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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Like I said, I wasn't calling you out on the story, rather the story itself. Weve had MNF here in HD the last time they were here and it's not the end of the world to wire what they need done. It matters so much more if we have a good team to present them with. Thanks for doing your part and contributing the story Frankly I'm a little surprised that Gaughn ran it, that Russ said it, and that anyone buys into it!
  2. I'm not calling you out on this but I am calling bs on the story. After all they,ve done it before and oopsie they set up all the hd equipment neccesary every sunday at the ralph so the real answer is simply they didnt want to. Thats fine, I would like to thank the NFL Network for coming here for a primetime game. Even if they were forced to. I weonder if some ex bills other than Thurman and Jim will be on the sidelines for that one. I'm guessing yes and I'm guessing NFL Net does some kind of look back at how it used to between the Phins and us and night games. Will be cool! Maybe they'll get the band back together and have em all hanging out in a corner on the field. Except Kent of course RIP man. But how cool would that be?
  3. This sums it up. It really is that simple. Meaningful games will rock December and this season into January also! Are we going to B word about a home game in January though????????
  4. This is the most exciting team we have had in years and trow in Mario and another solid draft choice and some people are getting upset about this schedule? Shut up. This is going to be the most fun we have had as Bills fans in 20 years! Well, either that or we're doooommmed
  5. Dude that sucks. What time do you have to start drinking to be game ready lol
  6. I cant believe anything that comes out sb nation.
  7. Ralph personally picked the schedule up at the airport and was seen driving away with it in a 2001 Ford Taurus. Likely enroute to Tempo.
  8. You know, I heard this on the radio and was going to post and thought to myself I dont want to be flamed for starting a new thread for that. I see it happen all too often to me and other posters. Had the same thought the other day when Buffalo common council was going to discusss a downtown stadium. Well, here we are with threads on both subjects. Rant on He's just one of 30 guys we're allowed to bring in and we're not going to draft all 30 of them so dont read anything into it and teh downtown stadium idea is really just pie in th esky guys wasting awaty their Monday afternoon I mean really does Buffalo have the 900 mil to build a new stadium at the same time the state (hopefully) is going to hand over 100 mil to tidy up the Ralph? Now ask yourself did this need it own thread? Rant off Cheers
  9. Frostbelt I think the kids would say you've been pawned!
  10. Thought I saw Jason Peters tore an ACH today. I would think the Eagles are on the phone with Bells agent and while he may have overvalued himself, that may be a team he has some leverage on now as a result.
  11. I can certainly see Miami taking him after they struck out in F/A for a qb. They are a team could very well buy the pre draft hype that tends to push certain guys higher and higher on draft day.
  12. Yes but they would have taken HIM if he were there at the three pick. Personally I jumped in the air when Newton was picked cause I was sure that Dareus was what we needed to start turning this team around. I still feel that way. But man, Newton came on day 1 and threw for 900 yards or so in the first game, or was it 438? Regradless I was blown away that he was able to do it. I am ecstatic with our big man Dareus though.
  13. I'm sure you have actually and just cant think of it at the moment. Let it be.
  14. Uh, ya. Oh wait you're also not counting how much more stout Kyle and Darius will be able to be up the middle against the run because of what Mario is doing setting the edge as they say. I think you see a whole new level of Kyle and Dareus is just going to eat people as a result. Good time are coming. No more of thi sshit eating D getting gouged for 200+ on the ground. Thank you Mario!
  15. I would like to keep Bell...at a reasonable cost. If someone's giving him big bicks so be it. Wont be us. I think Jason Peters showed he was worth big bucks here I do not feel that way about Bell. But I really would like to keep him.
  16. I'm not trying to be a dick to the op or you. But here I am. So you should get back to this thread after next season. Which of course will be the one where Mario make everyone a better player and finally puts us into the playoffs as a result. Conversely Houston without him and some other guys their losing, well I think they are in for a major downfall. Two teams going in different directions. Again I'm not trying to be a dick but I think Mario improves our entire team as opposed to just one guy stepping in. His skill makes Williams, Kyle and Darius so much better than they already were. When we call blitzes now or even if we don't our corners are going to look much better. Hell McKelvin may end up getting re signed next off season as a direct result of having Mario on the team! If he makes the cut this year which I suspect he will. And he was pretty damn stupid last year. I belive Mario is going to have a dramatic affect on the entire team. Actually both teams! God it sure is nice to relevant again.
  17. I kind of like this. Fred is going to get some extra cash and be pissed off because it isn't what he thinks he's worth (he'll be right) Fred is going to be pissed off with this whole concept of CJ taking over even though he knows the writings on the wall. Lucky for us us pissed off Freddie is romping for well over a thousand yards this year I love Freddie. This dude has earned everything he's got and is humble. I dont see him just giving in. EVER! Love him and want to be a Bill until he retires. Last year at the auto show I told him we in Buffalo love the way he plays the game. He is a cool dude and the more pissed off he gets I think the better product we're going to get out of him.
  18. Go away then. Ungrateful. With 4 posts you want to come on with that? We just signed the best available FA who by the way is in his prime and you come in with this? Good bye now. Oh by the way there will be a draft this year as well and we will have to pay them. Including a pretty high pick in case you didn't know. As Jon Bon says, have a nice dayyy ayyayyyy
  19. It should be pinned! As we are WNY regardless of nationality, when we see someone pissing in our bowl of Cheerios we immediately become the Fighting Irish. Facts be damned!
  20. Do it. Your wife will be satisfied. I reccomend the Van club because it's where I'm at but also because the two clubs on our side are smaller and less congested than the Kelly club. They would be happy to let you see it also.
  21. I just got off the phone with Buddy Nix. He said tell your boys here's the baby! I'm going to take a nap now.
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