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Everything posted by otagoyellow

  1. They find creative new ways to break my heart. After 45 years, I'm addicted to the pain. Like Bill Murray at the dentist in "Little Shop of Horrors."
  2. It will make it all the more sweeter when they finally win it all. Or we'll all be dead. One of the two.
  3. Saw an article a couple weeks back that said the only team that can beat the Bills is the Bills. Prophecy fulfilled. So frustrating.
  4. I was 12 the last time the Bills were this good and remember, at least locally in Buffalo, there was tremendous enthusiasm and excitement. I agree with all the comments above that it was much different compared to the 24/7 of social media, but it was still palpable. I remember nearly every week on 97 Rock there would be some kind of parody Bills-themed song celebrating the team's success. The Bills dominated the Buffalo News headlines after every win. I very clearly remember, after the comeback against the Oilers, one of the local TV networks throwing up a "Congrats Bills! You're Unbilleivable" in the middle of regular programming set to EMF's "Unbelievable." Those incredible years sustained me, as I'm sure they did many, through the drought simply because we knew they could happen again. It's surreal and familiar all at the same time to be this good again. Older, wiser, and with more emotional football scars, I know not to take any of it for granted.
  5. Who cares that the Vikings won? The fact that these contrasting temperatures are possible in an NFL stadium and that the extreme lower temperature always favors the home team is borderline criminal. Show me another stadium where player safety is so one-sided.
  6. Allen screen pass to McKenzie, gain of 42 yards.
  7. I came here to praise you for the use of "skiddaddle." Five stars. That is all.
  8. Relish every moment, all - this could be the season we fondly remember for the rest of our lives.
  9. Wow. Those actually look really fantastic.
  10. A professor I work with lives in the same apartment building as Marv in Chicago and mentioned that he would see him working out every morning in the gym. I asked if he wouldn't mind delivering the letter and he agreed. Was a nice gesture.
  11. Wrote him a letter following the Bills' loss in the playoffs earlier this year. As I kid, I always loved this quote he used to share: "Fight on my men, Sir Andrew said. A little I’m hurt, but not yet slain. I’ll just lie down and bleed a while… Then I'll rise and fight again." Thanked him for that. Came in handy to lessen the blow after that game and at other points in my life previously. Guy took the time to pen a handwritten note back thanking me and extolling the virtues of Bills fans and the city of Buffalo. Such a class act.
  12. Bills will win the first 8 games. Allen will break his non-throwing arm in Week 10. Miami will win the AFCE. Keenum will help the Bills limp into the playoffs. Allen returns for playoffs and sends Bills to the SB.
  13. Just the fact that we're all seriously talking about the Bills going back to the Super Bowl and not taking the piss out on each other is.... REALLY F-ING AWESOME. Don't worry, I'm terrified as well - but man, it feels soooo good to have this feeling. Let's just enjoy it.
  14. I said exactly the same thing to my family. They didn't believe me. Decades of watching every. single. game. proved me right. Ugh. And yes, all of the hype has me terrified. That said, there was also a great deal of hype before last season (ESPN simulations had us winning the whole thing) and it turned out to be a (albeit, wonderful) roller-coaster season, so I feel more prepared for this one.
  15. ESPN ran a simulation 20,000 times last year that had us winning the whole thing as well. Maybe the extra 55K sims will finally push us over the edge... https://billswire.usatoday.com/2021/09/09/espn-2021-nfl-season-simulation-buffalo-bills-super-bowl-win-josh-allen/
  16. WE'RE NOT WORTHY!! Love this pick.
  17. Awesome news and three cheers for NO dome!!
  18. Best to address this one as a clean slate based off how the teams have been playing recently. in other words, it's going to be a barn burner. Both teams are near full health, KC has the home advantage, but Buffalo seems to excel on the road. This one is going to be a lot of fun.
  19. Embrace the elements. Go Bills.
  20. Terrifying to see "the fencing response." From Wiki: Praying for the best here.
  21. Fingers crossed this is our moment.
  22. 2020 was no fluke. I firmly believe in that. But I also believe the Bills had a fire in them during that season that made a significant difference from the coaching to the players. In 2021, with the team being crowned the shiny, new rising star with a $250M quarterback, I think the assumption from everyone (including the fans) was that the drive and fire that helped propel the Bills to the 2021 AFC Championship game would continue. Maybe growing even brighter. Every single week, even as recently as before the Colts game, the Bills were consistently lauded as one of the "most likely" teams to represent the AFC in the Super Bowl. The warning signs were evident from those of us who flock to TBD to dissect each game, but it felt good to believe the national narrative, to believe the coaches and players would "figure it out." That fire, however, is gone. It was evident yesterday. I'm someone who grew up during the Super Bowl years, so I'm used to the Bills pulling off some impressive comebacks, of rallying together when down to overcome points and crazy odds. Yesterday, however, it was like they wanted to just call it quits and lick their wounds by the middle of the third quarter. It was crushing to see, disheartening even. No fan wants to see their home team, a team lauded as a Super Bowl contender, look so dejectedly out-played. Another poster on here (well several, actually) mentioned how the Bills are a soft team. There may be ways to correct that (hello Matt Breida), but I personally believe this team is at the moment lacking heart. The national narrative may have gotten to everyone from the coaches to the players that going all the way this year was a given, an easy road paved with talent. Without passion and drive, however, that road might as well lead straight off a cliff. If anyone has ever seen the movie "Seabiscuit," you might remember that the eponymous horse needed some competition before finding his heart and spirit and taking the lead over the remaining steeds. Allow me to be melodramatic, but this is the Bills' "Seabiscuit" moment. The Patriots are in the lead, the rest of the league no longer fears the Bills (or WNY), and they've transformed once again from the hunted to the hunters. The paper crown has been ripped from their heads and the eyes of the analysts are looking elsewhere. We are neck and neck with the rest of the AFC and barreling down the homestretch. We need to use this moment to get angry, dig deep to awaken the fire and spirit that made us great last year, and start believing in ourselves. Thursday night is the turning point. I hope with all my heart that the Bills organization once again finds theirs and channels it. Combined with the talent we have, there's no horse in this race we can't beat.
  23. I loved Stephen Hauschka, but Bass has made me a believer. Plus, saying "Bass-O-Matic" brings me a small amount of joy.
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