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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. It is funny though. But I would be happy with Losman if it came down to it as a third QB
  2. I'll give you that. Thanks for the good conversation Kelly.
  3. You've been waiting a while for that but now, it's official!
  4. Alright I cant decipher the difference between six and eight million. All I know is I am dancing every day when I brush my teeth, sing in the shower, say hello to that clerk that I don't like that makes $22K as I enter the building, then greet the folks that have laid out my buffet breakfast with LABELS EVEN, protein, carbs etc depending on what my trainers are saying I need etc, Oh and I realize they make $18K to help ensure that I am at peak for 8 mil or whatever. But I am making enough to be content. Remember I am happy and content at 6 mil though and don't need all the drama for 8 mil. $50k on salary would have me in a happy place. I've been buying Van Miller tickets for years and have an invested opinion. ANY NFL PLAYER THAT FEELS HE DOESN'T MAKE ENOUGH NONEY SHOULD BE TRADED INCLUDING ROOKIES that would go somewhere else and make the same money under the new CBA. And of course none of these rules apply to me. I didn't make 10 million on entry level contract only to be screwed over by the league and the union on the next contract where I could have made more. Or less. Tough chit. step out and be a financial advisor if you have the education then and protest the union rule of the league. So can you answer my questions to you? Byrd and a third to some team for a quality cb under contract for at least two years or more? More importantly to me on Byrd as I am not a stat guy, did he make more money under his entry level contract than a rookie entering the league under the terms in the newest CBA? If so, even more reason to me to shut you pie hole while we work on getting you outta here! I want to pay players that are good and want to be here. If a player is GREAT than we have a different standard union be damned! (some union huh) End of the day here though I strongly agree with agree with you that Byrd has out played his contract. No Question. But really he's insulted making what he will be paid this year? It will be interesting for sure. And to save the next argument, what if he has a catastrophic injury this year that would prevent him from cashing in next year? Shut up. He's getting paid this year GUARANTEED! Later man. Forgot this edit. I LOVE ERIC WOOD! Thank you Eric
  5. Well PTR I'm going to call this one a win for me. Ok? LOL man. You, me and 70,000 others but you have to admit it is actually nice to know what is happening on the field as opposed to what your lying eyes are seeing and what your drunken mouth is saying! FIRST DOWN!!!!! lol bro
  6. And in turn, I agree with almost all of that lol. Byrd certainly has outplayed his original contract. Imagine how the rookies in the new system are going to feel! They are in a union it is in their contract. No sympathy. Appreciation for the situation yes but again if we offer you six million dollars per year and you are insulted, well the conversation is over. I am an anti union person. You cant have it both ways. They have a contract. Now nobody is grossly over paid or under paid per se. It is structured. And while I may be anti union I also believe that part of the union contract probably saves the league and keeps everybody on a even playing field. So there is no reason to B word. I don't know the answer to this maybe you do. Did Byrd make more money under the first fours years under the old system or would he have made more now? I'm thinking he got paid more than the next guy up so I have even less love for this guy. Byrd and a third for a quality cb under contract for two or three years! Thanks Dog!
  7. " I'm comfortable here and a good comfortable. Not comfortable where you're sitting back and lazy. Comfortable where I love working with the guys I'm working here with and and I would never want to leave here especially the direction we're going and watch them make the playoffs without me" Anyone not as committed to this guy as he is to us please come forth. Thank you for being a Bill Eric Wood.
  8. I like your thoughts. With the cb cuts obviously we are up to something there. Trufant would be a good enough addition to pick up like this. I feel for Troup and Troupe because I suspect one of them is going to be cut. I'm glad the dudes healthy again and personally wish he hadn't tried to do this and you have to love the guy for trying. But I don't know that he's shown enough to warrant a spot but and a BIG but, the rotation aspect may save him. I will disagree with you on Meeks. They're not giving up on him He's the new regime's guy so no they don't cut him.
