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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I hate the amount of hate your club is spreading and we are countering you anti-censorship message by preventing you from getting your message out. Please explain who came up with the term woke because it’s so mind bogglingly far from what these people actually are. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  2. It used to get whatever it wants.
  3. Question for y’all. Would you invest in or do business with a company that was this schizophrenic regarding its policies?
  4. So now giving massive tax breaks to mega companies is fine? Those that celebrated the work AOC did in keeping Amazon out of NY should be cheering this. Yes, you should incentivize corporations to move to your state to create jobs and tax revenues. But those incentives should not last 50 years!
  5. Paying Brazil not to cut down their forests. This is the point when brain dead people should wake up and finally realize that those in government think that our money grows on trees (pun intended). Woke my ass!
  6. It’s a great debate topic. @BillStime sit this one pie.
  7. Thank you for proving my point. How is asking you to clarify a point YOU made getting into to the weeds and irrelevant? Questioning your point to understand it so it can be argued against is the whole ***** basis of debate. It’s called Socratic Method. You’re a mental midget who reduces the IQ of anyone who comes in contact with you. So reply to this with your silly laughing emoji while I put you back on ignore. Sigh….
  8. Yes but the economics trump the racial aspect. You find a group of people that will allow you to take advantage of them, enslave them to do your work for little or no money they will be abused regardless of their race or religion. Just look at the history of slavery
  9. Oh for crying out loud. You shy away from debate constantly. You cry “oh rabbit hole” “you only ask questions!!!” Dude…..that’s a ***** debate. Maybe try it sometime. Let’s start now ok? Who are my keepers and how am I bailing them out?
  10. Ha. Of all people to give people ***** regarding lack of debate. You wouldn’t know how to debate if it hit you in the face. Carry on lack of awareness boy. 🙄
  11. He kind of drew a line from the Bills never won a Super Bowl wearing red white and blue is why the Yankees won several WS in pinstripes. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. I’m thinking he had no idea what sunsetting means. While the details of his proposal are sketchy but when over 40% of the households pay no federal taxes I think it’s time for some skin in the game. Regarding SS it’s really time for a major overhaul. Not for those like yourself already collecting but for future generations. We need to do away with the ability to collect at 62. I think an FRA is fine but maybe do away with the 8% increase on delaying. Maybe a 5% increase? I’m very much against a means testing for SS but it wouldn’t surprise me if we eventually see that. We need to incentivize people to save for their own retirements. Means testing would IMO do just the opposite.
  13. What’s his proposal regarding SS and Medicare?
  14. The headline apparently. 😏
  15. Possibly but I’m looking at the numbers here and how they relate to human behavior. It’s what I do for a living. I hardly think that someone making $1m a year is going to pack up and move their whole family for losing a deduction that amounts to less than one week’s pay less in their paycheck over the course of the year? Add to that that SALT may only be a temporary thing.
  16. Economics doesn’t explain away racism you dolt. It explains why people are taken advantage of. You know how you love your cheap labor coming across our southern border. Funny how you’re AOK with that.
  17. Nope. TCLA has zero effect on your state tax bill. My point is elimination of the deductibility of your state tax will not affect your fed tax bill enough to consider a move. Now the elimination of your state tax altogether would make a relocation sensible but SALT didn’t change that.
  18. My dad beat my mom (he didn’t) so I understand all about you beating your wife. I won’t do anything about it but I understand. 🙄 We’re tired of your stories old man
  19. No it was an economics based system.
  20. And you may be confusing a tax deduction which is a dollar for dollar reduction of your taxable income vs a tax credit which is a dollar for dollar reduction of the taxes owed. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  21. Math time! I just doubled my $500k calculation which is not exact but let’s go with that. $500k at a 7% state tax rate is $35,000 in state taxes that was a fed tax deduction. I reduced that by the additional $12k they now get via the doubling of the standard deduction. So it’s actually $23k fed tax deduction. If they are in 35% marginal rate that $23k becomes $8,000 less in federal taxes. 😁 Not those that I know. It’s both! 😁
  22. Yes and double it for a million. Someone making a million is not moving from CA to TX to save $16k a year due to SALT. They are moving to TX to save $100k in state taxes. My whole point when I questioned @Doc Brown
  23. You lumped in a lot of taxes there. We're only talking about SALT. So for someone making $500,000 now they lose a $35k tax deduction. if they are married they gained $12k via the doubling of the standard deduction. So it's actually only a $23k reduction in fed deductions. At that income they are in the 35% marginal rate. That is about an $8,000 in additional taxes. It could cost double that to move and there is no guarantee that property taxes will be lower to wherever they are moving. So this is my point when I say SALT pisses wealthy people off but will most likely not prompt them to pack up and move.
  24. I find it hard to believe that a wealthy person is choosing to live in a high tax state because those high taxes are a federal tax deduction. Maybe blue states should come up with some tax incentives to get the wealthy people to want to stay and maybe evens attract some wealthy folks from other states.
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