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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. In the past we have befriended some fans of opposing teams that have been cool. We partied the night away with a couple from Minnesota after a game about seven years ago and hung out downtown with them. They enjoyed themselves and invited us to stay at their house if we want to go to a Sabres game in Minny. This started because we took them under our wing when fellow Bills fans were being ridiculously insulting to them even though they weren't talking smack. Merely wearing Vikings jerseys was enough for some people to treat them like chit. Oddly a guy I know who lives in Boston and is a huge Pats fan insists on inviting me to go to a Bills game there. I've yet to accept. From my personal experience at the Ralph the Pats are BY FAR the worst of any team coming in. So what am I saying? I agree with you. This is going to be bad. Embarrassingly so, and I predict that we will have a record number of arrests at this game. And it will be us, Bills fans that are the ones getting locked up. Go Bills! Win or lose this scenario is going to play out so beat the Pats!!
  2. This will be ugly win or lose if the typical Pats fans are in attendance I'm afraid. I agree with Gordio from what I have seen over the years that the typical Pats fan that come to our stadium are the biggest trash talking a holes of any team that comes here. They're not going to appreciate the feeling running through everyone's veins here this time. Once they start their normal garbage it is going to get ugly.
  3. This again? It 's been well documented that we all cant agree on if we gave up two picks etc while people forget that we actually did get top use a first etc etc etc. STOP IT. The season's on now. Give it the f'n Disney treatment. Let it go.
  4. Saw him last on a newscast and I swear his eyes rolled back in his head once. Maybe that's just a thing for him. He spoke clearly and seemed all there. I think even with the concussion protocol they have no idea what is happening to a guy long term. I hope Corey is alright. He seems like a solid guy.
  5. All of this is nothing if we beat the Pats. Beat the Pats and we become, everyman's team!
  6. When I had seasons, I always laughed at how many people hadn't made it to their seat at the start of the game. One thing I commented on yesterday watching the game at home was that they must have improved the process because it looked like the stands were packed at kickoff.
  7. Not for nothin but this is the first thing I've ever read from you that I can happily say I am 100 % in agreement. WOW! What an incredible sight that would be. Nice thought dude. For a change.
  8. I would expect a better quality than the norm for us. Murph will be the host and El Pegual will make sure this isn't run in the typical style.
  9. This is what I've been telling friends. Nobody here would deal with Freddy being relegated to that role.
  10. I think I see Scott standing over there saying thanks. Thanks a lot.
  11. Marcell my man Dareus! Goodwin may have value to a specific team. Brown I could see going to waivers. Hogan, no idea.
  12. I can accept whatever happens with EJ, though I do like him and hope one day he wakes up with it. I believe at the very least he has a lengthy Todd Collins like career. Thanks JW
  13. We've come too far to be meh. Tyrod adds a whole lot of excitement to the game. Lets go with that.
  14. Hope you never need help but if you do make sure they know how you feel first before asking for assistance. Especially if it's from someone who just broke your jaw!
  15. The title for this thread should be changed. I dunno, maybe something like Browns coming to Bills camp next week going to get !@#$ed up.
  16. This is a great post amidst a **** storm of posts with an occasional good one. Although I don't see Percy being the meltdown candidate. He had a smooth ride with Rex in NY. Don't expect that to change here. I think a more likely meltdown candidate is Freddy or Carpenter
  17. I think they have to since they're looking at three of them. I think in observing Cassel they will be looking for signs of decline from his average below average self, and upside form the other two. And I think Roman gets to make the call on who gets the job.
  18. I thought James Hardy was the missing link to the playoffs.
  19. I specifically recall the disgust after a ball thrown behind him that had he caught it he would have been killed. There's at least one look like that I recall. Although this one taken form the Goodwin thread shows him getting killed after trying to reach behind him and catch the ball. Thanks to JTSP for the link. https://youtu.be/_4Cse1d2IXA
  20. I recall reading someone's post saying something along the lines of hoping Woods learns to keep his cool and not be throwing punches at guys heads.
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