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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I knew I was going to get this response. My point is I fear you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
  2. The first step in recovery………
  3. This whole “disinformation” thing is going to get way out of hand. People’s opinions on subjects is already being labeled as disinformation and I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse. People’s, often well thought out opinions, will be labeled as disinformation and silenced. This will not turn out anyway other than real bad for the republic.
  4. It will take some major changes in LA to get me to visit and spend money there. I’d love to boycott the whole county but that would include Long Beach which we love.
  5. I was reading an article on this just now and a guy quoted in it said something VERY important. Why was it called a Billionaires’ Tax when it was proposed for people with a net worth of $100 million. I’m so ***** tired of the lies and dishonesty from our political leaders. 😡
  6. Why? What are you looking to accomplish with that? We all know it’s garbage. We all know he’s a psychotic child. Just ignore him.
  7. People don’t realize that Trump gave a huge tax break lower income people by doubling of the standard deduction. But Orange Man Bad so they just assume he only gave tax breaks to the rich.
  8. IMO it would be better spent pretty much anywhere than in a cement structure for a bunch of drunk idiots to scream and yell at a bunch of overpaid men ramming into each other like a demolition derby. The difference is there is a lot more action in demolition derby than a football game. Carry on…..
  9. Is it me or have you moved further to the right lately?
  10. How is this even allowed and how do you prove your sexuality? https://www.npr.org/2022/04/07/1091252803/palm-springs-looks-to-create-a-universal-basic-income-pilot-for-trans-residents
  11. It’s all about your last point. They have (our) money to burn and I’ll add buy votes with it. 😏
  12. Art Vandelay? Is that you? I would ask you, being an architect, why homeless apartments cost the taxpayer $750k per unit but the architectural design likely has not a damn thing to do with the cost. 😏
  13. I was going to ask the same them I realized I don’t give a *****.
  14. So they are still using anti-Trump rhetoric to win elections? They have nothing good of their own to run on? Well that’s just sad.
  15. Hell even here in Hawaii which was the last to cease mask mandates is pretty much back to normal.
  16. So let me get this straight. If I say I hate having my head chopped off more than having my nutz crushed in a vice means I support having my nutz crushed in a vice? The lack of logic on this planet is astounding.
  17. With Google and the ability to get answers to any question it blows my mind that people are too lazy to do their own research and believe any ***** Twit For Brains post they read.
  18. I never ever watch Fox or any of the other alphabet soup news channels but the wife had Fox on last night at the hotel. Tucker showed this. Wow….one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen. As Tucker says this is something we’ve never seen before. The “most powerful man in the world” being totally ignored. 🥺 It reminded me of when I tried to hang around with my older brother and his friends. “Buzz off kid!”
  19. Been a good time. Two more days here on Kauai then we head to Honolulu for a week. You’ll never coax him away from his “style”. When I call him psychotic I’m not kidding. He truly appears to have issues and you can’t change those. We need to do the board a favor and just ignore him the best we can. Let him enjoy his sad existence alone. Or to deny the LGBTW community their rights. The community doth protest too much methinks.
  20. But not why she was nominated correct?
  21. Has anyone else noticed this? We flew to Hawaii yesterday. On the plane they said the CDC says to prevent the spread of germs……. And at the hotel there were CDC fliers up that said to prevent the spread of germs……. Germs? Since when did this all turn into protecting each other from germs? So the CDC has now become germaphobic?? 😡
  22. So there is a less than zero chance something happens to Biden?
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