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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. And is this avatar also in your other profile?
  2. Anytime Domi gets wiped is a good time. I even cheered earlier this year for McGratton on Ottawa when he really put a thumpin on Domi.
  3. Your , your avatar could not suit your profile ANY better.
  4. Nice! You'll notice the perfect form he's using though, it comes from years of practice and this year they all have just nailed it!
  5. Hey!! I know someone who ives in California, you probably know him...
  6. I guess that kinda stops a fight! A Danny classic, I remember seeing Danny laying on the ice and Billy Smith on top of him wailing away at him I brought this up to Danny once and got a quick, ya what of it type of response. He remembers it too
  7. Everything I post has to be negative so I am going to say that listening to The Danny Gare Show makes my ears bleed!
  8. I don't remember hearing that. I seem to recall some people saying that teams would be clamoring for his services. You know, the fan boys and all
  9. So I'm wonderin why the great genius (to some) TD has not been hired to ruin er, run a franchise yet? Is it possible other teams see him as incapable of being a personel guy what with seeing his talent and trades not working out? I'm pretty sure some of the TD lovers told me he would be in rehired by now in SF or somewhere. Sorry, just kinda bored right now and he will always inspire some venom from me
  10. Beats the hell out of flying on an old Beech Turboprop doesn't it?
  11. I agree here and would add that if your bro can't see this is a problem let him know your going to back away from him too.
  12. In light of an extremely aggravating situation that I have been dealing with for 2 days now, I would like to add something. Don't use third party companies to purchase tickets through. Like Expedia for example who is causing me all kinds of grief. Most airlines offer lowest prices on their websites anyway and why bring an outsider into the mix? 95% of the time everything is ok, but when there's trouble it is simply a major mistake to have made travel arrangements through them.
  13. Ok but, we supposedly offered him a contract, which to me means they felt he did fit into our plans. Not saying that I think he fit into our plans, but they did. Somehow. Why though?
  14. I am a big Marty fan. Certainly he is one of the most likeable personalities I have ever seen in a pro athlete. But Miller I believe is more sound on the fundamentals of the position. However if you traded Miller for a Jovonovski I would do that and be more than content to use Marty as my starter for years. But I do not make these decisions. I should, but I don't.
  15. Marv has already said he's not paying him that. So he will not be stewing for 10 mil. I agree with you that I don't see anyone coming along and offereing him a long term deal. And even so, if a team has to trade for him and not sign him to a long term deal, They have to pay him the big bucks unless he agrees to a significant pay cut. Which we know, he ain't doin here and I don't think any team, even a team that thought he would push them over the top would pay him that kind of money. But back to my original question again, ( sorry to have hi jacked the thread ) What team thinks that EM puts thm over the top? If there is one than maybe they trade a sixth for him and renegotiate with him, pay him 6 this year 5 the year after that and give him a 5 signing bonus. I don't see anyone doing anything near that. The play with EM is wait till he's cut which you know he will be, and offer him 3.5 a year for three years with a 3.5 signing bonus. And he would be pretty damn lucky to get that at this point. Am I really missing something here?
  16. Why? The same deal applies regardless of who's interested now. Wait it out until he is cut. We clearly are not going to pay him 10 mil or anywhere near. He isn't going to play here for anything less. = Cut The date is the only thing in question. So again back to my original question, which I don't even remember, Why would a team trade for him? They would have to seriously think that he would be the one that pushes them to a Super Bowl appearance. Who do you think would really feel that way?
  17. MARV. He said something to the effect on Tuesday I believe that Eric will not be a Buffalo Bill unless he takes a significant salary decrease. That pretty much tells me come June 1, July 1 or whatever the hell the date is EM will not be a Buffalo Bill since I also have heard either EM or his agent say he will not take a pay cut. So now that you have answered my question with a question, would you be so kind as to answer my original question?
  18. I'm sure this has been said but, why would you trade for him when you know he's going to be cut and you can sign him for far less than he currently thinks he will get? And if he is cut and some other team out bids you for him, what have you really lost? Is one of these teams interested really looking at him like he would be the difference for them making the Super Bowl? Philly, Denver? Bueller?
  19. Really? Is there a hidden message here?
  20. I'm wondering about this issue given that two teams have matched our offers. Apparently they weren't bad offers as they were matched. I'm giving Marv some benefit here which is tough because I am in the camp that believes, We Are Doomed
  21. And your about to lose two more against a team you should beat with sticks!!!
  22. I agree with these guys. 1st, it's still cheaper than it was in 02 but do you know what it's assessed for? 2nd, don't begrudge the couple trying to pay for their divorce 3rd, I have a friend who bout a place in Jersey who's father is a Realtor. It seemed really really stupid to me but I can compare it with what you have described. The Realtor father went in and offered 5 K over the askingh price to make sure they got it. They did. But if it's anywhere near Pennsyltucky, hold off.
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