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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Why haven't they released them yet? They have till 4 of course but are they still determining them at this point?
  2. I haven't heard any talk of that happening have you?
  3. Cool, thanks Jack! I look forward to meeting you at some point.
  4. Me too! And if I wasn't a Trooper(I am not a Trooper) I would hope my neighbor would shoot his ass. For Free there really is no need for reward money in this case. Do the right thing.
  5. 50's are feelin alright Don't pay attention to what these pigheads on this site post Mine ain't Morgan Fairchild, but in the imortal words of Rick James, She's Alright, she's alright!! Best sex of my life and I've been, how you say, busy?
  6. This is interesting but I say no. She is too self important and I would have given up on her in less than five minutes because there is no doubt she has some kind of Horseshack laugh and simply can't get laid. She is trolling a sou can see if you watch the video. She is a skanky slutty kind of cheap whore. Too cheap to pay for her own ad, she manipulated some kind of reporter story that her magazine would buy but I don't. She is a cheap slut that has been bed many times and probably has children to boot! ECH! Children! By the way, do you have any personal pictures you can share with me and only me?
  7. Alright I have a few things to say here. Now listen up! First on 10/22 is that supposed to mean Lot 1 pole 5? And if so what is it now? Toyota Tundra Lot Pole 5? I wanted to to do the TBD ticket thing but I'm kind of an arrogant snot like Jack In Syracuse can attest to and just can't forego the luxury that I pay for!!! Don't praise the mods here. It's noy really work. It;s like babysitting! I'm sure most of them are the dregs of society. But on game day they are my brothers! BACK OFF Honestly I would love to meet the peeps on 10/22 the New England game. So is there a TBD party at LOT 1 POLE 5 or what? Hammer's Lot? What? What? What? I would love to meet some of you smarmy bastards. (Fellow Bills Fans! )
  8. Intersting thoughts even if I don't agree with em! Let's Dance had musical merit on it's own and gave what now dead but famous guitarist that I was lucky enough to see third row floor center stage at Massey Hall in Toronto about 1983 his big break. Even if it wasn't his kind of music
  9. So he stayed in the league for another 5-6 years with 2 teams? and thats bad news? I know you hope for the best from Spikes. After being there for the home game against Cleveland I am confident, phsyched, and pumped about THE MANS return to the field. If you didn't see it, you don't get it. DUDE is going to play ball. Cowart never really did after his return which is very sad because I love Sam. But his body is his body. TKO's is his and he really is a freak! A super freak to be exact! He's really kind of kinky! He's alright! He's alright! Heh heh heh heh heh TKO Rocks Edit: This really sounds like man love for TKO doesn't it? Well. he's alright!
  10. And now, everybody think of the Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron song. I really like this guy. It's nice to have an HC with experience who by the way was coach of the year with a team that kind of resembles this one in more positiions than one. We'll see though. By week 8 he's either dog meat or he is as the song goes, Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron. Dick Jauron, Jauron, Jauron. I love what I see from him so far and thats kind of funny because I started to hate Camp Marv back in the day, and yet thats exactly what we just had. Damn maybe Bruce can get another year year in? Show me on the field in the regular season. That's all. And let the love in begin!! Cause the $2644 for my 2 seats is a lot too swallow!
  11. With all the licking that jjsiepierski34 is doing, I'm guessing he is Holcombsnoodlearm in disguise
  12. OK, I will respond but this is really hurting my little brain. These are the things I would do different than you. At RB/FB I'm keeping Ricard over Burns. Burn's has been here long enough to prove that we are going nowhere other than 5-11 using your own argument albeit at a different position. At LB I'm cutting Ezekiel and keeping Haggan despite my prior point on the RB/FB position and I'm not keeping the extra and will also cut, Hunter and hope he goes to PS. I will also cut Merz at OL so I can keep Sape at DT. Maybe I'm wrong but Pennington has more upside. And this is assuming you can get him on PS. And now I'm confused cause I'm not counting on Takeo NOT being there and I'm also NOT cutting Ellison. Out of the remaining I think I'll cut Everitt and keep Andre Davis. Everitt is too small to block, and is TD's illegimate bastard child. Cut Him. Does any of this make sense? If not, does it make sensi? I think I may have an extra? But you fantasy football type freaks will figure it out and no doubt correct me on MY mistakes now! I think I'm going to add this to my signature, If the Bills go 8-8 I'm happy, your happy, and the Sabres are going to win the cup this year !
  13. Yes and strangely every time I see them again, it looks they are closer. Muggins, are you manipulating the avs?
  14. You do do you? Shame on you. You should know that your employer spells Satellites differently than you
  15. It is a great idea. Although I would never consider buying such a cheap piece of crap that $1500 will get ya. You need to step up to the 60" plus arena for $2500 and up you will get quality. Or just get a nice HD projector for the theater room.
  16. If he's even half way decent this year he will be an extremely popular Bill. There will be a major love in with the guy.
  17. I remember them but I dont remember seeing you or yours in there! Sorry, I'm new to this hitting on you thing, but I gotta tell ya, I like it! I like it a lot
  18. This is all true except I cant confirm you graduating, and the ska and gangsta is the chit I dunno about! What the hell is Ska? I should have graduated in 82 or 83. I waited till 1991 for the GED and moved on from there
  19. Thanks for the info. CBS is really falling behind everyone at this point with HD broadcasts. I wouldn't neccessarily trust their schedule at this point though. I think they will also move broadcast teams and HD equipment around according to teams records. But it's good that they confirm the first two weeks if for no other reason than our opponents rather than us. I don't care, I want HD for every game now.
  20. Im not with you here bro. I don't rate some of those as great. Some yes, but some no. And some I just don't know and I think I have a wide range in music taste. Perhaps not that wide though!
  21. Dude, thanks for that link. I need to find this Van thread. Somehow I didn't pay attention to it and cant find it searching. How long ago was it?
  22. That's cool and TheMadCap has listed quite few titles but it is impossible imo to single out any one single or album or cd with him. His body of work is so large and of such different types. You will enjoy what you listen too from him from movies (Cats) to all the other stuff listed. If you want something that spans a lot of his talent try this: best of bowie. It's a double cd with 38 songs that is laid out so that it makes phenominal road trip music. One of my favorites is TVC15 I would be interested in your thoughts after you listen to some of his work.
  23. Bowie is a musical genius and helped give SRV a big push. He also has a HUGE library of work. Are you kidding about this?
  24. >Kelly Holcomb, still < flaming dung at this point. Don't cry for me Argentina, the crickets are chirping for Billy Volek.
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