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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. John Guy. Thanks for bringing back that memory lol. What an over inflated self important jackass he was.
  2. Wow. I think that sucks as a fan. I would drop out of I felt that way. So guilty until proven innocent is your motto? There are plenty of guys who have excelled late in their career. Admittedly most of them had done something prior. Think of a guy like Rickey Henderson. He had a late resurgence and was amazing again. There's also guys who were always good and just kept it going into their late years of their career like Chris Chelios, Nolan Ryan to mention a couple. Little more difficult in football though but even though I'm a pessimist, I can't be a fan of anything if my first thought is your "steroids until proven wrong" theory. Time to just watch Nascar at that point and learn the intricacies of cheating in that sport.
  3. He did say it was his first post on the board. Frankly I'm a little surprised you didn't offer welcome aboard. You're an idiot!
  4. Ok. Not to make light of the situation cause that really makes me happy. But makes me wonder what about the bolts that are keeping his head attached to his neck?
  5. Not a Bills bar but will have every game on large screens and fans from every team which kind of gets pretty cool. Jack Flats is my go to choice when I'm there. Good food and beer options and no issue about seeing your team in a big screen. Always Bills fans in there and really is a fun place during football. It can be a a little odd having large crowds cheering alternative for other games but it's always a good time in there. Jack Flats on Duval. http://jackflatskw.com/
  6. Huge travelling team crowds consistently is my guess. Giggity
  7. Absolutely. But I was excited by it. Expected the Jets to jump off sides!
  8. Can we get GMTM on the phone please? I say that with the utmost respect because I believe we're looking at a ten year payback from the Sabres starting now.
  9. Someone had to pay for this crap. Is the new guy is going to throw the ball 42 times a game?
  10. I believe you are right. It took Terry a couple years to figiure this out with the Sabres and then he started doing the right things. PLF was brought in and hired a genius imo and the Sabres are well on their way to frontrunners starting this season. He and Kim should realize thier mistakes with the Bills and follow the blueprint. They have to know it and tonight has to be a mind altering deal to them.
  11. There's a lot to that comment. What the Sabres did in their attempt was far from dumb. They have an abundance of picks, more than they can sign actually and tried to use that excess to get better. The Bills cant afford to give up any picks imo.
  12. They do get first rights. I hate New Era Field. I will love New Era Stadium though as far as names go.
  13. I would have called a penalty on him at least three times last night for lining up in the neutral zone. So there's that.
  14. He's also gonna be on Murph's show now in the next segment or one after.
  15. So I open up the wall tonight hoping to see only one thing and that is no mention of injuries from whatever not scrimmage things they were going to do today. This really makes me sad.
  16. I disagree with this. I think most if not all of us acknowledge he has a huge amount of talent. Most if not all also acknowledge that the chances of him staying healthy for a football season, this one, last one, next one appear to be ridiculously remote and therefore not worthy of a roster spot. Me, I cut him and find someone else. With all due respect to him, experience shows he can't justify the roster spot. Hope he proves me wrong though and appreciate his efforts for Team USA. To be fair though, I am one of those that have questioned him for the dual purpose considering he hasn't been good at football and is getting paid by the Bills.
  17. Channeling Schopp I just want say something important. I think corned beef has a lot of merit that get overlooked in the draft. I mean it basically has it's own holiday. It has beef in it's name. IT HAS BEEF IN IT'S NAME!
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