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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Wasn't Dom's wife hot? I think Mrs. Snow might be safe. She looks a little to Euro for my boy Ted!
  2. Of course he is. Just look at what's been going on here for years. Isn't that why they named the stadium after him though?
  3. Ok, so he's not alone. He's an army of 3
  4. What an awesome display on the 4th no less.
  5. For as long as he's been here and after what happened last off season, I would too. My gut says if Darcy were to have offered 2.75 for 5 or 3 for 4 he would have stayed. Good for him though, he's not doing anything wrong by taking that deal. Oh well
  6. I will miss him he is a solid guy. 4 per for 4 years is insane though. Good luck Jay!
  7. Um ok. Perhaps you misread what I meant. At that time, I was unaware of any injuries to anyone in the trailer park. Good enough for you? I'm glad about their being no injuries in the trailer park despite some pretty severe damage in there. I am also glad about the fact that you wouldn't know that a trailer park is even in the neighborhood because of how far off Losson it is, the fact you can't even see it from Losson and what it actually does for property values. If that ain't good enough for you, oh well. Hope you and yours are ok.
  8. The nicest thing about the trailer park is that you cant see it from Losson. If you know it's back there fine. But just driving on Losson you would never know or imagine that there is a trailer park anywhere near there. But go figure, a Tornado touches down and there's damage at a trailer park Glad everyone's ok except for a broken bone or two. Although I really can't imagine being the guy in the construction trailer that gets rolled oved at least four or five times before coming to rest in the middle of Walden.
  9. Oops, excuse me for having people involved which means I give a sh it when the second comment from cpabob was posted. Espescially when it probably comes form some drunken Irish bas tard in S, buff. Im kidding cpabob
  10. If they did it's obvious the Honda Fits won the battle
  11. I've made statements before as to how we have improved and was laughed at. Mocked even! We will win 8 games or better this year based on a number of things. I'm not sure which to rank first or second but the two biggest reasons are, 1. We finally have legitimate coaching again. Our staff is excellent. Much better than I originally anticipated and that means belated/begrudging kudos to Marv. 2. JP will emerge early in camp as the man. He will be the starter and will be a much more succesful qb this year albeit with some warts or growing pains. 3. JP is going to break a specific Safety's arm in camp to prove that he is in fact, the man this year! And that will resonate with the players through the year and he will gain acceptance and respect through this move.
  12. I'm not quite sure how to say this without offending you so I will just say it. F You. To those who asked, the truck driver whose rig flipped has a broken leg. There was a guy in the construction trailer that blew out onto Walden and he is apparently ok. And there were minor injuries in the Subway/Good Feet building. I'm not sure about the trailer park but there was damage there. More at 11
  13. No mistake that is a horrid logo. But just because it's in the news dont take that as fact. In fact the News is guessing like anyone else and wouldn't be the first time they were flat out wrong. Are you guys overlooking this quote from Quinn? "I can tell you that's not our uniform," Quinn said.
  14. Holy !@#$ really? TB? With all of those Superbowl wins?
  15. Hate to do this but quoting myself thinking, hey wait a minute, didn't RJ win one too?
  16. Wait, didn't he win something? I nominate Doug Flutie. All he did was win baby!
  17. Am I understanding some of you right? When Paris says come on, you say no? I think you're full of it.
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