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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And if there is any good to come from this pandemic one thing is parents actually witnessing what their children are being told not taught. Good luck. 🙄
  2. It’s not controversial and the funny part th Billy Boy says that supporting this will damage the right when, in my mind, this is going to damage the left in a big way. They can’t (at least Billy Boy can’t) even articulate what so so bad about this Bill. Keep screaming for this *****. Keep supporting teaching these things to children. Here is the $64,000,000 question. What are they looking to accomplish by teaching these things? I would love to know.
  3. Yup. Only dolts consider reading 280 character emotional blasts from other Twit For Brains as the truth and critical thinking.
  4. Yup…..that’s what’s being said. Quit being an ####### for at least a day ok? Let me ask you. Are you cool with genital mutilation of children?
  5. That’s not what the Bill is intended to do in my mind. Not stop these things from happening but to make sure they never do and if they do those involved are punished to the full extent of the law. Gender affirmation treatment can be a real slippery slope to children. For ***** sake NAMBLA is a real thing.
  6. Yup it’s sure ***** up some of the abuses people do to kids. Instead of freaking out about this why not ask yourself why there needs to be a Bill that prevents people from doing this to a child. Life is too lenient. (a) Performing surgeries that sterilize or mutilate, including castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, metoidioplasty, orchiectomy, penectomy, phalloplasty, clitoroplasty, vaginoplasty, vulvoplasty, ovariectomy, or reconstruction of the fixed part of the urethra with or without metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, scrotoplasty, or the implantation of erection or testicular prostheses;
  7. ***** responsibility. I don't give a flip who/what/when or where it was caused. What's done is done. I want a coherent plan simply spelled out of a roadmap to work our way out. I don't care if it's a 12 month or 12 year plan. Let's see a plan. He has the most intelligent people in the world to help him plan this and so far we've gotten bupkis. Well other than the Fed saying they're going to raise interest rates.
  8. I believe in creating your own luck, in this case bad luck. For instance there is the story of the guy who was at a Who concert. He got there early and was right up front. Keith Moon passed out at the drums and Roger Daltrey asked if anyone could play drums. This guy was a drummer, raised his hand and ended up finishing the show playing drums with one of his favorite bands. People say "how lucky!!" Well he made most, if not all of that luck by getting there early to see the Who and was up front. Had he been in the cheap seats he would not have ever had a great story to tell. Now you can also make your bad luck as I mentioned. Had she decided to give playing in Russia a miss with the heightened tensions that have been going on since....(Chef checks Ukraine thread and see it started three months ago) she would be free. So this is why I place most, if not all, the blame on her and her decision. See how personal responsibility works?
  9. So none this is on her? Did I get this right?
  10. They wanted to lower costs but those wages they are not going to lower got in the way. Sooooooo, high wages are Republican's fault.
  11. Drum set? Guitar? Glockenspiel? 😁 And yes I do realize I'm the last person to make fun of someone's typos but ***** it.
  12. And the dissatisfaction of this whole thing by his own people and other leaders within his regime might also take care of what a friend of mine calls Puto the Thumb. As a guy who loves history these past two years have been quite amazing to be a part of.
  13. We love picking on you Tibs but sometimes you're alright. I think he has me on ignore so if someone wants to quote me on this so he can see it I'd appreciate it. 👍
  14. To bastardize one of my favorite Seinfeld lines So this upsets you as a conservative? Not it upsets me as a Financial Advisor! Not about that whole eat cake thing? That's something as a Chef I can support.
  15. Supply and demand along with uncertainty. It's really that simple.
  16. I've asked this many times and have gotten nothing in return. So one can only come to the conclusion that they dislike it because it's been proposed and backed by poopy pants Republicans and Conservatives. I suggest they take the first step in forming a critical opinion of the Bill and........read the ***** thing!! So this Bill could also go by the moniker "Don't Say Straight" or "Don't Say Heterosexual"? It's all about them isn't it?
  17. Tell us you don't know how the economy works without telling us you don't know how the economy works.
  18. You’re smart enough to know science is a lot of “we think” that the general public interprets as “we know”. Something about a lab coat that makes one an expert. Why this whole “follow the science” ***** constantly changes and is laughable
  19. Just because the insert called it Upstate doesn't mean it ever was. What that likely means is whoever decided to call it upstate was from NYC.
  20. No I don’t remember. I pretty much paid no attention to the QAnon stuff. To tell you the truth if you asked me to explain it I’d have to Google it. I don’t care and never did.
  21. Not bad but Finger Lakes goes to far west. Genesee and Wyoming are not Finger Lakes. They are Boonies and a Prison Region.
  22. Great! I do have a question Mr Secretary. Where’s all this electric power going to come from?? Oh…….. Ah yes. The great Hummer extermination.
  23. Thank you Gov. I have proven time and time again here that people don’t read these Bills. It’s the drive by media and Twit For Brains blasts that people feed off of. Research and critical thinking are a thing of the past I’m afraid.
  24. It’s all a taping of a Black Mirror episode. And WTF is a crisis actor?
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