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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Classic psychotic behavior.
  2. I was actually introduced to this movie by my wife. She obviously was not and still not a chick flick chick.
  3. Or at the end when he pushes the big guard against the wall and the coat hook goes in the back of his head. Awesome!!
  4. Nope. My argument has not changed at all. You just are so psychotic you don’t know what or was. You know delusions are part of psychotic behavior and accusing posters (and you’ve done this with several people) of being DR is very delusional. You were fun to pick on now it’s just real sad. 😔
  5. I love when people use lines like “all of the……” All Gracie? 🙄
  6. Finally the title of the thread is accurate. The NEXT Pandemic because this one is over. Huh I think I was given lots of ***** when in 2020 I said this will probaby end around the 2 year mark very much like the Spanish Flu did. At least that one was named correctly.
  7. Yeah. Not a chick flick.
  8. And what precedent have I set? 😂
  9. As much sympathy as one would have for Billy Haynes. Made for a damn good film however.
  10. Official definition? By whose terms is it official. Gender affirming care is not just discussing Dysphoria. If it were I would have an issue with the Bill however gender-affirming care can go much deeper than discussion.
  11. You have no idea what personal responsibility means do you? BTW where I grew up there was, and still is, no public transportation. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  12. Before we can continue can you define what gender affirming care is and what are all the measures involved in it?
  13. Your logic leads us to your feel parents have the right to abuse their children. When did I decide to be straight? That’s a tough one but I would say probaby in kindergarten when I found myself around girls other than my sisters. So now you have your answer. Please utilize that to strengthen whatever argument you’ve been trying so horribly to make here they last few days.
  14. No I don’t think it will. I feel it will start the beginning of the end of Russia as we know it. The world has become a global community and Russia is finding out how strong the backlash from the community can be. During the Cold War we were very primitive compared to today how easily we can criple an enemy. Then we had the fear of nuclear weapons. Now we can ruin a nation without ever firing a shot. Technology is great!
  15. So we have Billy on record as saying parents have the right to abuse their children. With regard to your second point your love to use. What does this have to do with the price of Borscht in Ukraine?
  16. Speaking of climate change I've been reading about ancient history around the globe lately. It's amazing the number of buried cities that were abandoned due to changing climate. I had no idea internal combustion engines and fossil fuels have been around for 2-3 thousand years. Quite amazing.
  17. What do you mean by this? So at what point did you stop caring about people who struggled to make ends meet with gas was $2?
  18. Rules? And what rules are these? That children should be protected from helicopter parents that will do whatever their little angel wants no matter what the short or long term damage could be? Are you also on record as saying it's ok to physically abuse children along with this potential mental abuse?
  19. You do a wonderful job confirming our point. Thank you for your support.
  20. Not as long as folks like you and Billy Boy keep breathing life into him. Thanks. 🙄
  21. Nothing to see here! Biden told us they were cutting costs……but NOT wages. BTW did he say HOW “they” are going to cut costs? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  22. Cute story bro. After we bought the house we leased it back to the builder for 15 months as a fully furnished model. We then took occupancy and built a pool to ready it as an Airbnb. One week we were visiting while they were putting in the pool. It was a gunite shell. I looked out to see a guy standing in my unfinished pool to retrieve his ball. Needless to say he was a bit shocked and embarrassed to learn the home was occupied. Dumbass! Out of my pool! And I thanked you all for your advice and I am sooo glad I didn’t take it. Since we moved in after Christmas I have fallen in love with the place. Well not really working anymore helps with the love affair. 😎
  23. Brilliant retort. When the battle is lost the sufferer of psychotic episodes resorts to gibberish. You’re a shrinks dream case. Easy to diagnose but hundreds of billable ours to treat. Carry on whack job.
  24. Ahhhh the psychosis is strong with this one today. You have not set me straight. You've been running around with your hair on fire screaming Jim Crow Jim Crow when this has nothing to do with Jim Crow. What topic am I not revisiting? I could have sworn I've revisited it several times trying to figure out what in the world you're talking about. I have been very clear as to what my definition of repaying ones debt to society is and have not changed it. You have not demonstrated how I have changed my definition.. You psychosis is just getting in the way of it. Now you still have not responded to my question of what all this has to do with Jim Crow. You my friend are ***** insane and we all have the receipts to prove it.
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