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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Thats what I'm after but an update on that story.
  2. Practice without getting an injury on this team. He will be able to manage some other teams ritual. Especially if he joins late. I'm betting someone does in fact sign him. It won't be us but I hope he has another shot and goes out on his terms as unlikely as that is. And please show the man some respect. He did a lot of good here on a lot of bad teams. In fact he was the only thing worth watching some times. unless you really liked seeing our punts!
  3. Easy now. I wasn't suggesting we sign him. I was only asking about his whereabouts. I have the ultimate respect for him. He is a true professional. I do not think for a minute think he could keep up with our practice sessions without getting injured! Just curious for the guy who will retire one way or another as one of the all time great Bills players. I'm thinking some team will sign him though. We kept him out of respect for being a great Bill with a delusional view that he could overcome the injury bug at his age. Well that and we sucked Happy trails T McGee!
  4. Anyone know of his whereabouts? Any team even talking to him or is he an emergency signing somewhere at the end of pre season? Or is he done for good?
  5. This is a load of crap and disrespectful to Stevie. He had Fitz throwing to him. And even if he was getting 10+ chances a game which I doubt, you also know they weren't bombs that he was getting so the yardage he gets is yardage he earned. Start the season please!
  6. You're not? How many consecutive thousand yard seasons does he have to put up to to have earned that lock on a spot?
  7. I'm submitting a vacation day request then.
  8. All fair and rational points. What are you doing here? I didn't see Brad Smith once today. Didn't hear his name called and don't think he will be a kick returner for us and isn't a good enough receiver to go with these guys. He is a good guy though but I just see his name as being the easiest to erase to reduce a logjam of talent. Of course the fact he makes good coin doesn't help his case either.
  9. No. I'm not trying to be a smart ass either. We haven't been to the playoffs in how long???? Why would a new guy be interested in keeping and coaching what he knows didn't work? I don't think this is Marrone specific. If he were replacing the guy in New England would he not obviously be more interested in keeping the current players that have proven success?
  10. "Why not try to win?" Love this for a change. Really sums up pre season. Ya it's pre season but you are out there playing a game still so why not try to win?
  11. Here I was having man crush and you're saying bust? Damn when will I learn? In honor of the new regime, I WANT HIM FIRED!
  12. Stick with your instincts. It's not hard at all. Brad thanks for re doing the contract but we are going in a different direction.
  13. It sure as hell is a different matter. Tell me that before they even take the field for a play in a game that the defensive players aren't in a totally different mindset. That they really appreciate the fact they have a guy now who is going to release the hounds instead of staying conservative vanilla. I'm saying these guys are just itching for the season to start. And in the event they fail to grasp the huge change in philosophy, direction, attitude or whatever you want to call it. Kiko will sure as hell remind them that physical nastiness is what it's all about. Anything from the past is just that. We are going to eat the future! Go Bills!
  14. And then Fitz will have to come in and throw an interception that costs them a game. It all washes out in the end.
  15. Or for us older guys, the classic Farrah. Which is so lame next to any modern day technology now But I think it was those nips at 10 years old or something like that see
  16. I care more about him having a good year than I do about Eugene Parker being his agent. I hope he earns his franchise tag/ holdout/trade until we have to deal with him again.
  17. That's cool but I don't see it. Kolb (assuming healthy) this Sunday and Manuel all the way after that.
  18. How many can he get this year? P.S. thanks m r rags appreciate it!
  19. I'm with you on this. I think Howard asked him something along those lines and his response was he has worked too hard to get back to this point to give up on it. I admire his commitment but he does have the rest of his life to live. He made his decision and I hoep the best for him. I liked him form college and if he has any success at all now he will be proud. I'm with you on this. I think Howard asked him something along those lines and his response was he has worked too hard to get back to this point to give up on it. I admire his commitment but he does have the rest of his life to live. He made his decision and I hoep the best for him. I liked him form college and if he has any success at all now he will be proud.
  20. On the radio this morning saying he thought he would never get to play football again. At one point he couldn't even sit in a chair for 10 minutes. Appreciates the patience and help from the team and Buddy and family and girlfriend. Dr's told him he will never be 100% again but says he is as close as he will get and feels Torell Troup now and is coming off the ball well. I hope he makes it back just for the effort he has put in through rehab. I am absolutely shocked that he is even at this point.
  21. What about Mario? What about the wide outs? What about Mario? What about Stevie? What about DaRick? What about ????? And then the season starts. Mario looks like a beast. Troup is a regular, Dareus IS WHAT WE THOUGHT HE WOULD BE! Every wide out is producing except Easly (shame) The TEAM is over achieving and out performing all our expectations and we have a coaching staff and front office that is up to speed and up to date and even trend setting. Are we happy now? Oh yeah , we got a guy who will break all of Jim's records. Don't worry. Be happy! The futures so bright I gotta wear shades! This post is unedited!
  22. jboy show some respect and lock this crap up
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