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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. BTW I remember about 10 years ago a younger guy in my office was asking why I wear a watch. "Everyone just uses their phone." So I held up my wrist and looked at my watch and asked "what time is it?" He went through the inventory of all pockets and no phone. It was at his desk. "Uh huh.....Next question punk." What time is it?
  2. Yes. When I worked every day I’d wear one. I have several Original Grain watches.
  3. How can we not pay attention to it seeing it's in our face all day. Having said that I have no idea who this is or even if it's a man or woman. So carry on with you're assumptions. Leading the charge? Is he riding a stallio......oh never mind.
  4. It's our system. It's not perfect but it has been the best in the world for nearly 250 years. Stop right there. I'm for State's Rights. I know you're Canadian but Google's your friend. But it quite obvious by this statement of yours you have ZERO clue as to my stance on abortion. Think before you type Bill.
  5. I think you're drunk. Stay away from your wife.
  6. Yup and it's a beautiful system. You don't like your tax code here in CA? Great! Move to someplace that has a tax code you like.
  7. From this very right leaning publication. 🙄 https://www.newsweek.com/democrats-midterm-chances-dwindling-republicans-strength-polls-1701323?amp=1
  8. No! For the children that will be raised by people that didn't want them in the first place. Your priorities are *****.
  9. Well I will say it accomplished one thing. A headline that the numbskulls of the world think means anything. Carry on numbskulls.
  10. I think before this Board does anything they need to put out a detailed definition of what "Disinformation" means the them.
  11. He'd be using Bob's wife too but didn't have her password.
  12. I follow him on FB. He posted pics of Niagara Falls and said he was in his way to Buffalo. BTW Rat = DC Tom.
  13. And beat them.
  14. Yup. When we moved to SoCal in 1983 I became and Angels fan. Mainly because when I was a kid i was an A's fan and then in college a Yankees fan. Reggie was my favorite so I logically became an Angels fan seeing he was on the team in 1983. I would listen to the games on the radio in the car when they were so bad the crowds were so small you could hear the one guy in the stand eating peanuts through the radio. It was bad, they were bad but it was baseball and they were "my team"! Fast forward to 2002 when they went all the way. The wife and I were downstairs watching game 7 on TV. When Troy Percival was brought in to close out the game for the series I had to go upstairs to listen to the local radio homers call the final out. I'm so glad I got to hear them call in instead of the national TV broadcast It was ***** great!! EDIT: As many of you know I've given up on sports so when (not if but when) the Bills or the Sabres win it all I will not have followed them from start to finish that year....whenever it may be.
  15. Well that's not a very good sign.
  16. You know what’s REALLY sad? Is I’d take him in his apparent declining cognitive state over the next in line and day of the week. 😏
  17. Just in case you forgot it was telegraphed early on that you were voting for a real old guy.
  18. Space…..the final frontier. If it wasn’t for the people behind her I was certain she was talking to kindergartners.
  19. That’s of course a very simplistic answer. I’d like to know their psychology, family background, educators etc. I know a lot of it comes from who is “educating” them in our educational (mainly university) system but where/when/how did our educators become so horribly tone deaf? Hypocrisy lies in all of us. But damn the far left’s hypocrisy is so often off the charts.
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