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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. The Bill just makes sure there will be no procedures where the parents should NOT be involved. As a parent would you like to be left in the dark regarding the mental health of your child and how complete strangers were going to handle it?
  2. Where were you when we ***** up Afghanistan? I guess the world only cares about humanity when white people are involved. 🙄
  3. They are not required to tell the parents bur this Bull was designed to make sure there are no procedures put in place that state we will NOT inform the parents.
  4. “It says nothing about the court’s view of the seriousness of the offense.” I beg to differ. It speak volumes.
  5. Yes….. https://www.ncsl.org/research/telecommunications-and-information-technology/cybersecurity-legislation-2021.aspx
  6. We, China and Russia have likely been engaged in cyber warfare for years. And if we are as prepared for any additional attacks as I think we are and Biden did not come out and assure us of this that is a sign of poor leadership.
  7. Thank you. So now we can have a proper debate. Prohibits the school from withholding information regarding the “upbringing” of their child. You asked “what kind of information?” So let’s give you a scenario. So your child comes to a teacher and says “Miss Smith? I’m being picked on by all the kids because I’m fat. I want to kill myself” How would you feel if you were never informed of this…..until after your child’s suicide? It’s not about the LBGQT community. It’s about allowing parents, not the school system, to raise their children. But for some reason the LBGQT thinks it’s about them. So why are you against this Bill again?
  8. So you’re admitting people are stupid and love someone with racists tendencies? Try that in the real world. HR Mgr: So Mr Biden. If we were hire you tell us what qualities you’d look for in your team. Biden: Black women!
  9. Knowing which guys in your dorm had scales to weigh the weed you were selling is also important. If I heard “hmmm kinda light” one more time…..😡
  10. Yes tons. It was The Culinary Institute in Hyde Park. Classes were small so we were all very close. I still communicate with many via FB and celebrated 40 years as a couple this January and 39 as a married couple this May with one of them. ❤️
  11. You copied none of it to this thread.
  12. I'm not asking you to change your point of view. I'm just trying to figure out what part of FL HB 1557 (sorry I was calling it 1577) you found so offensive you deemed it disgusting. I don't think you read it.
  13. @BillStime Let's move this to where it belongs. Is this the part of the FL HB 1577 that you find disgusting? I just copied and pasted the Tweet here. It would make providing gender affirming care to trans teens a felony with a life sentence.. Worse... it makes leaving the state with your trans teen to move elsewhere and provide them with care a felony as well.
  14. Why would I go back and read the whole thread when I’ve got the horse’s mouth right here? If you can’t point out which lines in FL HB 1577 are disgusting it leads me to believe you’ve not even read it. Come on man. Pointing this out is the best way to shut me up.
  15. I’ve said in the past he’s an idiot for telegraphing it. If you want to check off all the boxes do it but stay quiet about it. That so taints her nomination. They don’t even know how to properly play politics IN politics.
  16. Oh you’ve given your opinion on it many times. You’ve most recently called it disgusting. That’s not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for specific wording in FL HB 1577 that brought you to the conclusion that it’s disgusting. Can you or can you not do that?
  17. She makes a great point. The significance of the passage of time is that every minute that goes by is a minute closer to the time that she will no longer be in the public stage and we will no longer have to listen to her inane droning on and on and on.....about nothing.
  18. We were talking to neighbors this weekend about this. When did this become the rule? Our house was built in 2019 and there is no solar. There are other homes in the community that were built more recently and they do not have solar either.
  19. Disgusting LGTBQ Bills? Let’s start with the most publicized one. FL HB 1577. Please copy here the part of the Bill that is disgusting and has anything to do with the LGTBQ community. That is the only response I would like from you to this post. I’ll wait…..
  20. But there IS bigotry in calling out Right leaning Trump supporting conservatives who happen to love and respect the LGTBQ (and all the other communities) as freaks. Carry on Bigot. I don't think it's his issue. I really think it's your issue and your family's as well. But putting you on ignore is a great idea. You ruin the board and I add to that by engaging with you. Later Bigot.
  21. That probably would be a good thread to start. Stupid ***** they told us to do or not to do.
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