  9. I got you. I'm sorry if it seemed I was ranting at you. I mean it toward any player that comes off in the picture you painted. Stevie could have got more elsewhere likely. Wood could have certainly waited it out. Poz and Levitre aren't worth anywhere near what they are getting paid so they're irrelevant. We aren't going to overpay for talent. And we wont low ball you either. If you think you're getting low balled you can leave. Exception of course with the tag. And with the tag you are guaranteed to get paid a salary on the high side. certainly not low balled so there is no room for discontent. It's in your contract live with it. And don't expect any sympathy! There's no way we do this rodeo again next year. So can you answer my thought of Byrd and a third for a solid cb? And lastly, if the Bills are willing to pay you six. something and you want eight. something and wont come off of your point, something is wrong with you and you aren't part of my TEAM. I quit worrying about money athletes make years ago because it became ridiculously insane years ago. If my Boss offered me a 600 percent raise I would take it. If I didn't like where I work and could get a 600 percent raise I would leave. If I was offered an eight hundred percent raise to go somewhere else but was content where I am and they were giving me a six hundred percent raise I would stay. I love you Eric Wood! We don't know the details yet but I'm going to guess he could have gotten more if he waited it out. I want these guys on my team. These guys that want to be part of our TEAM. Stevie, Freddie, Wood and even Fitz! LOL don't blame him cause we gave him even more than he was asking for. That's how we roll I guess! I will add I always felt this way about Bruce Smith that he always would have rather been somewhere else and he deserved to be the Highest paid player etc. He was an elite talent that you make an exception for. Stomach his shenanigans off season and then watch HOF on the field. I'm not there by any means with Byrd. Byrd and a third for solid qb if he doesn't want to be here. I am happy to have wood for at least the prescribed years takin care of business and as the Byrd man says, business is business. Thanks for your time Dog.
  10. Use your phone with tune in radio app and an ear bud. Or if you're even more old school than me and don't know what the hell I'm talking about, go to radio shack and get the head phones radio! They make em in nice colors too I think.
  11. If you're right Byrd is ridiculous. Not like he isn't getting paid this year and I would think he was offered a fair deal but if you're right him and wonder agent would accept nothing less than being the highest paid? I don't think you fit into our TEAM plans going forward. In fact how bout Byrd and a third for a top shelf cb right now? But I forgot to say, thank you Eric Wood! Guys like you and Freddie are why we continue to be Bills fans
  12. Oh well if we change the conversation to VY well then hell ya!!!!
  13. I second the screw you. I would also like to add JB who are "they" that deleted all your posts? And so you know I have no axe to grind especially the many, many typos I make and faux paux and am not a spelling message board lunatic anymore, but you really lost me when you referred to this board as bored for the second time. Pithy comments I know. But whatever the Normal season is upon us and your man Thad wont ever see the field but rock on bro. Oh and wait dope, neither will your other Kolb due to his inability to play. By the way we will keep Lionheart just so you know.
  14. Time to stop with all the penalties and oh yea, EJ gets to play now!
  15. I disagree. Tuel needs more real time I would let him play the entire game. Leinart is a known commodity. Oh and EJ is coming back!! So then you are expecting overtime in the fourth pre season game? Sorry I realize you said almost a full half for Tuel and equal time for Leinart. But I still let Tuel play the entire game! Dude isn't going to be winded like CJ gets because EJ will be back and IS the guy. Period.
  16. Bout three weeks ago I bet $100 we get 10 wins. D, Coaching etc. Buddy says to me whoa!!you wanna take this week by week? Now?. No. We're still gonna rock out 10 wins somehow! Go BILLS!
  17. True! And that means if their FO was worth a damn they would have the few missing pieces to win five SB! Well at least get to four in a row! Screw them. FOR EVER!!
  18. When you post that, if that was the actual rights to get Biscuit we should have run Polians ass outta town the next day : And as far as giving up CJ at this point on this team and our next two # 1s and a #2 ?? Really dude? Really? But then I read your last line and realized, I need to chill the !@#$ out!
  19. I sure don't think so. But they do have one hell of a qb that just wins and they did pick him after everyone and them passed him over repeatedly so that is just pure **** luck. No props the FO.
  20. I'm thinking the Bills would lose at least a million and a half minimum and I'm not even talking parking or food and beverage revenue.
  21. The Bllls did not do anything wrong. They picked the best qb available and traded down to do so and I think the front office deserves kudos!
  22. I've asked this before but maybe you can answer this, Fitz said NO to an adjustment in salary. Good for him. Stand proud. SF cut their number one based on the fact the new guy is running the show. Fitz is a clipboard holder and not worth what his contract would pay him. I have no issue with Fitz not being here. You do?
  23. Amen. And BINGO was his name o and all that. Great guy. Great Bill but no use for him here by me.
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