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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Awww poor guy. The one who has a penchant for telling people to ***** off has gotten his little panties in a bind because I pointed out he seems to incessantly link Twit for brains posts. Maybe you can start a PPP harassment thread here….oh wait that would be plagiaristic too. You can look for me on whatever message board blows your skirt up but I’ve been here longer than almost everyone else so when PPP became a thing I became a fixture. Good lord……grow a sack man.
  2. When you were in elementary school or Jr High did you ever disregard what your elders told you? Whoops….question. 😬
  3. When members of a cult disagree it quickly loses its cult status. Be less of a cult member Billy.
  4. Why I peek at these some weekends. Most entertaining threads ever!!
  5. Well not sure which assessment regarding Twitter you disagree with but but I'm pretty certain my assessment that it will (if it has not already) lead to the downfall of the Republic. Soapboxes at the park usually drew a handful of curious gawkers. The Twitter soapbox reaches millions of listeners. Now I have a question..................
  6. Here’s the difference. You quote the articles to give them the appearance of being your own thoughts. Shrewd dude….very shrewd. 😁
  7. Ahhhh the old “what are you doing on a Bills site if you’re not a Bills fan?” line. You really can’t think for yourself can’t you. So according to you because I don’t care about the Bills I can’t discuss politics? That’s some brilliant logic there my friend. Enjoy the game. 👍🏻 You know what people I really don’t like? Those who tell others to ***** off but lose their ***** when they are critiqued. Sorry to have upset you so much. Try not to throw ***** at the TV when Josh throws a red zone interception. You seem like the type. I understand. I was there too once.
  8. No worries. And I’ll not be a Twit For Brains regurgitater either.
  9. Hit a nerve did I? The occasional Twit for brains link is ok. But you my friend appear to be a Twitaholic. Maybe an intervention is in order. 🤔 Relax man. Breathe deep. It’s gonna be ok. We’re here for you.
  10. Thanks. Not sure who else I’d do. 😏
  11. Bravo. No Twit for brains links to be had in this post. Proud of you buddy. I knew you could do it. And I case you didn’t notice no questions in my post here. And so productive telling people you disagree with to ***** off. I know, adulting is hard.
  12. Awwww I’m sorry. Why not just link the article with your take on it? But no, you link others thoughts. Funny the guy who links others thoughts as opposed to his own tells me I can’t think for himself. 😂 Carry on plagiarist Twit For Brains Boy. If the Twit Fits…….
  13. Hate it. I said years ago it was going to be rue death of the Republic. Looks like I was right. Consume….copy and paste because you can’t seem to think for yourself? You and Billy Boy appear to be in the same camp. You probably plagiarized your papers at school too. 🙄
  14. PPP: Tibs is an idiot. Tibs: TRIGGERED!!
  15. Why is her potentially ignoring what her handlers may have told her baffling? Dude, you live in LA. You have to know how celebrities think they are above the rules. Reason #1 why I despise celebrities and have given up on sports. I understand what he’s saying. 🙄
  16. What does that have to with my placing judgement? At the end of the day it’s her responsibility.
  17. People?? I smoke weed and travel with it and you better believe I check the laws regarding it if I travel out of the country. If they are strict I leave it at home. It’s her responsibility as an adult not the people who handle her.
  18. And what, exactly, does it have to do with PPP harassment? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  19. We live very close to their farm. Date shakes are the best.
  20. How Qatar was awarded the WC is beyond me. Well I do know ($$$). 😡😡😡
  21. In the late 1800s, date seeds and offshoots were imported from Egypt, Algeria and the Persian Gulf to the arid southwest of the United States
  22. Don’t say that. I live in date country here in the desert and love them.
  23. I’m pretty sure every conservative or Republican here has at one point disparaged the Orange Man. However I have yet to see Tibs or Billy do the same for Biden. But somehow they are critical thinkers but we belong to a cult. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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