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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And what does that mean “requesting to be transgender”? There are so many steps and procedures that can be taken. And how many that are younger than teens are requesting or wanting to request to transition?
  2. I will judge based on a Tiktok parody however. 😂🥺 https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdUvtwRs/
  3. I’m not sure if this has been mentioned but I’m a bit surprised that there have been no Russian cyber attacks to counter the sanctions.
  4. He’s been in conference with WHO the last couple weeks trying to get Covid renamed The Ukrainian Flu.
  5. A dire threat? You’re talking about the left’s reaction correct?
  6. Are parents allowing their children to take puberty blockers?
  7. I’m not going to judge based on a 30 second sound byte. Did she ever even address the question and if she did what was her response?
  8. To be honest I didn't listen to the whole interview. I never listened to him speak when he was POTUS why would I now. Did you listen to it all?
  9. You know why they most likely oppose it? All they know about it is headlines from the drive by media and the Twit for Brains tweets. They've probably not even read it. I'm mean the Idaho law that Billy Boy linked is kinda long. Two pages mostly double spaced.
  10. Current energy cost correlating to the push for green energy. Next question.
  11. I think the fact that the left is making it an issue about upsetting gays and not about children is this “pressing” issue. “How dare you upset the LGBTQ community by protecting children!”
  12. What in the world does the political leanings of this state have to do with this? Please explain.
  13. Well he got part of it right.
  14. 80 today and 90 next week. I can see snow from my pool. Cheers. But it’s a good kind of murder.
  15. Many of the grade school teachers are right out of college. Stick with subjects that will prepare kids for the next level and stop trying to play amateur psychologists. That ***** is real dangerous.
  16. Hey dude. Welcome back. You need to post more. I wait with bated breath to see who you declare as the worst poster here.
  17. What’s that supposed to mean?
  18. No I love kids. But I despise their weak “I’ll do whatever my little schnookums wants” parents. That’s who I’m protecting kids from. Paranoia strikes deep…..! Seriously. You’re a ***** psychotic. 😬
  19. Maybe you’ve not been paying attention but I have said time and time again in my mind these bills are to prevent us from sliding further down the slope. Parents are already allowing children to take gender altering hormone therapy. These Bills could prevent the next steps. Using the argument “well why do we need a law for something that hasn’t happened yet?” is pretty damn weak in my mind. Let me ask you and Billy Boy a question. Could these Bills also be used to prevent crazies from sending kids to gay conversion camps? That IS happening no?
  20. Yes the group beind priortized is children. You only care about children when guns are involved I guess. Still more odd behavior. What did the “cult” do to those kids?
  21. PPPPP Police perforate pistol packing punk.
  22. Don’t you find it the least bit “coincidental” that he felt strong enough to attack 12 months into the Biden Presidency? Like I’m football a good offense is often a good defense. EDIT: Wait….did I just use a football metaphor???
  23. I used to make a joke about junk cars. “They double the value of their car when they fill up the tank”. Who’s laughing now funny boy??
  24. He did stop Putin from invading the Ukraine. And it wasn’t magic. It was because of all the things you mentioned. And who benefits? Looks like everyone benefited. Things were nice and calm back in the good old days. MAGA….yeah that lasted long.
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