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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. We need to send a “bill” to the floor seeing it’s our ***** money paying for those super bowl tickets. 😡
  2. How hard would it be to change the rules? When I started in the financial biz 20 years ago this ***** went on all the time. Now? Almost nonexistent and it’s a very good thing.
  3. Well finally Biden does something to help with gas prices. He will allow ethanol blended gas so be used throughout the summer. This is great news!! What? There are 150,000 gas stations in the US and only 2,300 use the ethanol blend?
  4. Actually the best part about turning 61? I’m no longer 60! Thanks for the advice folks but I don’t…..wait….what was I talking about?? Nap time.
  5. This is a great point. “We’d love to do something about this but it’s out of our hands.” 😏
  6. Masks are required on flights unless you’re eating or drinking. It was the slowest I’ve ever eaten or drank. This is so stupid.
  7. Has a politician ever taken any bit of the blame for ***** ANYTHING??
  8. Yes but still a majority of boomers have very little in their retirement plans are are relying on SS.
  9. The American way is to a) I’ll worry about it when I get there and b) Social Security will take care of me. Sure if your idea of a nice retirement is watching Jerry Springer shows. Retirement should be a time of freedom. Few worries of being a financial burden to your family including your spouse. Time to do all the things you didn’t have time to do when you were working and the money to do so. Glad you’ve done some very important planning. Now back to my first retirement adventure. 😎 🏖
  10. Anyone who says this is Biden’s fault, or this is Trump’s fault or Putin’s fault should be permanently banned from discussing economics. This is the culmination of many things.
  11. But that dotted line is closer to Trump’s Presidency than it is to Putin’s invasion so this one’s on Trump sumpin….sumpin. 🙄
  12. Just like they say regarding your oxygen mask on a plane. Put yours on first then save the ***** rug rats……I mean children last. BTW one of the best tax free legacy plays is life insurance. ***the above posts were for entertainment purposes only and not meant as any recommendations. See your advisor and tax preparer before doing anything stupid***
  13. Back to conversions. If the government was smart (I know I know) they’d incentivize conversions. Conversions fill the government coffers now instead of bit by bit as people spend down their IRAs over potentially several decades. An incentive my be a flat tax on conversions and not have it be part of the Medicare premium means test. The big incentive many use is if you think your taxes are going up it makes sense to convert now at the lower rate. But we don’t know where tax rates will be next year let alone 20, 30 or more years down the road. So that could backfire.
  14. Conversions are a great tool. Now he has a pile of money he can live off of tax free but also use it for big ticket items like cars. He should also be thanked by his heirs as they will likely inherit the leftover Roth money tax free. Be careful with big conversions close to 65 however. The conversions hit your return as income and Medicare premiums are means tested and they look back 2 years and they can get real steep.
  15. If the amount doesn’t mean ***** why did you link to a Twit For Brains post that mentions a three month gas tax holiday when that would likely be less than the $50 gift? Sooooo who is the Billy Boy clone here? You or me?
  16. Yes. You’re bringing, as they say, coals to New Newcastle if you bring him bourbon. I suggest you bring him so real cool bitters or tinctures to have him add to his favorite bourbon drinks or to create new ones. Or even a cool set of glasses.
  17. Ok let’s do the math? If they were to do a gas tax holiday instead of the $50 gift card how much gas tax would they have to cut to equal $50. The Virginia gas tax is $.26 per gallon. That $50 is the equivalent of 192 gallons. If the a average car gets 25 gallons per mile that is 4,800 miles. That is about 4.5 months worth of driving or 4.5 months of a gas holiday. Sooooo what’s your problem with this? Or is this just something to B word about for the sake of bitching? 🙄
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