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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. We were just talking about this. Remember the Summer of (Covid) Love when you could go to the beach but not lie down. You had to keep moving. I really wish I had kept a journal of all that nonsense.
  2. And you know this how? No need to answer. It was rhetorical but we all know the answer to that question.
  3. He’s still pushing and no one is standing up to him. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdPCJwFT/
  4. It’s classic psychotic behavior. He’s going off the rails on a crazy train.
  5. Now isn’t this rich. The Dems hold The House The Senate and The WH and you ask what “The Cult” is doing about gas prices, inflation and Putin’s War. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Erasing blacks, women, LGBTQ, and democracy! 😂😂😂 Hysteria is not a good look Billy Boy.
  6. I have nothing else? Seriously? Take a look around here. There are tons of other issues that are being talked about. Inflation, gas prices, a little "skirmish" going on someplace in eastern Europe etc etc etc. The midterms have very little to do with people talking politics on a....wait for it.....POLITICS board. GASP!! Alarm Glock? Cute but nope...protect my family Glock. Until you know where I lived, why I bought the firearm I suggest you STFU about it. You're embarrassing yourself....AGAIN. It blows my mind how wrong you are about everything.
  7. That you back away from any challenge to a point you've made? Yup...extremely predictable. Carry on Twit for Brains.
  8. You label B-Man’s post that had numbers from the CBP to back it up but you quote this Twit For Brains to make YOUR point. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  9. Huh. That was your point? You labeled B-man’s post as misinformation to prove we do not have open borders? 😂😂😂😂 And why do I have a firearm? Because when we lived in Oakland our house was burgled. We also learned the original owners of our home were victims of a home invasion, tied up and beaten for 6 hours. My wife insisted we get firearms to protect ourselves. So you can shove your “says a guy who owns a Glock” ***** up your ass. SMMFH.
  10. I would have given him a blindfold and a cigarette.
  11. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters Carry on Psychosis Boy
  12. Me either. They all have a real good gig going and they are not going to ***** it up for themselves and the other party.
  13. Because he wanted to make your head explode for our enjoyment. Thank you Donald! 👍🏻
  14. What reporting of Ukraine do you not believe?
  15. I’m likely never doing business in LA again. I’d love to boycott LA County altogether but we love Long Beach and can’t cross that off our list.
  16. If the right is a cult what exactly are you and the rest on the left? Maybe we should do an inventory of the tit for tat Trump threads you’ve started or have bumped nonstop. Carry on psychosis boy. 🙄
  17. What should we do with him? Leave him alone and let his addictions and nature take it’s course. But seriously I don’t give a ***** dude. None of any of this ***** affects me. Carry on with your and their stupid childish tit for tat.
  18. Oh the irony of this. 😂
  19. What in the living hell does any of what you posted have to do with whether or not Hunter Biden is a problem? 🤦🏻‍♂️
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