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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I don't think knocking Buddy down to advisor or soemthing would have sat well with Ralph. And I do believe that Ralph is looking at it like this. In exchange for giving up control there are a few things that I want. Maybe this is one of them and IS Reasonable cosidering the state of affairs and timeline to draft. Maybe Buddy has said I'll go along with that and if we're gonna get some gee whiz bang coach in here from college with analytics and what not that I don't know about well so be it. I'm leaving after the draft anyway and this is on Doug and Buddy to choose. I personally am not convinced that Whaley is ready to take over. He seems very green to me. A little to soft spoken nice guy perhaps. That may be fine given the supporting cast he may have, or as has been proven in the past, could spell doom! For example Russ and Marv probably relied on Overdorf and Littman too much. OR now that Ralph is not involved the team is run in a far more appropriate manner and for better or worse they answer to Russ. Russ has infinite knowledge of how this entire organization operates. There may very well be pet peeves of his that he can now feel free to jetison whne he evaluates the evaluators. I think some of that comes out as we move forward. I like Buddy. But then I like Russ too. I am most thankful that Ralph's hand other than this compromise, is no longer on the steering wheel. I also can only laugh at your "maybe buddy found his Jesus" He will want to leave a credible team behind him and I believe he is. That's in part evidenced by the fact that people are interested in the HC job. There's a team to work with here at this point. We are not the dogs that we have been for so long and the right coach WILL make the difference here. That and they know the old man's hand won't be on the phone everday asking them what they are going to do about this or that. Sorry I have rambled off in so many directions but this is what happens as you age! Go Bills!
  2. Lovie could you work with Alex Smith? Thats a joke right? I had success with Rex Grossman and I think with Alex we at least make the playoffs right off the bat. Welcome to the Buffalo Bills Lovie.
  3. No need too! I think this should turn into a poke fun at Greg e thread.
  4. There's gold in this thread Jerry. GOLD!
  5. I'll pass on DeHaven thanks. We're moving on. I always feel that someone is always close to breaking one against us. Of course with Lindell kicking that easier to do but I don't have a real comfort lever with Bruce DeHaven. Adios. Joe D I would bring back but it really only matters who the next coach has an interest in.
  6. Welcome and good for you for coming on board. Now with a post like that, prepare you're teflon suit, People will be coming after you! I agree with your thoughts and certainly see the developments as a huge plus right now. Ralph is not making any decisions. That is a major step in the right direction.
  7. Fire Berchtold!! Pompass ass who is a self important windbag of a human being.
  8. Mary Wilsons Tennis coach because Ralph knows him and he hasn't been able to beat Mary in tennis for years and thats because of her tennis coach so by natural progression there is the answer,.
  9. LOL Sounds like a classic line from a movie!
  10. So will you stop talking about this now for a few years?
  11. I'm sure you're right. With Rex here and us making the playoffs we wouldn't know how to act.
  12. Sounds like Chan himself wrote this for you.
  13. Yep. Making the playoffs last year with Seattle as opposed to "what" we do here. Hmmm. Those things that make you go hmmmm! Are you kidding me? I am willing to bet that half the throws Fitz cant make T Jax can. Whether they are completed to our reciever or intercepted is a different issue. I'm not saying Tjax is any kind of answer. But I do know that Fitzpatrick is the question and I dont like the question anymore. I think Tjax can throw better 5-15 yard outs than Fitzpatrick so maybe in Chan's offense he could be better than his past. Cant be worse and there is proof of that. I also think that our gm in training Whaley could throw better than Fitz. Perhaps Mary Wilson also though debateable.
  14. You mean to say we may make Tarvaris active? Right now I'm thinking their plan is to keep him inactive until week 16 in case we have a chance of making the playoffs and then they will bring him in and let him make the throw that Brad Smith couldn't. At this point I can confidently say I think Thigpen is a better option than Fitzmajic.
  15. Bad week for Moorman. First he gets cut. Now his new team is already disrespecting him huh. LOL
  16. Lol and not spelling the name right just adds to the insult
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