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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Don't really care about Quinn. Rex is here and he's our guy.
  2. Cant believe this game ending the way it did. With 4 minutes left you could see GB players looking at each other on the bench like we're going to the super bowl. I wish they were but fate played their hand today.
  3. Interesting. Even more interesting that I and most others hadn't heard a word about this previously. I'm also guessing since this is 2015 those plans got derailed somewhere. Thanks for the link!! Agreed. The stupid editor at the Buffalo News didn't get the memo though. In the editorial today "The pressure is on" "without one the pressure will be back on to move the team" http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/buffalo-news-editorials/look-downtown-new-stadium-for-bills-should-draw-on-and-enhance-the-renaissance-of-buffalo-20150118 Talkin proud talkin proud. Buffalo is on the rebound lol I think.
  4. Thanks BillsnutinHouston! This was a great perspective! The one thing that doesn't is all of this video is Doug Marrone. Thank God he's gone!
  5. For me, hiring Rex just put us up another level. I think his impact here will be significant. He is the right guy, in the right place at the right time. He is bringing mostly, the right people on board with him. So when our record shows 11-5 nest year where does that rank us? That makes everyone involved better. So Whaley becomes a top guy no?
  6. INcredible luck. We should all buy lottery tickets.
  7. Things to do in Denver when you're dead lol Way to go Doug! And in.
  8. I got no issues with the structure. Don't think any of them involved with it will have a problem with it either. And if it sprung from Pegula's not knowing what he's doing that's okay too. Marrone leaving us happened like that too! :-)
  9. And I think Woods is to small for O line.
  10. What our new DC is doing. But for Payton's O try the veal
  11. How so? I wish you would start a post keeping track of all the anti Rex people. I'm quite stunned by them actually. Especially since Rex Ryan will be our first Super Bowl winning head coach!
  12. Berchtold for me for sure. Pompous, arrogant jerk. I've been saying out loud he doesn't deserve this gig for ten years or so but somehow he stays.
  13. Especially when he can stay right there in Denver and get booed during a playoff game.
  14. I remember hearing him say he realized he screwed up and wont let it happen again. Has a love of the game and it was a wake call etc etc etc. I applaud him as he seemed sincere. As you say he re committed himself. Kudos Nigel!
  15. I for one am simply glad he's gone. I'll leave it at that.
  16. Not all of them did for sure. Practicing the day after a pre season game? Remember the backlash after a fight in camp? "that's what you get" Think Mike Williams is a fan? Goodwin? Bryce Brown? CJ? I'm sure I'm missing a few. I think he has plenty of guys on the team that will be quite happy at this whole turn of events. But you are correct that some players were upset. Although upset for different reasons. I think of something Stevie said about Chan years ago. We like him cause he came here when no one else wanted to. Now think some of the players today are thinking wtf is this guy abandoning us for? And then to have someone in the front office send a mass text to them? No class. There are reasons guys would like him too though. Think of all the **** Dareus was in during the off season and in camp. He kept that quiet for him and I'm sure that was appreciated so I'll give him that but I am so happy he's gone and I was glad to have him at first.
  17. Someone provided this link earlier. Nice read and I love the third last paragraph and certainly sums it up for me. "There will probably be a firestorm or two along the way — try not to flip anyone the bird, Rex — but the reward will be greater than the risk. The Bills will be a team no one will want to play. Buffalo Bullies." http://nypost.com/2015/01/11/rex-ryan-is-now-the-jets-worst-nightmare/
  18. This team needed an experienced hc and I was expecting and wanting Shanahan, Mike. I think Rex will work out just fine for us though. Knows how to beat the Pats and that helps us. He needs to show himself as being a good head coach NOW. Dean, you are out of your element as a pissed off poster. I think I get your feelings on Rex but think you will see that this was the way forward. Doug Marrone quit on the team, the players, his assistant coaches, the owner, the guys that hired him. And not to mention he seemingly alienated everyone he came in contact with. How he chose not to stay on is beyond me. Pegulas seem to be very loyal people and treat everyone with respect, dignity and class. Maybe that's it. Those are characteristics Doug does not have and maybe all that made him feel uncomfortable? Him quitting us will be the best thing to happen in a long time. You see the response from Pegulas to instant problem they were not expecting to have to deal with. I like how they handled it and what they came up with. This is worth celebrating as a Bills fan as this is not how things would have shaken out any time in the past. Viva El Pegual!
  19. The thread title: Source: what a flashback. Who was that dude?
  20. Me too but really, wouldn't you rather he get the Jets job lol
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