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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Thank you. I’m a heartless person lacking basic human empathy but I am NOT a Putin supporter. 😁
  2. I think it’s safe to say that a vast majority of conservative voters thought this way in HS.
  3. "So we will take a 5 minute break and wipe all that down." And I think he was trolling. See how he immediately composes himself and walks away. At least I hope he was trolling. EDIT: Ok...I've been Rick Rolled. LOL
  4. Biologist?? I thought you were a screenwriter?? And I love the new screen name and avatar
  5. I actually put kittens in a bag and throw them in the river. But that's just me. And seriously....I love cats. That was more to what I'd like to do with Billy Boy
  6. What the ***** is wrong with how sausage is made?? Now if you had mentioned Ortolan you would have had a point. Actually how it's eaten is weirder than how it's made.
  7. Don't hate my hate because your hate is different from my hate and I hate that you don't understand the difference in my hate from your hate you hating hater. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Well I would consider calling someone a cult member derogatory. But that's me.
  8. Watch your words then. As of now we do not KNOW if he broke the law or put the country as risk.
  9. So they absolutely have unfair physical advantage over biological females but we should figure out a way to include them? Give me an example of a sport where a biological male would NEVER have an advantage over a biological female. And now let's take it a step further. This is now mainly just a big deal in amateur sports. If we allow this to happen in amateur sports will professional sports, where a paycheck is on the line, be next? We could be setting a potential legal precedence here no? "I was able to compete against biological females in college golf why can't I compete here on the LPGA?" You misogynistic bastard!!! And WTF. Bastard is fine but B word isn't??
  10. To be fair do we know enough about what is actually on the laptop to say this for certain?
  11. This is exactly what I'm talking about regarding crocodile tears over Ukrainians but not a peep for Afghans.
  12. I'm not a biologist either. <checks inside pants> I'm not a woman. That was easy. Next question.....
  13. Well this just took an unexpected turn. LOL.
  14. Let me ask you. Do you feel that a trans girl can have a physical advantage over biological girls when it comes to athletics?
  15. You call me a POS Putin supporter, can’t give me a reason how you’ve come to that conclusion but I’m the troll?
  16. Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know there were rules regarding which thread I can participate in and those that I cannot. Can you point me to that part in the TOS? Or is that rule only in your psychotic ravaged brain? Who is this bestie I'm sticking up for? I have no besties here.
  17. Of course it's tapping into the hate vein. He's also adding to it with his foolish "let them live" rhetoric. How can we say banning trans girls leads to higher suicide rates when, as far as I know, none have as of yet been banned. How to make it work? Tell them playing in the band is cooler and they don't care what your biology is. You can't hurt a trumpeter by playing a trombone. Life is full of disappointments. It's full of being told things like "we are sorry but you're not big enough to play football." There are many things that are not fair that we learn as we grow up. Being told "it's not fair for you to compete against girls due to your biology. Let me explain why." is a more compassionate way than an outright ban with no explanation other than "sorry...you're different."
  18. You are one presumptuous person. Please give me some great reasons how you've come to that conclusion.
  19. I think Biden has bigger fish to fry regarding Russia.
  20. Well for someone who says “no hate from me” there sure is a lot of hate in that post. You’re a broken record of hate filled hypocrisy. It was funny at first but it’s become really sad. You don’t even realize you’re on a island here. Your progressive friends here won’t even support you. What work do you do that allows you to post as prolifically as you do? Does your wife support you? Your mommy? So sad.
  21. I want them to live? So if we only allow athletes to compete against their biological peers it is tantamount to not allowing them to live?
  22. Who are the Putin supporters here and how did you arrive at this conclusion?
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