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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I guess I'm kind of a homophobe and all but, don't you see any cause for concern that YOU refer to him as Butters? South Park aside. Grown men? Do you drive a FIT? Have a myspace account maybe?
  2. Ya, kind of like your dog should give you a treat when he goes
  3. I'm not sure I understand you. I choose to live here also because despite the three and four alarm fires every night and being on par with Ontario in the fact that we are the highest taxed people in the nation, the complete lack of leadership through the past, present and likely future, the decent winter weather and total lack of jobs, prosperity and development, it is the nicest place anyone could live! I'm not leaving. I don't really care what they do with casino. If I had my way it would be the place they chose in Cheetowaga. It was out of the way, wouldn't upset anybody etc. but you know how that goes around here. And really, if you want a nice casino experience you are going to Fallsview. At least there it seems more upscale and you get something for giving up your money. At the Seneca Casino I feel like I may as well just give them $150 or so at the door and leave. I will give you another example, the Bears Den in Seneca Casino is an awesome small venue for concerts. It holds something like 500 people. They ruined it by going cheap on the sound set up. It blows. And in keeping with the money grubbing, when they get big names that draw more people, they open up their 4 room banquet area. A complete joke to see a concert at. Conversely at Fallsview, they have a properly built concert venue that probably seats around 2500 and is still a small venue that is very cool to see a concert at. And the big thing, your ear's don't bleed because they spent some money and put in top shelf sound equipment. I don't know why I'm rambling on about this other than I have a lot of disdain for the Seneca's anyway. Their not even very good Indians. Indians elsewhere think poorly of them! But really what does it matter to you? So I guess I still want to know why the hell would you leave, if you don't have to?
  4. And not only that but the burned rubber marks on the road at the edge of the driveway are from your car! Bastards Unless of course it's a F I T
  5. Who's complaining? I tip a lot of people and tip them appropriately. If your service sucks, so will the tip. That doesn't happen too often however. I tip guys that deliver furniture to the house and some other odd things. Sadly, guys like the mailman, and gladly the garbage men get overlooked. Although in my neigborhood the garbage men seem to think they are rulers of the land and they wont ever see a dime from me.
  6. So is the waitress/waiter/bartender. $3.15 an hour or something like that. Maybe you should switch?
  7. If Radical Bradford still works at the station, he's had her and thats how she got the job!
  8. Mine too! And i'm not 98 years old like RW.
  9. Well what I'm good with all that. Especially if he becomes a 3rd down burner who picks up first downs. And why would you expect him to be double teamed if he sucks so much? I agree he sucked in Atlanta. But how much of that had to do with Vick? Dallas was just a total loss. Was it a fluke the dude caught so many passes here? I don't think so. And if he can bring back half of what he did for us before and Lee Evans truly becomes a #1 I will be happy with Peerless. But I am expecting more than that from him. I wouldn't be surprised as the season wears on that he competes with Lee for the number 1 spot. And maybe more importantly, I don't think he would be more inclined to want JP throwing the rock because the ball will be going downdfield, and by that I mean at least 15 yards, way more than with Holcomb. Maybe I'm dreaming but Marv may have just made the steal of free agency with him. Well. I'm hoping ya know
  10. I really thought of Peerless as your typical, overpaid self important punk type of player. You know, like Willis is going to be this year and next. Showboating, running off at the mouth etc My opinion is really changing right now. Is it just me? Or is PP showing himself to be a more humble down to earth honest type of football player? If there are even any of them left at this point. It has been a breath of fresh air listening to Peerless when he speaks. He can still be the thug if he wants but he seems a little more committed to the game and having the right teamates. That is not the Peerless I remember. I will predict based on the renewed energy we are going to benefit from with him this year, 71 cathes for 1489 yds. Booya. Welcome back Peerless!!
  11. Troll! Do your own research without incriminating us
  12. Say what you want, and your line about Kirwan and Belichick is classic! But the more I hear these two guys talking football, the less I can take of our local hero's. Your Schopp's, your Riter's your Bulldogs et all.
  13. It bothered me the way Kirwan when he was talking to Holcomb was saying things like "you have to be the starter, now go out and win that job" If I was JP and I heard him say that I would have said I'll pass hen asked to come on the show. I thought it was kind of bush to tell you the truth. And I like listening to Tim and Pat a lot! They're usually pretty balanced.
  14. The season could go all to hell but as long as we have our tailgate time, we shall declare the season a success! Yes I am looking forward to the festivities this year also.
  15. That was funny. I also laughed when Marv couldn't think of the guys name in New England. A TE who always used to kill us!
  16. And with the lots opening an hour earlier some of us will probably try to do just that!
  17. There are some stupid rules on the books at the Ralph. Plenty of them in fact. If I'm not mistaken one them reads something along the lines of you are allowed to bring binoculars to the game. But you are not allowed to bring in the case or lens caps or something to that effect. Just some really stupid rules.
  18. The pat downs at the Ralph are a complete joke anyways. One game last year was some woman having a great time at the gate laughing about getting to feel every man going through. Meanwhile I'm shouting at them because the game is started and I'm stuck at the gate watching this dog and pony show And to the smart asses sure to comment, yes I guess the best thing to do is head in earlier
  19. No. I'm feeling ok about BOTH of my teams. Except Briere. I am afraid that we may walk away from that ruling. The only way I see him playing here next year is if we walk away from Max who is no doubt going to get some assanine award. I will tell you this, I am feeling a lot better about the Sabres and me having plunked down $4800 and change for seasons after the last few days and the long term deals Darcy has managed to do. But the Briere situation really is bothering me. I love watching him play. I pledge allegiance to the Buffalo trump hairs except for games when they are playing the Leafs. Does that work for you?
  20. Well, we do now. I guess until Aug 1st per channel 4 tonight at 11 and then we get sh-- on.
  21. I thought this was sthe new Larry Quinn. Fan friendly and listened to the fans and was less arrogant about everything. If this is the new logo and they roll with it then I guess the new boss is the same as the old boss. I personally don't believe that the fraternal order of water buffalo heai is the new logo. I haven't heard one person from the team say anything about it and I do not believe that Golisano is going to ram something down that everyone of us left in town has signed a petitition saying that stinks give us something more like tghe original. We'll see soon enough I guess.
  22. Idiots yes. Sirius is the bomb. But hold on a minute, GR was good enough for Marv to take a paycheck from as a so called expert even though one time I remember he came on and talked to Howard Simon in the morning, you know the idiot from WNSA, and Marv actually had the gall to say he hadn't seen the game yet! And I believe that was on a Tuesday no less. I lost some respect for Marv that day when as a paid analyst he admitted that he hadn't seen the game that he was now on the radio two days later to discuss! What the hell Marv? Why bother coming on the radio then? Idiot.
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