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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I think his point is that even with a horrible running mate Biden won. He brings up a real good point.
  2. So you’re against targeting specific groups? What specific groups are these Bills targeting? Children maybe? So you don’t care what children are taught? How they are taught? The level of expertise of those doing the teaching? This seems quite odd. But then again you are one ***** up psychotic oddball so…..carry on.
  3. Wait what?? Why is this not being announced anywhere?
  4. This calls for a meme update….
  5. So wait. Everyone says Putin is insane and you’re saying he wouldn’t do something insane? Logic is terribly missing in conversations today. And his generals are also likely crazy or unable to overrule him.
  6. I hope not. That would be stupid and we have to quit with the stupidity in this country. We need some adults running the country.
  7. From the SOTU address Biden said they would lower costs not wages. One of the plans is to make more thing here in the US. I have a couple issues with this. One, how many years will it take to ramp up manufacturing here. Years? I mean decades. And here’s the kicker. Things are manufactured overseas now because…..wait for it……it lowers the cost. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  8. I see and your common sense aligns with the Russian Generals? Got it. 🙄 Maybe…Maybe. But not sure how Alf got in the loop. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. So Alf is Gen Milley or he has direct access to him? Huh.
  10. Put an end to it? It could very well be putting a beginning to it.
  11. So in your tiny mind we only need laws to stop things that are happening and don’t need them to prevent things and establish punishments for things that could happen. Parents are ***** whacked. Who knows what they might agree to allowing little Billy to do. Maybe they’ll let him shoot their AK or something like that. 😱 Or maybe even allow them to get some gender altering procedure. If you’re cool with that that’s on you. Oh and try earning income outside your state. You may owe taxes in your home state.
  12. Here. No need to apologize but it would be nice to at least admit you're wrong.
  13. Then why did you introduce it into the conversation?
  14. I see. So you don't take the topic seriously. Ok...got it.
  15. Seek help you psycho freak!
  16. I'm going with the latter that he doesn't know. I give Tibs credit as of late he's been admitting when he's talking out his ass.
  17. I propose we refer to this Bill as the "Doesn't Say Gay" bill.
  18. Finally Newsom does something decent. https://ktla.com/news/california/newsom-wants-to-send-money-to-californians-to-help-with-record-high-gas-prices/ Well maybe not.................. It would also include money for undocumented immigrants, the governor’s office told KTLA
  19. Schizophrenia compounded by psychotic hallucinations. I’m not a psychologist nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn Express lastnight so I could be wrong.
  20. What in the world is this nonsense? I have my fingerprints ALL over this subject. Where have I stated sex ed is being taught in K-3? Where have I stated that any of this is happening in the US? I'll save you the time and effort. I have NOT. I'm just making sure it's NOT ever taught or done which this Bill is mostly about. You are hysterically attacking us all and don't even know what our arguments are. You are an embarrassment. Have you ever stopped to think why there is no one here defending you? Not even our liberal friends. They won't even touch you. I want you to slow down and just ponder that for a minute. Let us know what you come up with. Oh and one last point. You're talking to DR as if he was here. He's not. He's long gone. This is CLASSIC psychopathic behavior. Get help ok?
  21. This bill in not meant to force kids to be ashamed of themselves. That's your interpretation of it. Regarding your last question. Is the kid asking about HIS sexuality or the parents of a friend? THIS is the big difference You're a ***** mess.
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