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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Does a fumble recovery tonight count a play? Remember how big of a project he is. He made a football play and I want to disagree with you. especially when we are in the shape we are in. Keep him. Work him. Make him. We have done this before.
  2. I think they will be 10-6 Walter is wrong. What you have been seeing is pre season. What you see in week 1 will be different.
  3. I dont think you can hear the players even when you are 15 rows away in our stadium. I sit behind our side and have never thought that you can hear them. To the op question though, the upper deck at the 20 is the way to go here. You get a pretty decent sightline of the entire field. Unless you are talking about sitting at the top of the upper deck then I would go lower bowl endzone. My seats are at the twenty and you see the far end of the field nicely and the close end like your living room!
  4. He's still on the team playing as Cordero Howard now.
  5. Lookled like there were a couple of good fights in the stand also.
  6. Signed for league minimum per agent. Maybenot looking forward to playing us twice a year lol http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article525125.ece
  7. There was a thread like this that said with Poz gone who will be this years punching bag or something to that effect. It's locked and I want to comment dammit! Now Maybin is gone so scratch Mr. Natural from the list. I am going to keep a close eye on Drayton Florence. I liked him last year and was glad that he re signed. After signing, someone asked him if he will help recruit free agents here and his response was they don't pay me to that so no I wont be. He said it seriously and I took it as a pretty lame attitude from a guy who just re signed. He was asked if he would make phone calls and talk to guys about coming here and he said no. He doesn't want any part of that. That combined with the tweeting about Lee Evans has me on the skeptical side of him now. I hope he plays well with out a let up this year. I really do hopew he does well but if I were Buddy I would have called him into the office and said what gives with you? That may or may not have happened and again I am hoping he does well. We need him and I was glad when he resigned but I am skeptical of his attitude at this point.
  8. Have any info on the team after Ralph passes that you can share with us?
  9. Ralph is most definately cheap. These tickets aren't even glossy. They wont hold up in your wallet.
  10. I had the game on dvr. I replayed that one in slo mo, frame by frame and regular speed and am still amazed that an rb, admitedly a good one but a rb just the same just kind of flung him aside. Cut. Now.
  11. If we got a third rounder I would be good with it. Their fourth will not be that high and I would pass. I think Evans is replaceable. I like him and appreciate his contribution here but he is not the be all end all. Far from it. SJ will really need to man up this year now and thats good. It would have been nice to see if Lee could rebound after the last two years but c'mon. We have done nothing with him, he is one dimensional and not even physical. I'm ok with him moving on and I'm glad he goes to a team and will get to the playoffs finally! Even though he didn't request it, he must be exicted by this trade. I have the utmost respect for Lee Evans. He has been a model Bill throughout all kinds of turmoil and upheaval in the organization. And the only time I remember him opening his mouth was about having a qb that could at least throw the ball downfield to him. Something we all wanted. Vey classy guy and wish him nothing but success. Thanks for your time here Lee.
  12. Meh. Bulldogs been frothing for two full days now. Glad they can talk football for a change, but two days of focusing on Evans and Bulldog ranting and nothing else? I realize there was no practice yeterday and they practice tonight but there are still other things to talk about. Will Ralph ever make another game in person? The Sabres and their OFF season. Or maybe their dvd collections just for example. Maybe they could talk about what Stache is bringing so far in teaching technique and how that interaction with Edwards is going. Hell I dunno, maybe even start a QB controversy!
  13. I was going to suggest Alli Gators in FT Myers FL. I've been there a couple times for games on vacation and it is a Bills Backers of SWFL watching spot. They've closed and are re opening under the name of Racks and Tails with a super hot wait staff so they say. They now advertise as a Steelers Fan Zone. Although the Bills backers of SWFL still shows Alli Gators as a place to join them on game days. I will tell you it is rather horrific entertainment watching some of the retirees from here down there on game day. Scary. Oxygen tanks and all but they do get into it and have raffles and stuff and have fun and not everybody is old and juiced up on oxygen. I'm glad I can join them when there because it makes it home field. I wonder if they show up on game day and end up in a fight with Steeler fans Headline: angry Bills fan with a walker roughs up Steelers fan with a cane. It used to be their house! Well after they realize there will be a season I'm sure the SWFL Bills Backer club will find a new home. Hopefully before week 1
  14. Not to defend them but they do have Joe Buscaglia at camp. It's not his fault that he happens to bethere when it's movie draft month.
  15. No worries. I think it's kind of like us slugs that are desk jockeys and hurt for two days after helping a friend move.
  16. I skipped through the lat ten or so posts in this thread because of the crying about Nix and Spiller and Troup and Troupe and and and. STFU and enjoy what we get this season. I will B word if we don't win 9 games. It's practice!
  17. Sweet! Thanks for the depth of detail you have provided. It's freaking awesome man! Fitz takes us to the playoffs this year. One year ahead of schedule. Rock on. Cheers
  18. Wow this is a topic? I'm feeling great that we have a capable guy as a backup in Thigpen. I'm feeling great that we have a developing #1 starting qb in Fitzgibbons. I think this debate belongs in the wgr movie thread.
  19. I want to know who think isn't sarcastic? They shall be banned.
  20. He will be mocked while he's on the bus on the way to the stadium. He will have a bad day and be mocked while at the stadium. He will then be mocked again on the bus while on the way back to the airport. But once airborne he will spend the next week living the life of a highly paid professional athelete surronded with whatever he wants and whoever he wants. We better make the most of mockery while he's here because he will have it all over us after he leaves. Cars and women etc.
  21. Give him 8 mil and make him play all game. OT, NT, Punt returns everything. Make him earn it. Seriously though the Bills made a commitment to him that they would draft if he cut his weight down to a certain point. He did which is tremendous on both sides. His work effort and our credibility in honoring our word. But someone could have grabbed him before us. I say put him on the roster and take no chance on losing him. We do that and he's ours for life if he pans out. Unlike Jason Peters who grew to be to large an ego this gu doesn't strike me like that. We're cutting Mabyenot so there is a spot for this project Jasper.
  22. And man am I glad they did. With him we finally saw some entertainig football that included games we were in.
  23. Well slap my knees. In my veal pen at work if I want to hear any sports then WGR is on the little clock radio thing. I have ecomplained to them in the past and as long as they are it, there will be no change. I cant listen to Rome or Cowturd so it really is only during local programming that I will listen to them and then 78.9% of the time they are talking babies, movies, music etc. Really anything that a station other than sports radio shoul do. I don't care about Lil Donte's tweets either. That is ridiculous. I care about Talley's tweets because if he gets a coaching gig I bet they force him to drop twitter cause the dude is funny and outrageous.
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