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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. T Mcgee ain't goin nowhere. Seasoned vet coming back from injury. Has teh respect of the organization, doesn't complain or mouth off has been a model Bill, restructured his contract etc etc etc. Only way he goes is PUP. He is an all time great Bill.
  2. Fits absolutely stunk. Thigpen was worse. Vince had a couple of runs/scrambles that you could plan a game around but was still less than impressive but certainly has way more upside than Thigpen. Thigpen, you're cut. But tonight left me with an odd feeling being there and watching it. Brad Smith, also sucked. However he seemed to have a command out there that Thigpen and Vince did not. I was quite surpised by that and would actually like to explore that over the next three pre season games. I'm saying it now that I saw potential in Brad Smith to be the backup qb. The most gloriously over paid backup of course but a capable guy possibly. Interesting to see how that plays out over the rest of the pre season. And for anyone freaking out about Fitz I get it. But I am certain he will be average or better once the season starts and there is enough talent on both sides of the ball to overcome his inadequacies and yes I think I spelled that wrong. Go Bills. At least one goal plost is coming down after we clinch the division against the Jets in the last regular season game this year!
  3. It is a little scary that the team is saying they have no knowledge of what Grandstand Chuck is up to. We'll see soon enough I guess.
  4. The Berman interview is absolutely awesome. Loved hearing him say the way we got Mario here and just refused to let him leave was old school and that it was like we closed the runway down for 24 hours lol. Said he talked to Ralph and told him it was like old times the way we handled that and Ralph laughed about it. It was in fact a great interview! Those who missed it get a hold of it. Murphy was great on the radio as expected. It is a very much welcome addition to the local airwaves especially given the access he has to the team.
  5. I also have two sec 235 under the overhang. Conversely to you I would like to get my cost of $368 or whatever it is now back. Looks like I'm going to see RGIII lol
  6. Seattle is going to need a back and hey maybe they can mentor each other.
  7. Sure sounds like something CHIX would say
  8. Fair enough I am thinking we are 12-4 and winning the division. Anything less than 11-5 will be dissapointing to me this year. We're not fooling around anymore. We signed a couple of guys that should direct our season to no less than 11 wins imo. Fitz is a serviceable qb and I think thats all we need because our D is going to !@#$ing rock the world this year!! Go Bills!
  9. diggin it! Start the season!
  10. Interesting commentary rags. Cant say that I agree or disagree much like selling beer an hour earlier. The tailgate is what it is. But I respect and appreciate your commentary and i'm 46 in the Van Miller Club and dont like the price of beers there or at the arena for Sabres games but it's no different anywhere else so your theory would be great to try. Conversely the lower price may have the opposite effect of what you think though.
  11. Is your 8 track quad? If not it will never sound as good as it did my dads Lincoln Mark v. Quadraphonic sound. It was surround sound before there was 5.1 or 7.1 and then 7.2 and now 8.1 and and and on and on and on
  12. This. In fact Mario was trying not to laugh whne he was saying this. It's what most of us would call ball busting. Anyone that doesn't get that, well I would guess you have a pocket protector on and still lat the folks house.
  13. Hello??? That is why we brought the new kicker in!! HE will still be putting it in the stands even kicking from the 20 Dance Stevie. Dance.
  14. Imagine that! This season is going to be so much fun. Lets Get It Started!
  15. Not for all of us. And if there is a new stadium as part of new ownership AND it keeps the Bills in Buf? Well maybe we cant afford to play in this league then. Not saying I want it but I think thats more likely than not. Lets see $720 per person on avg per year for two seats x 9 games and as a result the team stays. = priceless.
  16. And? Is that good or bad in your eyes? There will be a price to pay to keep the team here. Currently my tickets in Van Miller Club are $183.50 a piece. More would be debateable. But in a new stadium maybe I can relocate and get an even better seat for an average of $100 !!!!! Hell ya, Go Bills!
  17. What about the old guy I saw driving a Taurus doing laps around the airport because there is no more free short term parking? Thats rather suspicious no?
  18. Maybe he meant Clubs? Yes I'm sure of it now.
  19. I don't know. Would you rather have Lee Evans? Also washed up no? Chemistry wise Ocho would fit in better with Stevie and Fitz. And then everyone else would slap the chit out of him if he were a disruptive force on the team and ultimately, Chan would say get out. T O wasn't a problem whatsoever when he was here and he had a decent year. Ocho did nothing to upset any chemistry in NE if I recall and sure would be nice having two guys that played for belicheat last year on our side. The winning side. I'm ok with bringing him in he certainly has experience that we are lacking and if he does'nt work out, see ya no hard feelings.
  20. Hell ya! Even better when the players themselves are the ones starting to feel that way. Was Nick Barnett wrong last year when he was saying get on the train? To the keep calm people, you do know we signed MARIO FREAKING WILLIAMS dont you? Somewhere this thread got off topic. This wasn't about sack dances or player celebrations during two minute drills. This was about a guy, a kid named Marcell that is geeked about the team he plays on and the players they have assembled. Oh by the way, that is your team he represents. Spread the joy Marcell we are with you! Well most of us anyways.
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