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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Here is a timely story. Doesn't neccesarily give youy the exact answer you're looking for but you have been given that several times anyways. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20060913/1022941.asp The only good thing that would come of the passport law is that traffic on the bridges would really drop.
  2. I like him. But good god I can't imagine him doing a four hour talk show. Is it a sports talk show even?
  3. Crap Is crap, time to call a spade a spade then. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck...
  4. OK or okay. Whatever you prefer. But I want to say that somone saying they could care less, could have a different intonation(?) than someone saying they couldn't care less. I mean I could care less that Dick Jauron is an ugly human being. I dont, but I could. But I try not to focus on that because I think I like him a lot as a head coach. He is making feel like we will be improving so I am willing to overlook him being ugly. And really when it comes down to it. I am not a physical specimen myself. But I am miles better looking than DJ> I couldn't care less that Troy Vincent was out early in the game. Ha, I did it! I didn't think I could make this unreasonable situation legit But I did! I really did!
  5. If you're Pat LaFontaine or Mike Smith right about now you're thinking to yourself, man am I glad I got the the fug outta there. And if you're Ted, you're just thinking !@#$.
  6. Bill must have read what we said about him if this is true.
  7. I object to this. I did some crappy things as a kid. I've done some crappy things as an adult but feel that the level of crap has improved. In fact currently, I am above being crap and and am merely riding a wave of humanity. Or maybe Flotsam. Tip the kid.
  8. I'm assuming this is the John Ditullio who shows up on Wease's show and does sports?
  9. That does make it easy. Same goes for me. I tend to leave my passport in the car. But it was in the house last trip and I didn't have the birth cert. and got a little hassle from the Canadian.
  10. This is the best and most accurate advice given to you. Do you have a birth certificate? The drivers license does not prove your citizenship which depending on the agent, you may be politely or not, informed of. The passport law was amended and will be again before it ever gets implemeted. The last I heard they were going to create a lower cost id card that you would have to obtain because some people can't afford the $100 or whatever it is for a passport.
  11. This was the first time I can recall seeing someone wearaing a chin strap cover.
  12. GG can you ask him if he is the voice of the football coach in the Mighty Taco commercials? The old guy who is saying we're gonna win, win, win at all costs! It's pretty funny and really does sound like him.
  13. He had a NIKE item covering his chin strap. Will the league be looking for money from him?
  14. That's it! You're a Yankee fan You are correct that I would be upset if we didn't do everything within our means to win. But and I say this espescially with Marv talking about character guys now, if we need a running back should we go get Clarett?
  15. I've always felt I disliked you for something other than your Deliverance avatar. Now you're reminding me. Give you a break? Strategy? And if he is now out of football, is that cool by you? Yea we cut him so we shouldn't care. But he signed him and intended to cut him and now he won't catch on anywhere. Maybe someone else with better intentions was willing to give the guy a shot. Then again maybe you're right and I'm just being stupid about it.
  16. A team free of the lousiness of guys like Tom Donahoe, Mike M, Gregg W. And all the sh-- that came with them. Those days are gone. These are the new Bills. We have a head coach again. A good one at that. We are becoming a football team again and this is the first chance for them to gou and show it. You gotta believe, espescially after some of the things our guys have said that the likes of London Fletcher, Willis, Vincent, hell most of the team wants to go out and make a statement. We will rock.
  17. What a classless move. Just another reason to hope we put a dent in him on his road to the bottom.
  18. If you're going to Duffs, go to the one in Orchard Park. It is a decent looking place with good atmosphere and some pretty girls. The one on Sheridan is a hole. You should probably expect to see some ass clown dressed up in green and shouting J E T S in the parking lot. You can expect a chuckle later on when you go into or come out of the stadium and see him all bruised and bloodied. Depending on what you plan on bringing into the stadium you should check the Bills web site to see what's allowed and what isn't. There are some stupid things you're not allowed to bring in and if you don't know that going in it can be a pain in the ass to decide to either throw the item out at the gate or go back to the car and dump it. Two good places to eat in the Falls are Tony Roma's and The Keg. There's also a great Italian place but I can't think of the name of it. But it's very close to the Fallsview Casino. Also if you like Cigars, stop at the Duty Free shop coming back into the US and buy some Tuero's. They are a great smoke for the price. Havana seed tobaco but they are allowed over here. Oh and Sundowners, hell yeah!~
  19. That is just inacurate reporting which sadly happens all the time. He was to be held at the Holding center and is now scheduled to go Chemung County. Elmira has a nice facility. Very pretty grounds outside and such. Stuff that he will never see. I'm sure it is like hell on the inside of that place. Enjoy it Ralph.
  20. I think he's kidding. He's got to be kidding. You have got to be kidding me!
  21. Nah, too many smilies. Sorry to those offended.
  22. I'm thinking of a previous reply I made to one of your posts.
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