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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I thought I heard that Denver gave up a first next year, a third and a fourth to get him. Thats a lot of faith to put in him and not a move we could have afforded. I'm not sure if this is correct or not though.
  2. Nice. In one post I want to say amen and god help us!!
  3. Ha ha ha, I remember Haub Arbush or whatever the hell his name is coming on Brad Riters show on Gr and saying Jauron will win a superbowl somewhere, sometime and Riter saying well if Haub said it thats good enough for me! Ha hahahahaha And I bought some of that same crap with Mularkey, a teeny weeny bit with Williams and it it leads to me having this dejavu feeling with Chan. I will say that out of all the past clowns I at least have a certain level of confidence with Chan at this point. Not to say he wont lose me and I'll say yet again shame on me and screw you Ralph, again, but at this point I really am on Chans side. Ya I wanted the chin but if you look at it he aint all that. He's a JJ wanna be
  4. Hey now I'm confused, who is the young stud rb on this team?
  5. So what qb do you want the Bills to draft?
  6. Seriously? There's something wrong with her?
  7. Funny chit Clipper. I will be more cautious in the mens room from now on!
  8. So the renewal package comes today and funny thing there is no mention of what they want for the ticket price. The only thing I see is the Seat License Fee of $1100 for 2010 and then $1150 for 2011 and 2012. The Bills provide all the payment options with pay in full or over six months or nine months. What is a crock is that there is no mention of the ticket price. It just says that I am obligated to pay whatever the charge is for the ticket price also. I didn't see any mention of the club seat pricing when they announced ticket prices a few weeks back other than corner club level or if I did I just didn't pay enough attention. This is one of the things that has irked me about this organization the last ten years or so and in particular Scott Berchtold. They act like the ownership and management of the Toronto Maple Leafs. They come off as arrogant and heavy handed to me. We're the Buffalo Bills damnit. This is just more of the same. Before you jump on my case if you dont understand this is my problem (today) The Bills want me to sign a contract and agree to pay and yet they aren't going to tell me exactly what I have to pay! Why? Because we're the Buffalo Bills Damnit! I feel like I am in Vegas and this is a suckers bet. More of the same. I've had this feeling of renewal before and been on board with things only to always come out a sucker. Donohoe...Hey now we got a real GM Bledsoe...Hey now we got a quarterback Greggo...Hey this guys gonna shake things up Mularkey....VOMIT Dick....Hey now we finally got a legitimate NFL head coach And now I don't know if this is the same car I'm buying or not. I like some of the moves made so far by the new regime. But I reserve the right to wonder what will be by week 10. Nix is an idiot for drafting a cb in rd 1 and 3 etc, Gailey couldn't get it done at the college level why is he here...... They do deserve credit for getting rid of John Guy. And Chuck freaking Lester. But not Scott Berchtold who seems to be the new Lester. And they lose big points for interviewing Guy, Rooney rule or not. So much for the vent. Since I still live here I guess I need to figure out only one thing. Where do I sign?
  9. Well all I want to say is that a friend of mine who has inside knowledge of things because he has a friend who works at the stadium on Sundays, said that when John Guy left he used Ralph's Taurus and that it had been returned earlier this week and once the car was secured, George Seifert left the stadium abruptly and was then seen at the airport idling while waiting for McNabb to come out the NFTA security office.
  10. I started reading reading this thread and stopped right here. I say yes wtf? why not? Bring him in for training camp. If I recall he wanted a shot last year. Or the year before that. Or maybe it was the year before that? The guy obviously has something to prove since he's been trying to get back in the league and hasn't been able to.
  11. lol at anyone thinking the NFL would bring the game here for any reason whatsoever. Yes the league did the Minnesota thing and if you remember some of the comments from then, they will never do that again.
  12. A couple of things to mention having read this thread. 1. The guy who compared RWS to Lambeau, uh knock knock. Hello? They just spent a massive amount of money renovating it. They are far better off than we are with their old dump. 2. Hey dwight in philly, despite the stadium having been paid for, we do have psl's on all of our club seats here. I am not fond of the Ralph and nobodys doing anything more than we have to under the lease terms until Ralph goes away. Then if the team were to remain here (unlikely) I could see an infusion of 200 million and renovate the ralph being far more likely than building a new stadium and me, I would be more than alright with that.
  13. I just looked at my folder but it only has the purchase agreement sheet which is for three years. I am positive mine was a three year only. The time before that was a three or five but no option for one year then either for me if i'm not mistaken although I may be on that one. My tickets went up $150 per seat over the last three years for the license fee alone as im sure yours have although we do have different prices for seats im sure your fee went up similarly no? License fee was $900 per seat in 2007 and went to $1050 per seat last year. And of course the ticket price went up on top of that. Frankly I'm tired of subsidizing the rockpile patrons and think they need to step up $20 more per game for all the fun they have in that endzone and help keep my costs down. He said with sneer
  14. Ya me too. But with the surprising option of being able to renew for only year or three. Last time around was only a three year option. I believe they are doing this to keep a lot people, A lot of people (maybe me) might be more inclined to do a one year to see what we ends up with from Gailey and crew.
  15. Jack my invoice came in on Feb. 12th last year.
  16. Ok ok lets give them a first round pick. Marshawn, pack your chit you're going to Philadelphia.
  17. Wow I just read this and am sad but heartened by the recent good news. Beerball you need to get better and get ready next season is coming on fast! Cheers to you and yours and best wishes Willy
  18. Huh? I think we would be lucky to get a 4th for him. I also dont think we are better off keeping him. He is not worth the carnival he brings. And I wonder with the knowledge that he will be a fulltime backup to Freddie how he will react. Will he decide to get high? Contemplate shhoting someone? Get drunk and run people over? Or will he strive to be the best that he can be, accept the hand given to him and show up and be a good teamate? My guess is you will still find him hanging around a gas station in Lackawanna. Trade him or cut him. We will be better served without him.
  19. Jack you can see I got the same card as you but mine was personalized for me! Promo if your rep is in the club then he or she would prefer you dont renew. They only bonus on new sales not renewals if I remember correctly. So when they fired Dick and all of us went yay!!! Your rep might have thought oh chit
  20. Indeed. Although I will give April lots of props, the role in Buffalo of Special Teams ace relly does belong to DeHaven. Welcome back.
  21. I haven't heard a word yet. I'm guessing next week there will be something coming out since its a new month.
  22. He is an offspring of AJ Smith and Dwight Adams though. And a friend of Buddy.
  23. Dude this is perhaps the tamest flaming I have ever seen. I have said some things that I regretted and apologized for in an attempt to be funny on here. My apology to the person who was offended went unanswered. So what. Tough Chit is what I'm sayin. Screw em if they cant take a joke. Please don't let that stifle any creative commentary. Espescially if it's funny. If they dont like it tough chit. What are they gonna do? Run you off the board? Please. Funny is welcome. Stupid, ignorant whatever. If its funny put it out there. Oh and welcome to the shamed ones membership
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