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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. How will SALT have wealthy people leaving for red states? It’s part of the federal tax code. Are you thinking wealthy people stayed in typically higher taxed blue states for the tax deduction?
  2. Well that woman has a point. They are distracting. 👀 👀
  3. Great non-answer as usual. Everything.
  4. Please explain what the hell this post has to do with CRT???
  5. It’s as if slavery never existed until the use of Africans as slaves here in the US.
  6. No they are not. Not even close But not surprised you don't get it. Why? What does that have to do with a discussion on CRT?
  7. Alas the worst kind of brain dead post is the "oh yeah....well Trump did....." Speaking of a poor sense of reasoning what's your reasoning for posting about Trump's Follies in a Biden's Follies thread?
  8. Your Forum GPS is on the way. You’re obviously lost. 😏
  9. The doubling of the standard deduction helped renters and was a hit to wealthier people along with SALT. Those that rent have been screwed out of the ability to deduct mortgage interest which can be tens of thousands of dollars a year. We had just sold our house and was renting for a couple years until we bought. And we paid cash so even if it was available we’d have no interest to deduct. The doubling of the standard deduction gave renters an immediate $12k a year additional deduction (for married couples) which is huge.
  10. If you don’t think something needs to be done to shore up SS NOW you’re a dum……oh sorry. Just considered the source Carry on dummy
  11. It’s almost as if the bunny said “Joe! It’s Easter. Stop talking politics. Move along Joe!”
  12. And to put it another way no one is against legal immigration however one party seems to be in favor of illegal immigration.
  13. It’s a Twit For Brains post that has no base in reality but only based in feelz. Don’t waste your time. BTW one of the biggest tax benefits of the TCJA went to lower and middle class folks. No one EVER brings this up other than me. Thanks Dinald!
  14. Nope. I do not post here to “trigger” people. You obviously, due to your own admission, do. Carry on.
  15. And I immediately knew the laughing emoji was Billy “I got nuthin’” Boy. As predictable as most psychotics are. So yeah…..why bother.
  16. Trolling a troll still makes you a troll. Good job. 🙄
  17. So you’re trolling? Got it.
  18. So is this a confession of trolling?
  19. He can’t help it. He’s psychotic. Leave him to wallow in his delusions.
  20. And in turn for those tickets giving my tax money to the firm that bought the tickets. So it’s MY money that bought those tickets. The problem starts with the lobbyist offering the tickets. That’s how they cleaned up my industry. Wholesalers were no longer allowed to offer incentives. Can’t accept what’s not being offered.
  21. Worse is our seniors who got a 6% raise in their SS check to offset 8.5% inflation plus a 14% increase in their Medicare premiums. Good job Biden.
  22. Seriously? You don’t think there is any quid pro quo going on?? Let’s walk through this shall we. I want some government cheese. I send a lobbyist to DC to talk to my local representative to get me my cheese. I get my cheese and my local representative is seen later that year cheering at the Super Bowl. Hmmmmm… now how did he get to that game
  23. What in the world does this have to do with FL’s laws about teaching sex in schools to children? Oh that’s right…….NOTHING.
  24. Putin price hike…. 😂😂😂😂 😡😡😡😡 It’s ***** pathetic at this point.
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