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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Well if he's apologizing unnecessarily to the whole board, half you bastages owe me an apology too!
  2. Show some faith for cryin out loud! It's the off season man. Bills 30 Pack 24 Oh and by the way, everyone will have a good time.
  3. There's two things we've had plenty of the last decade plus. Great team chemistry and losing.
  4. I'm not sure what you missed but the mastercard priceless term would have ben great here! What makes people think we automaticalliy lose Glenn if we do? Caps goin up y'all Gold Jerry. GOLD!
  5. Thanks for clarifying that for me. Thanks for contributing. Other than stating Mary Wilson which was incorrect do you have anything to add? Even humor maybe? Anything?
  6. I do not have a link. Sue me, in typical WNY style. I believe I heard tonight on Channel 2 News that the team has been placed in a trust that is controlled by family members and that the team cant be sold until they say so. I'm not trying to add any hyperbole to the situation so please don't misread me. My two cents is the Bills are never leaving us. They are self sufficient and while the family stands to gain, they also stand to lose. Mary Wilson is on the new stadium committee no? Think she will encourage these people to pursue that knowing that there is no hope? I don't. She's a pretty strong woman that I respect and I can't imagine that she would be involved in a charade. This is our team forever providing we get a new stadium worked out. Figure 500 million public contribution though on an 750 million dollar stadium. Thinking about this, if I'm right I want to say thanks Ralph. Go Bills
  7. No more blackouts? Reducing the number of seats in this deal? I gave up my Van Miller club seats and have to think that their would be whining if they are moving people out of my old section. I'm going to check with someone who still has their seats in sec 235 Edit nope. Sec 235 row seats were renewed in the same location with no notification of any seat changes I was told.
  8. Easy man. Today should be a little less hostile here. If you are referring to anything I've posted I accept your point. But I also claim the right to believe that another part of the reason we haven't been able to stop the run is the same coaches involved. I am willing to give Schwartz a chance as he has done that in the past. I also think that when he is successeful in Buffalo in year one in stopping the run and raising our D overall he will likely be gone the following year. Tough but I'll deal with it.
  9. The expected day has arrived. And it is regardless, if you appreciated the man or not, truly a sad moment in our history. RIP Ralph. Thank you.
  10. That was my point. Sad to see Ralph go. But without a commitment to improve the Ralph and give us time to explore new stadium options this is a huge deal. Keep in mind also the Bills are contributing something to this. It is not a just a complete handout and like I said I would rather have waited and put all this money into the new stadium but that wasn't an option. We got what we could, deal with it. Nobody should be objecting to what we are kicking into this. I say that begrudgingly as a taxpayer but we do benefit from this team as a community in a way that you can't put a monetary value on. And I bet it is more or less a break even deal anyway with all the sales tax, income tax revenues and such that are generated. I am in favor of all this and see it like you do. I think.
  11. Jack I know they had talked about moving the press box for years but most of the Van and Kelly clubs are gone??? Maybe they found a new seat maker with heat? I doubt that since they put in the radiant heat at a much more effective cost though. I would rather all of this money have been applied to a new stadium but fact of the matter is this stadium needed improvements fast if it is expected to last another ten years. As it stands it may only need to last seven. Deal with it.
  12. I'm gonna say that we are better with Schwartz. And for the first time since Ted Cottrell, we will stop the run. Who won't be happy with that? Oh and the Schwartz will be leaving for another HC job.
  13. LOL Fantastic! I had a warning about that guy in my signature line for the longest time.
  14. But he did have a game. 225 yds 3 td's If you look at some of his video you have to think the dude could help us.
  15. I think he was going for The Heartbeat of America. Retired Chevy worker my guess.
  16. I'm sick of our history as much as anyone else. Season ticket holder experience etc etc etc But as tired as I am of the losing, I am with Why So Serious. I'm tired of our fans crapping on our team. Ok we need to see change. WE ARE! You don't like Brandon and I get that. But I do. You may not think the FA moves are a big deal, well maybe now you do! But it is a huge dynamic change and that is on Brandon and Whaley. Started with Buddy, Brandon and Whaley getting Mario and agree or not doesn't matter they DID it! Marrone, agree or not doesn't matter they DID it. Please give these guys credit where it's due they are trying to change the way it works here. Spikes is a symbol; to me. I don't like him. That really doesn't matter. I didn't like Marshawn either. Or many other Bills for that matter. In the end what matters here is making the playoffs. We have people in place that are staking their careers on us doing just that. Thanks Russ, Dougies, and Buddy for getting it stared. I think if Whaley has as good a draft as we had last year we are in. So to recap, if you're a hater, fine I'm on kool aid or wearing rose colored glasses and so on, but I'm looking up and am willing to give Whaley/Brandon/Marrone their fair chance. Especially considering the recent past! I like the direction were going and look forward to the draft even if we don't draft my guy Ebron, I am trusting these guys doing their jobs. They all feel the pressure of that I am sure and it helps me to know that guys like Whaley who left the Steelers organization, had damn well better get it right or their careers are over. I love that and I respect that. Of course Whitey came here and tried. He tried by putting lipstick on a pig. We are building a foundation I think right now under Whaley. Kudos Doug! Oh a flame o should you feel the need to. I have my glasses on!
  17. So, do you know what exit it is off the QEW? Or are we there yet?
  18. Sweet. Somewhere I saw someone write something like it doesn't matter if he cant play the pass. On third and long after he stopped two run plays he wont be on the field anyway. I like it!
  19. Ok, agreed. Personally I want Ebron at nine as I belive he is capable of being a difference maker and winning games. But my post was only referring to papazoids third round pick for us being AJ McCarron. So now I'm confused. You agree with me that in the third round we should not even look at AJ's hottie and instead focus on a player on either side of the ball that can actually contribute to winning right? Maybe like an OL who will still be around? I know this, come draft time AJ's girl is going to be looking for a suitor. Let it not be us. See Miami for an example. Although in their case it's kind of working out. So so qb with a smoking wife. But then again it's Miami.
  20. Oh God no. I think we can get a far more useful player than AJ McCarron with our third. I mean, I like his girl and all but I don't think he would succeed here as a qb. Way better options than him that will actually contribute to us winning games. He's no better than what we have at back up and actually probably worse!
  21. Greg Gabriel was on the radio tonight talking this guy up in a big way. I'm not sure who to trust more though right now. You or him? He gave an example of a Bears Eagles game where the guy owned some big time guy on the Eagles. And a couple other examples. Of course he would favor the guy though but at least he gave some specifics. Whadda you got?
  22. I'm thinking their on the way to the Sundowner or some such type of wondrous establishment that is good for culture. Buddy ain't runnin this rodeo no more.
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