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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Is this an attempt by the league to say we dont care about the team because we cant sell out a December game and tehy are giving us three tries to prove otherwise? WTF? If we are competitive and in a playoff position hunt and the games are meaningful the place will be full all three games. But if not we will be talking 65,000 at the first December game. 55,000 at the second and then Christmas eve 40,000 I kind of remember the last Christmas Eve game. COLD but I was still glad I went but so many people simply cant go do to family commitments.
  2. Well maybe he ripped off your idea then lol!
  3. No offense dude but was this an original thought or do you copy it word for word almost from what Mike Ditka said about two weeks ago?
  4. I'm willing to bet that most 70% or more of season ticket holders want it, or at least one of the ridiculous pre season games removed or not have to pay the full price for the charade of the pre season.
  5. Ok thats the optomist thought. Here's the reality. New unis cost nothing but will add money to Ralph's fat wallet. Ralph's fat wallet wont be paying one dime, not one dime for a new field. And any new stadium clause will probably come with an out clause if he meets his demise so any new owner is not encumbered by the lease and will move the team. Perhaps paying the county 50 million or something as a token gesture by Ralph's fat wallet from the grave. Thanks for playing though
  6. Or they cancel the season and Ralph doesn't make it to the 2012 season and we have seen our last Bills game. Always look on the bright side of life. do do.
  7. I got it and I think but what they said that is exactly what we will be looking at. The throwbacks thankfully.
  8. My money says he makes it. If the voters need to go back and watch some highlights of him fine. he was a consistent performer and deserves the spot.
  9. You sir, are an idiot! Do you own part of the team? When you say we lost a ton of money makes it sound like you are one Ralph's cousins. Personally im so tired of what the owners and the players make it is completely irrelevant. I believe that this move will turn out to be the most cost efficient value per dollar the team spends next year. Ya I know you don't like it. Suck it up. The guy has only upside as a Bill at the money given him. And if he can see his way to bringing Tela Tequila here than even more money needs to be given to him. I want to watch her.
  10. Really? Jami eNails and Corey Louchey were good finds? I guess I missed their contribution.
  11. Couple of studs in there. Moulds and Cowart. Hopefully he had his voice heard on those two. The rest makes me pray that he was overuled and Ralph said things like I think Lonnie Johnson is going to be a stud because he's big. Draft him.
  12. I thought for the most part yesterday they really looked like a solid line. It's amazing to me that they aren't getting the recognition they earned yesterday as they gave Fitz a lot of time regularly. Of course it's one game but what a game it was for them. Considering the beating they take from all of us as a rule, salute! Cheers to the o line. Nice game!
  13. Like he was in the New England game? Or a pre season game? He will be joining James Hardy where he's playing in the NFL very soon.
  14. Hope officially checked out after week 4. We have flatlined early this year. Come training camp next year if there is one, we are warriors again. Hope springs eternal. Next year. Unless of course there is a lockout in which case we are doomed and the New England game at the end of this season will may be the last NFL game ever played here. Potentially. I HOPE not.
  15. Aw b.s. Bill I think it is awesome way to come to the board. Balls to the wall Baby! Take no **** from nobody! Hey DreReeed83 if nobody else welcomed you here, I certainly will. Enjoy your time at the Ralph bro!
  16. Dont know how their gonna do it but am willing to bet somehow we get screwed over. I believe there will be a lockout. I believe the tv networks will be furiously pissed over this as the money is guaranteed from them. So essentially bank on the lockout because someone will still pony up on the next contract and NFL network will be getting larger all the time. Scenario from a poisoned Bills fan: Lockout means next years draft is cancelled as there is no play going forward. No contract agreement. Following year play resumes. Draft goes on at normal time and is based solely on lottery. Bills lotto comes in around 28. We dont get two number 1's and will end up taking a corner at 28. Sorry, guess I've been around here too long.
  17. We didn't see that. But we did have a complaint in our section of a drunk ass mom who abandoned her kids and went to party and left her kids in the seats with a stranger who eventually complained about that mom. What is wrong with these women and their antics at the game?
  18. I'm going to guess that they rented houses when they came here. That would be smart on their part I would think if they did.
  19. Maybi, maybinot. Actually probably not. He has not done anything that got psyched other that throwing a clothesline move on a guy that was already going down and then watch him act the fool. I saw enough of him yesterday too
  20. You must have missed the very first line of the very first post in the thread! And then another later on in that first post. Hey thanks for reading
  21. This is such an original thread!! But after having read it all, and if I read into it correctly Chris Kelsays parents are buying the team and his ridiculous salary for the next four years is merely his allowance and they get to write it off. Am I close?
  22. Get outta here. Decent guy my ass. He would have answered the door at his house when the cops showed up looking for the hit and run driver instead of hiding in a basement closet. Personally I could care less what he does. He's not a Buffalo Bill now and is someone else's problem child. I can tell you what I think he will do and that is be the best full time sideline to sideline runner in the league over the next 5 years. There is no love lost with him leaving. Makes me feel better actually.
  23. I'm pretty sure you have got to be kidding right? You have got to be kidding!
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