage from it. By the the way how many of us call Rich Stadium Ralph Wilson Stadium or Ralph Wilson Jr. Stadium? 0.00001 % ? Obviously the most used term now is the ralph. What a self important blowhard by the way if I may throw that in here.
  7. Well this is a step in the right direction! If you had John Guy being around until the end of his contract and then being renewed (I did) YOU LOSE!!! See ya Guy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out and good luck landing another NFL gig. Lets see now, Overdorf and Berchtold next please.
  8. Well this is a step in the right direction! If you had John Guy being around until the end of his contract and then being renewed (I did) YOU LOSE!!! See ya Guy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out and good luck landing another NFL gig.
  9. Where were they? It is extremely unusual for Ralph not to be babbling at the podium for this kind of announcement. Was this their way of saying this was a football guys day? Or we're they waiting in back to release the hounds in the event of an uprising at the stadium?
  10. If we are using movie quotes, I believe it is more appropriate to use Tom Cruise in Risky Business. "sometimes you gotta say wtf"
  11. Holy... Why I am reading this at this time? Seriously. WTF? Pithy comments belong at the bottom of an online news story and there is nothing to see here. Keep moving!
  12. Wow! Your post rings true. I am with you because I have to be but I have the same feeling right now that I had when we hired Dick and we know what that got us in the end. Dick
  13. Actually dude, with 11 posts you do need to tell us who you are. And now isn't the time. Kinda unsure of what you are though, but if you are a suffering Bills fan I get it but you have 11 posts. Not sure what I should expect next from you?
  14. Chan and Marshawns first meeting sometime around April. "Son here's $20, I want you to get the hell outta here and I think that pays your cab fare" see ya
  15. I think the biggest rip off seat wise is the M & T club. Indoors and even more expensive than the Van. You can keep your seats though. I have been there done that enough and maybe I'm just getting too old to enjoys guys taking leaks where you would otherwise wash your hands, get cut off of the booze sometimes as early as the end of the first quarter and have nowhere to warm up if you need and get to stand in line forever for everything, food, beer, can whatever. Age has cost me my tolerance level for the lower or upper bowl. My seats are on the 21 yd line and I love the view from them. Age = getting soft I guess lol
  16. Funny just the other day I made reference to the horrible sound that comes from the Bills media room. By the way Scott Berchtold is impressed by the cheap set up.
  17. MARV! Cant do it anymore. I need the amenities and the bar staying open until an hour after the game!! None of this cut you off at halftime crap Sundays and not being at the stadium just wouldn't seem like a natural thing though you know? Someone metioned the Miami game being a lot of fun to be at. I had a lot of fun at the Colts game. Those kinds of games and moments are priceless.
  18. I have club seats and my contarct is up. Sorry I am not all in with what some of you think is the majority that will renew. If Cowher we're the guy I would immeediately renew. They wouldn't even have to schmooze me this off season. But if Chan is the hire? The club seats are going to be around $3600 for next season and requires a three year contract that has a built in price increase every year. It is not a decision to be taken lightly for that kind of money. Sorry it just isn't. They typically will send out an invite for a private practice at a mini camp and include lunch in the club in effort to get you to renew. That is not going to have any impact on me renewing. Hiring a coach I can believe in will do it very quickly. Chan funking Gailey ain't gonna get it done for me i'm afraid. Especially when that moves comes on the heels of the GM search? and what may be keeping Guy and Modrak in place. The more things change at OBD, the more they stay the same! And please don't insult me by suggesting my support of this team is not where it should be. I just want something back for the thousands and thousands of dollars ol Ralph has stolen from me.
  19. This is a real dilema. If I don't renew I will only get to see road games cause I think season tickets drop down to 30K or so and we will be blackout city next season.
  20. Wait I thought Brandon was Smithers? In any event sending Scott Berchtold anything is pointless. He is a blowhard in the same vein as Guy. I went on a tour during one of the seat renewal years and both of these guys hit me as idiots. John Guy told us that he only bothers with people who want to come here. And I thought to myself, wait a minute, you're the freaking Director of Pro Player Personel. Shouldn't you make them want to ccome here if we need their talent???? Guy is a self important blowhard. That same day we we're supposed to be impressed by Berchtold who greatest claim to fame seemed to be the Bills media room. He said we took the best of all the other teams ideas and implemented them here. When there is a press conference you don't see a whole buch of micrrophones being jammed up at the podium do you? No becuase braintrust Berchtold figured they could make all the reporters put their recorders and mikes into a box they made that has a speaker in it carrying the sound from their own michrophone at the podium. So what do you hear whenever we have a press conference? A loud buzz or hum is what I always hear. Good job Scott! Berchtold is much like John Guy. A self important blowhard. I came across him one day at agame and he was in Van club where the camera is right in front of Murpys play by play booth and next to my seats and I asked him if I could walk down that platform to do something and the arrogant response from him reminded me of why I dislike that asshat. These two guys really do show the Buffalo Bills mentality towards the fans. We're the Buffalo Bills dammit. Whatever we do we are superior to you! Sorry for the vent but glad to get that off my chest thanks for reading. Do I have a bill? I agree sabres...yawn, fire his ass too!
  21. Jack you've always been one of the calmer, saner people on the board. So why the lunacy now? Ralph is alive. You know damn well there will be an increase this year and each year of the contract and I assume they are only doing 3 year renewals again. Are you still in the Van? You are renewing?
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