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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Acknowleged, can we lay down the gauntlet? The answer to the question though, undoubtedly is Berg. IMO. But Nick really ain't worth your bag o pucks either! Enjoy this, as it comes from a Leafs Fan... I GIVE... UNCLE... DON'T HURT ME... PLEASE MISTER, I TOOK ENOUGH BEATING FROM THE OLD MAN BEHIND ME TONIGHT. I REALLY HAVE HAD ENOUGH. THE LEAFS ARE OVER AND OUT AND SUCK AND ALL, BUT WILL RETURN... And the next Captain won't be Euro trash, K? Until then, Let's Go Buffalo Let's Go Buffalo Let's Go Buffalo Me and my Buffalo Sabres Ya Ya Ya. You know were gonna win that cup! You know were gonna win that Stanley Cup, Me and my Buffalo Sabres, Ya Ya Ya
  2. It doesn't matter who, WE NEED MORE COWBELL!!!
  3. No, I am firmly on board the Sabres bandwagon as I live here and they are my second favorite team. Of course I did grow up in Toronto and that can't be replaced, but I live here and have truly been enjoying the Sabres ride this year! Although I am not too happy with what they mailed me for purchasing seasons next year and playoffs this year, I will still be going to the games They are a far more entertaining bunch to watch! Although I was yelling as loud as I could at Fat Pat for playing Domi and Belak for what seemed like more minutes than anybody else tonight. I'm screaming at him, ya thats what will get us into the playoffs! Domi and Belak, and that's about when I threw in the towel. Really, a minute or so left in a period, fighting for a playoff berth, and the best you can do is throw Domi and Belak on the ice? I give. Luckily for me, even though nobody around here understands it, I am also a Sabres fan! So no matter, I will enjoy the ride the Sabres are about to embark on. I also decided tonight after a battle with a beer vendor, no more 100 seats for me. I will only sit in the Harbor Club. Similar to what I feel about going to a Bills game. Van Miller club for me thanks!
  4. Final 4 Two surprises UConn Boston College Memphis Texas With UConn embarassing Texas in the final.
  5. No, I go with 3 Sabres fans I can't stand to be around the idiot Leaf fans! Oh for sure EH, looks like their starting to gel at the right time Bring out the tin foil heads!
  6. Marty simply had to be inserted and the team woke up, therefore he bailed them out regardless of how many stops he had to make. He has special powers ya know? Just keepin it real bro, keepin it real. Well that and crossing my fingers! Anyone wishing to purchase beer for me tonight I will be in sec. 104 row 16 seat 13 or so. You will be able to recognize me by the Leaf jersey
  7. I'm not sure but he did bail the team out after Lindy pulled Miller and let Marty start the third and it worked. Marty has helped just by being there. Being a good guy, a huge team guy.
  8. No dammit! Not again! Not this time! Please for God's sake give me one for a change!!!!
  9. They hired MM! Let's make it four dumb moves
  10. Sabres are starting Miller who has been struggling the last few games. Despite this, and with the help of Marty the team is still managing to win They have been playing too sloppy lately giving up too many goals. It catches up to them tonight. The Leafs are in a do or die situation again. However the Leafs will realize this afternoon at about 5:58 that Punch Imlach is dead and will take it to the Sabres tonight The Sabres current streak will end, but they will start another on Saturday against Ottawa. Leafs 5-3
  11. Of course we would. But we have it from a good source that an announcement is imminent as of last Tuesday that a deal will be announced. Me? I'm banking on him being far away from here next year! Kidding aside, if he were to remain here (not a chance in hell he will though) I would hope that he finished his carreer here. I would certainly cheer for him. Now that I think of it, no I wouldn't. Just your typical self important athlete that's going to make incomprehensible money to jump and catch a ball. I'm not cheering for any pro athlete anymore now that you mention it!!
  12. What's wrong weith you? You forgot to mention our weather, our city, our stadium, our fans
  13. Oh sure. But what about his motor? is he a high motor guy?
  14. Well then, Damn it with Nikki, she's a skank But you're right I didn't see that picture. It does change my perspective
  15. Um, my thoughts, she is Nikki Cox lite. That's no bad thing mind you. Just keep in mind, she's no Nikki Cox!! easy does it big fella, easy does it
  16. I don't thinkk Nate is. I bet he's pissed and plays like a pansy all next year so he doesn't get injured. Then he will be doing the jig
  17. If that happens I like our chances against anyone in the league.
  18. You guys wouldn't know what to do with something like that!! Buch a friggin angels Side note heard someting funny on Sirius the othe day. Producer chimes up with this gem for a pick up line: Is that keg in your pants? Cause I sure would like to tap that ass!! I laughed out loud. But then I'm an idiot
  19. Actually next year they will be in very good shape cap wise. Certyainly not hell. But think about this for a minute, I find what you're saying reasonable and hard to believe at the same time. Draft picks? When WE have a legitimate shot at the cup this year? Rental or not, now is the time to go for it. This time may never come around again. And boy do I know that feeling I am amazed actually with the D this year. I thought for sure losing Alex would hurt this team badly. Losing McKee next year most certainly will hurt. Better to go for it right now imo because as I have previously stated, I don't see Jay coming back after the way Darcy has handled him. I wouldn't forget that, and I don't think he will either especially when the Leafs come calling sometime in June or July.
  20. Ergo, the success MM had here will be recreated in Miami. BWawawawawawawaaaaa Let them take him.
  21. Then don't you want to add...1967.. I laughed when I saw that line because I thought of the chit between Leaf and Sabres fans at the arena. But to hear it from a Devil's fan, well what can you say? 2002 or something like that
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