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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Well I guess you wont be pissing your pants if he signs here then right? Cause really, he aint all that and all right?
  2. From NESN saying we're sick of losing and coming out swinging! http://www.nesn.com/2012/03/report-buffalo-bills-fully-expect-to-sign-mario-williams-robert-meachem.html
  3. I didn't/wouldn't watch it. Did you watch it? Did anybody watch it? If so why?
  4. The condescending attitude will win the day I guess. Let me alleviate your concerns. Right now my club seats cost $190 go ahead and double that and guess what you have. No more club seat holders. The club seats are certainly not kept down in price by your boy Ralphie.
  5. Written? I don't need it to be written when I can hear it directly out of Ralph's mouth that when he dies the team is sold to the highest bidder. If thats not a reason to be paranoid than the people on the other side of the fence are delusional. I'm sorry but after having seen the Browns move on top of the Colts I believe anything is possible at this point and my finacial reasoning makes me even more "paranoid"
  6. Cool read! Thanks for posting the link. It actually does give some glimmer of hope.
  7. I like your thinking Ray. You know what? I think there's a place for you in this organization when I get it. You're hired! Wait a minute, what if some unsentimental unemotionally involved person like a Golisano gets it? It's ALL about ROI.
  8. The horse isn't dead yet. But when he is it will get real interesting real quick. Imagine if you were going to lay out 800 miliion or so to get into the NFL by picking up the Bills at the Estate sale. You run numbers all kinds of different ways and NONE of them make any sense for any kind of ROI. It is quickly decided that having spent that kind of money you need to get the team the hell out of here to make it fly. Of course your due diligence would have told you all of this anyway so its all bs. As has been mentioned previously unless you have some local with emotional ties a la Pegula the team is gone when the horse is dead. Think some whacko from LA who holds a press conference is really going to get accepted and keep them here? ha ha ha ha
  9. So status quo at OBD. The genius of Brandon goinmg to work again. They must be expecting a loss in the season ticket base if they are starting that drill already.
  10. I really liked what I heard today. It sounds logical and reasonable and like they do have a plan and expectations. I also feel like this is me being set up for the usual sucker bet. Will we really improve enough to overcome the obvious depth problems? Or is this the company line for seat renewals starting earlier than usual? This was such a rollercoaster year. We had more fun at the stadium than we have had in years. At the same time we had more misery at the stadium than we have in years.
  11. Pat is a cool guy and so is Matt. They do care about customer service.
  12. I think we should keep him so Ralph has to pay him and we can draft a rookie who will be ready in a year or two. Who cares about the money?
  13. I see emotion on the sideline every game and I'm getting pretty sick of it. Seeing the other team whooping it up, laughing and having a great time. To answer your question though I do not see anyone on our sideline acting like anyone form the old days. They take their seat on the bench and thats that. I might say that I did see Merriman do it a little bit earlier on.
  14. As long as Ralph is there expect nothing different.
  15. Why not? They were mauled by them down in Miami and likely will be again at home. That team mauled us and won with some clown named Matt Moore and JP will love mothing more than to get a start here and have a decent showing.
  16. She certainly can show them how to be a big and nasty kitty instead of the fluff they are on D.
  17. +1 but knowing we would lose in the last minute but the masochist inside says wait watch this it will be different...
  18. Whats up dude? You seem to be going roid rage on your keyboard here today. I'll be in my seats as I have been since becoming a season ticket holder. I understand why some wont go and it can be as simple as what jw says that we dont do games after Thanksgiving very well historically. Go figure. For some sitting on an aluminum bench in December in OP aint too great a day. One of them is Christmas Eve, and a lot of people cant understand why if we have to give a game to Toronto, why is it not always in December since the pansies up there wont open the roof under any circumstance in football weather. To each their own. I will appreciate being at these games even more if they are all blacked out. Well except maybe for the Christmas eve game as that simply blows and will be the root of many domestics. Sadly. Not for me though but I may have to bring the wife for that one because the other regulars have kids. Sadly. Go Bills!
  19. Last I heard was 65 with a slight chance at 70. I'd say it keeps getting better!
  20. It was so bad I deleted my post. I came back and would like to change my original post to the following. Can we just announce it tonight with another pathetic crowd or at least perceived to be by me by looking at empty lower bowl seats on a Monday Night no less, the Jacksonville Jaguars will be relocating to LA, Toronto, London, Mexico City, somewhere in China and possibly Japan if the logistics can be worked out effective 2014. China will have to host two pre season games as their economy is growing and they will have to show strong support to be entitled to one regualr season home game. The remaining two home game are to be announced at a later date as to what competing cities will be granted their biggest wish. Right now Greece is leading for one the final two games as they have Olympic facilities but due to economic crisis may not be able to provide security. In that even the remaining games will be played in a new stadium to be built in Newark, NJ where the team will be known as the NY Jags. Again though, security will be an issue. They will known as the NFL Jaguars from hereon in and are a team that everbody who wants one can call their own and will satisfy the leagues desire to play international games everywhere including Newark. My God this is horrible football. Thank you and goodnight.
  21. I read somewhere that he was in need of a transplant. I had no idea he was needing anything like that. RIP Kent. You were quite a man.
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