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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Jeez what a site this is. peoples fathers dying and people getting divorced! I have had to deal with both of these issues so I have already offered up on the bereavement thread and now this. Speaking from my own experience, I would tell you this is most important especially having had a friend go through a divorce recently and do exactly the opposite of what I did. You must be comfortable being alone. Once you are happy with yourself, you can move on. If not you are only asking for more trouble and heartache. In the short term though, like someone said earlier in this thread, hit The Sundowner If that doesn't make you happy, forget it!
  2. I lost my dad last year unexpectedly, and think about him all the time. His doctor told me he was a very sick man. More than we knew. Hang tough and keep the good memories with you always and forever! I miss mine so much I can't explain, but I cherish the good times we had. My Dad I would say, was a better man than I. He will be with me forever and at some point in my life when I am facing a challenge, I will look back to him for guidance. I did not always agree with him on a lot of things, but he definately had some patience that I do not posess. I miss him dearly but am GLAD, that he suffers no more. He was a much more forgiving man than I ever will be. I hope your pain passes and you treasure what you had.
  3. You cannot afford to lose time from work and should be granted immunity!
  4. How can I say this politely without offending? I'll try this. I thought John Butler was a blowhard as a GM. I never felt like he had a grasp of what was really going on. To put it bluntly, he would have made one hell of an Erie County Legislator!! But may he RIP. Anyway after reading your post it gives me a bad taste of Donahoe. Mind you I would say that was a home run draft for Big John. I dislike TD even more than Butler. But I will say he sure as hell knows how to manage a cap where Butler was absolutely clueless about it. I would like to add that MadBuffaloDisease with the breakdown of TD's 2001 draft equals if not betters this. But TD is looked at by Ralph as much more than a GM and I don't think that will ever change. No matter what, some GM will always get a lucky breakout player that turns out to be a difference maker. Willis is that kind of gamble, and guess what you heard it here first folks, JP is taking us to the playoffs in his first year as a starter! If he doesn't, then I've got at least a dollar for anyone who cares to claim it!!! I guess that would solidify TD in my mind and many others.
  5. I believe I heard DG say that they weren't interested in giving TH a long term deal and would let him play out the year. Personally, I think that's bunk but since DG is kind of a screwed up head case, it could be true.
  6. I kind of laughed at the idea at first, but then I saw a picture of it in the news and thought well I'm going to one of those two upcoming games so it will be interesting to see. Then I saw it on channel 2 and 4 during their sportscasts yesterday and I gotta tell ya it looked very cool! As the owner of a High Definition tv I really can't wait to see a game with the blue ice in hi def. I don't know when that chance will come but I would love to see it. The snorting goat painted on center ice looked vivid. Don't toss this idea aside until you see how much color it adds. If it does nothing other increase ratings when the game returns, so much for the better because they are going to have a very tough time selling the game to anyone who isn't a hardcore fan. This will help.
  7. I like the message because we know TD will not pay Nate what Nate (speking in the third person here) will get elsewhere and besides, the cowbell in motion is cool! Bahhhhhhhhhhhhh
  8. So what? I've been a member for 1 3/4 years and have 8 posts. 3 or 4 of the today even ( also equals loser ) Now who know's what?
  9. Personally I dont like TD, but kool aid drinking chumps is too much for me to accept. Now then, get out of that Jello tree ya fool. Kelly's a nice deal. Indeed, Kelly Holcomb
  10. This all good with me too. McNally took Parker the dog a long way and I think this guys a hell of a lot better than him.
  11. This is F'n sweet I don't expect him to play because I think JP is going to be a stud. But the one thing with JP that we have to wait and see is if he will be durable. That is really far less of an issue now. If all JP did this season was hand the ball off, we would still make the playoffs because Willis is a stud. Hey Drew, thanks buddy!
  12. I really miss Bob and Puff and that morning team far more than I like Simon and Jeremy. Some of the stuff they do like Take a seat Friday for example is just a rip off of what was One and Gone on Thursdays with Bob. Howard is well, just Howard
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