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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Trent will have success and it would not surprise me one bit to see him have a super bowl ring for being the back up on a team. We have sen that before haven't we
  2. I think it safe to say we at the wall agree with you. All of us except of course for Schope the dope who earlier this week I happened to hear talking about how he thinks he is one of the only listenable to broadcasters out there lol Wait to Mikey. Again you are are your own idiot and I guess we have to give you that
  3. If we beat the Jets convincingly the Jags game gets bumped to a sellout. If we win or lose and Garrard gets hurt or pulled and Trent is starting the Jags game gets bumped up to a sell out.
  4. The Bills will not lose Sunday. The Ralph is going to forever be a place that Sanchez comes to roll over.
  5. Of course it's a horrible comparison and has nothing to do with musical lineman other than to point out that people play out of position all the time. Actually now that I think of it, Fitz ended up throwing a nice block on that wildcat play last week lol. Anyway it was just a feeble attempt to back out of this thread. And funny enough I heard on the radio this morning that Kyle Williams will play NT and Troup will get in.
  6. Did you not see Fitz line up as a WR last week on at least one play? Guarantee if Stroud's out we get to see what Troup can do.
  7. I understand that. But I am sre he will get more time because of it. They will rotate guys on some plays. Johnson at NT? Nah.
  8. I recently complained about Troupe not getting any plaing time and the best thing some people could say was it's TROUP. Ok I git it Now tonight I heard that Stroud may not be playing Sunday so I would think that Troup is going to get a significant amount of time. I sure hope so.
  9. THE END until he comes here in a couple of weeks. That'll be interesting. He's going to hear it is my guess from a lot of people who have wasted a lot of time with him at the helm. After that game deliciously so if he plays in it. Then THE END
  10. Holy chit a typo. Sorry, Maybe if I saw the guy on the field more often I would know how to spell his name! You know, like back in the day when we had that guy Jim Kelley
  11. Not me. I will take Fitz and as many interceptions as he wants to throw. Perhaps you misread my answer. I was merely answering the question. I know you dont mean it when you say you would rather have Trent run out on 4th down. Me either! In fact I would bet that single thing is what got him benched. Thankfully
  12. I am noticing he is always on the sideline and at the home opener it was maddening. Get him on the field.
  13. What happens after 3 mediocre games from Fitz? Edwards is # 2
  14. Wash, rinse, repeat and here is your renewal invoice with a personal letter from Uncle Ralph.
  15. I wouldn't bring a kid under 14 to a game and dont really want to see one at the game either. Then again, I wouldn't take a kid to Vegas, or Key West and want to have explain whats going on lol.
  16. Well I can see why they didn't show a replay. He missed! You don't really want a network to focus on a missed Buffalo field goal do you? lol He actually got one hell of a kick off it and was within 2-5 yards of clearing the bar in my estimation. It was an impreessive boot considering we are thinking he had no chance.
  17. Of opposing team fans at the stadium I truly find the Pats fans to be the biggest most obnoxious a holes. A couple of Bills Backers bars that I have gone to in Florida have not had opposing team fan problems. If they were there they were too small to notice.
  18. bump ^ Some people nailed it some people whiffed and a couple whiffed on something else.
  19. They gave some specific time also now that I think of it. 5 minutes left in each quarter or something. Wasn't paying attention.
  20. Dork at WGR says the way it should work if we all get on board is the home side of the stadium yells CJ visiting side yells SPILLER right after. Or wait maybe it was the other way around? I may not be very good at this
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