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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Tucker and Peca. Both dirty players that have a penchant for leaving their feet when they run someone over.
  2. All right then if you want to step in and fight for him I need to know one thing first. Are you his big brother or his little sister?
  3. Hmm, interesting. I'll be anxious to get my mail then. On Sept. 11 while I was ordering extra tickets for a certain game, I asked them when I could expect them and they told me they would be mailed at the end of the month.
  4. Whatever dude. In the mean time while you look for that we will enjoy just winning games. Ugly, pretty whatever. I just want to win and give schit how.
  5. Well beyond anything else I'm a little pissed that I pay $132 a month for high speed, an HD DVR and only get HBO as a premium. Not Showtime, not Cinemax and no Stars either. For that kind of scratch a guy can and should get a lot of things. I still get NFLN because I also have a Canadian satellite. But I do not get it in HD on that service. But my original point stands. For that kind of money going to a cable co. I should be getting all those missing channels and a personal escort once a month. Well, for 15 minutes anyways.
  6. Remember no matter the temptation, prostitution is illegal in Clark County. You must drive the 50 minutes or whatever to some other county.
  7. I think two brothers came out with a book called Snaps and it was modern day takes on things like hang loose. There have been cd's I believe as well.
  8. I saw a tire cover that said "I'm conceited and I got a reason to be" This was airbrushed on the cover and I said to myself "self, WTF?" It was some young girl but I still can't translate it into anything meaningful. just some dumb ass young girl.
  9. I never ever ever, feel bad about being a Bills fan and neither should you. And I'd also like to add an F U to TD while I'm thinking about it.
  10. They can't accurately predict the morning nevermind 5 days in advance. Lately I'm just happy if the day is what they predict in the morning. It will be a good weather day Sunday. Bank it.
  11. That's why. You think Ralph is going to get on the bus with a bunch of guys who may injure him just by accidently brushing against him? Hell no! You should have been looking out for the old man leaving the stadium alone in an Entereprise Rent A Car Taurus
  12. And do you know when sales get down to single seats only how many that is?
  13. I applaud the effort to get us better entertainment also. I'm not sure that I like how they are implementing it but I also appreciate that it is for my viewing enjoyment. The NFL doesn't really a give sghit about the fand buying the tickets. This is all about TV. I would also accept Reese Witherspoon bringing me my bacon.
  14. Pennington will be injured again at the Ralph. Although this will not be a season ending injury he will sustain. I see him out for 5 games. This event occurs on their first drive of the third quarter.
  15. I could give a rats ass about the Battlestar deal. But thanks for the heads up on the Falls Next showing is SEP 23 2006 @ 05:00 AM and I already set the DVR.
  16. Sounds to me like something Mike Schopp would say
  17. A real fan would not take so long to drink a beer that it would freeze up. Tough guy
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