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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Wait a minute, wait a minute here (said in a Homer voice) this sounds like whining to me dammit!
  2. Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron Jauron. Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron Jauron Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron Jauron Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron Jauron Chorus Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron Jauron Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron Jauron Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron Jauron
  3. Your devotion is admirable. At least, up until the end
  4. And 50 cent fries on Tuesday's after 4 just another reason to hit and stay with it!
  5. I'd hit em! Well, some of them. Ok most of them. But there are a few that I admired at the last game from the backside and nearly ruined my binoculars when they turned around. I even told the old lady that Well, not the part about where I'd hit that. But I think she was wonderin.
  6. Alright, maybe it's CTM who's always downplaying the chicks that get thrown about around here and saying he wouldn't touch it and goes on about how his wife or his girl is hotter than that anyway... And that usually makes me feel like a homeless dog in that royalty to me is field cabbage to him. But I'm still calling BS. If you admit Morgan is an attractive woman, and you do, tell me why you wouldn't hit it? Plastic parts or not. By the way I get a kick out of guys who say things like "they're not real, I wouldn't hit it" because of that? Really? I could care less than a specimen has been altered to the point of having perfectly shaped melons with buttons pointing skyward. You know you could get hit by a bus tomorrow and had the opportunity to hit it (Morgan) today and taken a pass. Now what the hell good is that? And don't go tellin me that your wife is hotter than Morgan anyways, remember, you could be hit by a bus.
  7. Avalanche is right. It's not an about face at all. If you asked Pattie, er PK I bet he would still say Holcomb. Thats fine thats his choice. What pissed me off at camp was when Holcomb left them he said "now go out and win that starting job son" Thats not really good from a host. But it is his opinion that he gets paid to say. It was definately not the opinion of Sirius NFL Radio as Avalanche has pointed out, there are other guys on the station that have been positive about him.
  8. I know you think that all the women that most of us find attractive are less than desirable, but I'm calling BS on this one. Unless it's your mom.
  9. Doesn't matter. I'd hit that too!
  10. I think he was thrown off by the PA announcer. He was mispronouncing his name as Damien. I'm sure he thinking wtf? Why is this clown mispronouncing my name? I'm not new here. As a result he had a poor game.
  11. You too? Seriously? What is with you and Fez saying the Cowbays are SB contenders? Did I go to sleep last night missing out on Drew Bldsoe's developmental curve progressing? Did I?
  12. No suites for me either! Although I will not give up my Van Miller seats! Sec. 235 row 9. saw Van last week actually and he looked good until he got up and walked. He had a buddy helping him along for the walk. But his voice was as strong as I have ever heard from him which was cool and took away some of the poor Van feeling I had. Despite calling games that were different than what I was seeing on the field, for the last few years of his run anyways. Last Friday night he was very coherent. I was glad to see that in him. He is not rotting away. He looked pretty damn good and sounded fantastic, but the walking thing, well I should be so lucky to get anywhere near his age and be coherent as he and I would consider myself a lucky man. I posted something before regarding the pat down and now that you mention it, I think it was a plump (not manish though) female at gate 7 that drew my venom as she was lollygagging and enjoying the whole patting down of every man thing while I was just getting more and more pissed watching her perform her little carny sideshow because the F'n game was on!
  13. Nall likely learned as much behind Favre as JP did behind Bledsoe. 0
  14. The Keg in the Embassy Suites in NF Ont. Fantastic views, great food and terrific ambience. Can be a little noisy at times though. Someone mentioned fish and chips at Niagara On the Lake. Anywhere in Ontario that serves Halibut and chips is a good bet Sadly I can't find any in Niagara Falls and sometimes travel to St. Catherines for Halibut and chips which is a deluxe fish fry
  15. Snobbery at it's finest! Gate 3 for me, but the camera bag I suspect will not be allowed so to die hard fan I want to ask, especially since you had extra batteries, what would you have done if they said you can't bring the bag in? Take it back to car or chuck it?
  16. The Oakes is a nice place with fantastic views if you are facing the falls. You would have no regrets staying there.
  17. This is debateable. I don't think the Jills had all their talent on the field! jarhtur1 had it exactly right when he said "beer and ogling cheerleaders!
  18. He looked better than Holcomb and will make Jauron's choice for either a #1 or #2 togher than it was before tonight. Meaning Holcomb is really a third stringer now. IMO!
  19. Didn't we give PP a nice signing bonus? PP is a lock to make the team regardless of what happens in the pre season. He is a vet that will help.
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