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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Should be easier to move some this year because we ARE going to be better and way more entertaining to watch.
  2. Gonna do a rotisserie chicken on the grill and heat up some real Swiss Chalet Sauce tonight. Not that fake ass powder crap. Yum.
  3. What is this Jamaican organic wood and where are you getting it? Unquestionably the best cheese curds you will ever get! Feel for ya man.
  4. I finally caught up! Not that anyone cares but here's my thoughts. You know we fired Whales right? If it means all the difference in the world to get to # 2 lets say I am willing to include our first in 2018 but that's a major leap and more so if Tyrod performs at a higher level. I think. Heh, I'm just here so I don't get fined. I've got both charcoal and gas Weber's and the gas will always have a place but no question the charcoal is the way. And don't say **** about briquettes either. Lump charcoal is the ONLY way to go. This is solid. Waffle House, ihop or local diner? Absolutely outstanding!! p.s. I like our chances of adding Maclin. What a quality addition at a reasonable price he will be. Go Bills! Courage! Oh forgot why I wanted to post to begin with. Sunday dinner will be rotisserie chicken on the Weber gas grill. A butter paprika based baste and some Swiss Chalet sauce to go with it Real sauce not that packaged crap.
  5. This makes me think of the Discover commercial with the guy and the dog,. Do what now?
  6. Really made me laugh! Hey, fast food Mexican is not fast food! Awesome tip on the Roch Taqueria! Agree that everyone should go there and skip Chili's near the thruway. If that's even still there. Been a while since I went to Bills camp. Also made me laugh. I got no problem with the Bills laying out a plan and sticking with it. I trust this crew now. We are rising. Very true but a man's got to know his limitations. Tyrod can't excel Flacco at the end of the day so, it is what it is. C'est La Vie Hmmm, will they show me the money I want? If we're millions apart friendships shouldn't matter. Well it wouldn't for me if I wanted 7 and was offered 4 I would also be travelling to B'More. Then Den then wherever my agent steered me. This Hodges guy has the under the radar signing winning the off season title. Tell me why? I'm certainly not knocking it and ask respectfully. I hope he is the unexpected payoff for us.
  7. While waiting for the announcement, and in light of what someone said about Mexican food in Buffalo yesterday, I want to say that a new place called Taqueria Los Mayas is absolutely legit West Coast LA Mexican. Delicious.
  8. I agree with them. He would have been the most expensive back up in the league. Shady can play more.
  9. Don't know when youo were here last but there are a few now that are awesome.
  10. Well then as long as he doesn't want to head to Baltimore via Uber before June 29th we're good.
  11. So this is no longer a thing then. Pitchforks down guys. The new sherriff in town seems to know what he's doing.All hail Beane! All hail Beane!
  12. I'm not sure why anyone has anything negative to say about these recent developments. I for one feel things are heading the right way. Will I still feel that way after we make mistakes? Yes cause this is entirely different from what we've done in the past and we need to **** can the past ways of ineptitude. We're headed the right way.
  13. I have at times defended Russ in the past. You can't blame him for being a ****ty GM when he was never supposed to be a GM because he would be a ****ty Gm and everyone but Ralph knew that.As much as I've barked about Ralph over the years he certainly leaves behind more than one gift with the team still here and the proceeds from the sale basically staying here also. That most certainly is a gift from Ralph. Anyway, time for all old cronies to go and I think that started with that piece of **** Berchtold being replaced. Next up is Overdorf. Gotta say though, I don't ever expect to see Russ removed but at least he is being distanced from things he should be distanced from.
  14. I get what you mean but I wonder if selling used cars is actually more difficult than new nowadays. He makes me think of Herb Tarlek so I definitely get where you're coming from
  15. I skipped four pages of this thread to say that anything Bill Polian says in favor of the Bills or McD comparing him to Marv is very simply him whoring himself to get his son Chris a GM job. I'm calling bull crap on it. Love Bill but not interested in his opinion on this matter, right here, right now as it is only geared towards getting his son Chris a GM gig. Pass. Chris Polian sucks and I would think 90% of this board would take a fast pass on Chris. But thanks Bill! Love you man. Go BILLS
  16. So i'm just starting to read this thread and came across this. I get the power thing but am not sure that it was instituted by McD. Maybe Pegs decided the last time Whales spoke in front of amicrophone should be the last time. You wouldn't disagree with that would you? Further, imo if this is the least impressed you've been with our draft in a very long time I wonder if you are Dick Jauron?
  17. Chad can be a reincarnation of one of two people. Uncle Jim Kelly or Johnny Manziel. I believe the kid has the fire to be the former rather than the latter and we should make this happen. Biggest value pick ever!
  18. Sammy's going to have a big year in a different and way more beneficial to him scheme. Can he stay healthy? Yes? Offered long term contract. No? Adios amigo or tag him for one year.
  19. If he's still there with our second next pick, take him. If he keeps his **** together then we won't have to dump two firsts and whatever to move up to take a qb next year and we can start to be solid team all around. Oh and Chad, your gonna live at your Uncles for a couple years.
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