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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Imagine if they took the kids to the rifle range and told them not to tell anyone. Gee I wonder how that would go over?
  2. Last I checked it was legal and it will likely remain that way.
  3. I don’t know. I don’t read minds. 🙄
  4. Imagine if Trump had been re-elected? It would have likely lead almost every newscast.
  5. Looking forward to seeing Pearl Harbor. Have been reading a lot about WWII lately.
  6. And based on that article they appear to be gunning for the court ruling on things they shouldn’t be involved in such as gay marriage. Not gunning FOR gay marriage. But I guess Billy boy and the author of the article can read minds. They actually seem to be very good at that. “We know what you’re thinking!” 🙄 See above
  7. Where did you stay? We’ll be at the Royal Hawaiian. Only our third trip to Hawaii so we don’t know the islands well. We usually do the Caribbean but Covid put that on hold this year.
  8. Wait… you’re on Waikiki? I’ll be there a week from today. Well first week in Kauai second week on Waikiki.
  9. Arm wrestling contest! I’d actually fall off the wagon for that. I’m not sure I can handle any of you in person sober. LOL
  10. I gotta agree with Tibs on this one. 🙄
  11. Why is their sexual preference important. Can someone please explain why this matters? Hiring Manager: Tell is about your qualifications Candidate: Well as you can tell I’m a woman. And I’m openly gay. Hiring Manager: Oooookay. Is there anything else that qualifies you for the position? Candidate: Does there really need to be anything else? Geez.
  12. Well to be fair I had back problems during the Trump years. They’ve gone since Biden was elected. It’s been peaceful here ever since. Go Brandon!!
  13. Teacher: Johnny use he/she/her/they/their in a sentence. Johny: He should use they when he doesn’t know their gender. She has boobies so I know to call Sally her.
  14. I’m not sure if I posted this kind of stuff online if I’d still have a job or if my company would have the legal authority to fire me. Any HR people here?
  15. So we imposed sanctions on ourselves? Did he really say that? EDIT: ok listened again. He said the PRICE of these sanctions is imposed…..
  16. Well according to her it’s how they got the porn. Supposedly it’s worse if you get it through the mail vs the internet? WTF gets porn via mail these days? 😳
  17. Yeah but where is it 4:20?? 😎
  18. I’m outside with my sunglasses on so it was hard to read. I thought it said the first all GAY band……not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  19. I’d tell him to go with the Veal Marsala.
  20. Hey…don’t kill the messenger. https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPd5s6x4H/
  21. What are those ABA ratings based on? Hopefully nothing like the bond rating agencies in the mid 2000's. Yikes.
  22. Well the FL Bill will only backfire due to the lies being spread around about it. But if the GOP didn't have their heads up their collective asses they would do a good job pointing out those incessant lies and where their coming from. From places like the WH. Couple those lies from Biden about the "don't say gay" Bill with his Jim Crow on Steroids BS remark and it would be a slam dunk backfire.....for the left. ***** off you idiotic beach bum.
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