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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. They like Whaley and this is a classy move by the Pegula's. Good move and one that can be undone any damn time you feel like.
  2. I don't worry about Whaley. He's already been shortsighted with Sammy so I cant see him doing that again and I'm not concerned with anything else from him. What's he gonna do? Make a trade? Great cause he exceeds in that area. All good I think. Other than ya where did this info come from and furthermore, how did the Buffalo News get it? That makes me question the validity of it.
  3. What would have happened had he been made inactive early in the season? Nobody wins in that scenario and it would have happened multiple times. Let Fred Go. I love the man and what he brought to us and how he played the game. I believe this was a part of the business decision and I'll never accept it. Yet I completely understand it. Go FREDDY!
  4. I don't think I agree with this. If the chips fell right this year we have the Jets record and I think we're better than them. Playoffs 2016. I'm gonna say It before Rex does so it has some legitimacy to it!
  5. Parcells? I don't see him being interested in it at this point. I too would be happy though to give him the keys. Don't think I want any part of Polian at this point though. Maybe that's a mistake. Thinking of Parcells may also very well be a mistake.
  6. Lock of the week. Rob Ryan will be the DC next year. EDIT: forgot to add
  7. Well reading into what I wrote, $$$ Obviously. And only for HC that he was overlooked for. I don't want him as HC but I don't remember though did we interview him for HC?
  8. Why do you think that? He left on his own for good reason in that he wasn't going to be a puppet. I have no problem with that. Of course he wouldn't come back now to be DC under Rex for the very same reasons. But why do you think he would say no if he was offered the HC job? I would bet money he would take it. Lot's of money. I don't want him personally but $ talks. I also think Wade Phillips would come back here to be a HC. Again $ talks. It's a strange and limited profession to be in you know. Ever think a guy like Billy Martin would do what he did?
  9. Well, Bobbie and Kevin have both proven to be less than stellar.
  10. I've defended him at various times over the years but I have to say that today was his worst game as a bill and it's time to move on.
  11. Interesting stuff. Please tell Gil I said thanks.
  12. Am I wrong in thinking Mulligan did nothing for us but take a regular penalty.
  13. This is bang on! I'm willing to bet that Kim and Terry have too much respect to name it anything else regardless of the fact they can. I think The Ralph will always be The Ralph. However the new Delaware North Perry St Project Stadium will be where the team is playing in about seven years. The Ralph will still be The Ralph 30 years from now when they realize it would have been so much easier and cheaper to tear it down in 2025 than 2050 Aye!
  14. Ya thanks. I feel FAR less confident after you've laid this out.
  15. I'm thinking much like I heard Whaley talking about player contracts this morning on the radio, they'll discuss contracts in the off season. Don't sweat it now it is what it is lets focus on winning out.
  16. Ewww. That has to create a lot ****ty football. Diluted the league further than it already is to that extent when we can only produce 10-15 quality qb's now? Ew. I think the NFL has reached it's zenith. More and more kids will slowly never get to play football going forward. The result of so many harsh injuries as a primary culprit. A lot of parents will never let their kids play football. I just don't see expansion like you wish. And even a London team should have to play on both of our coasts.
  17. Jax pissed me off. Not beating the Pats and stopping their streak when it was easily there for the taking really pissed me off. The Chiefs game has just deflated me. Can't say that I honestly expected a different outcome. Of course as the op at the start I sure as hell did.
  18. I don't think we will win out so I really don't think we need to worry about a WC spot anymore. Gone. Poof. Koo Koo Cahoo type of thing.
  19. Not me. I will be happy to never talk about being the team with the longest streak of not making the playoffs thanks. Get in and anything can happen. See Rex's Jets teams.
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