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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I never heard a POTUS talk as much about himself and his family. It’s boring Joe and we don’t care about the hair on your legs.
  2. The two years is up.
  3. Which DR thread? There’s like 20 of them here. Carry on Psychosis Boy.
  4. And why “no news (censorship) is good news” needs to stop. I’m tired of others being arbiters of what is true and the means they use to make that determination. “Because we disagree with it” just doesn’t ***** cut it in a free society.
  5. Biology aside what had she done to be deemed Woman of the Year? Oh wait….I found something. Levine faced scrutiny in May 2020 for moving her mother out of a personal care facility after being notified that residents were testing positive for COVID-19. Just two months before, Levine had ordered recovered COVID patients in hospitals to be sent to nearby nursing homes. More than half of all deaths reported in Pennsylvania came from COVID-19 cases found in nursing homes.
  6. Can we get an accounting of exactly where that $$ is going please?
  7. No no no. It’s not the NYT story. It’s the fact that you, a major Trump cult member, started a thread about Hunter that points to Trump going down! Or sumpin’ like that.
  8. Yeah quite the “we got this” speech yesterday wasn’t it. Dude put every sappy line in there plus the kitchen sink.
  9. So according the Billy Boy you know there is something unfortunate is coming Trump’s way. Whatcha got?
  10. Dude…we’re pretty much all partisan hacks here. This is why we’re here. Stop kidding yourself. 😂
  11. Excellent. This ought to be fun.
  12. Not even close? Seriously. 😂 I’ll remember to point out your hackiness. You are more than welcome to do the same.
  13. It could have worked for Doc too. 😁
  14. Leave it to the infinite wisdom of the government to stick with daylight savings time instead of standard time. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  15. I used to wear a suit and tie every day. Then Covid hit and it was a suit sans tie. Now it’s a swimsuit and reluctantly a pair of flip flops when I leave the house.
  16. $144 for one bag of groceries. Ok ok I eat expensive *****.
  17. Because she hates Bill.
  18. They can make buggy whips. Horse drawn carriages use clean energy. Just don’t feed them Beefarino RUSTY!?!?
  19. I think somebody’s smokin’ something.
  20. How is the fuel for your “fuel efficient” vehicle produced? What is the supply chain for the batteries in your fuel efficient vehicle? What makes it efficient? Oh so many questions. Oh and the irony of a lefty telling us to stop waiting for the government to save us. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  21. Caesar was assassinated over 2,000 years ago. Perspective.
  22. I live 15 miles from one of the biggest wind farms in the US and I’m told not to run my large appliances from 4pm-9pm.
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