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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Good that means I’m probably correct with my theory because all the sane ideas aren’t working. What’s your theory?
  2. Who has held The House The Senate and the Presidency the last 18 months with no meaningful gun legislation? Plenty of blame to be passed on both sides of the aisle. Many other countries have guns without these events. My theory is the stress we put on people in this country to be successful. To be smart. To be beautiful. To be useful and valuable and they snap. Yes it’s a different angle but one I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. Because it ain’t about the gun as much as it is the ***** whack jobs pulling the triggers.
  3. Who is opposing ANYTHING that would potentially prevent this?? Who are you talking about.
  4. White House Senate Congress They can’t DO anything. Yes they can. They just choose not to. You blame everyone except those you follow. Sounds pretty cultish to me.
  5. Gun owners help? How?
  6. So for all of you saying we need more restrictions on guy purchase/ownership I have one question. As things stand now, where did the shooter get his weapons?
  7. I don’t think so but for how often she gets brought up here you’d think she was looked upon as the next coming. Well she is. The next idiot coming in a long line of idiots from both sides of the aisle.
  8. Sides. We’ve not discussed your favorite sides with your BBQ. For me a brisket screams for BBQ beans and corn on the cob. Pork shoulder with a SW rub goes hand in hand with coleslaw on a sourdough roll. Ribs? Mac-n-cheese.
  9. And how about a “we’re sorry” to all those that lost income when they convinced BLM to move the All-Star game over a myth/lie .
  10. And I got a cool nickname on PPP for calling out this bull#### on day one. Methinks those calling out racists need to look in the mirror.
  11. Huh? I’m discussing it but acting as if it doesn’t exist? We’re discussing point 6 in his plan that neither you nor Biden don’t seem to understand.
  12. Chopping block? Biden better watch out our his own Ministry of Information may put him on the chopping block. How about have it reviewed every 5 years for viability to see if there are any changes that need to be made to keep these programs solvent. Sunsetting forces this. So, what’s your beef?
  13. Of course but I’m looking at it as more of a way to silence vs hide.
  14. That’s not my take on this at all. My take is they want to silence any voice that does not agree with or goes counter to their message.
  15. It will likely be impossible for them to pick a Czar of Disinformation that has not themselves spouted some “disinformation” at some point in their lives. This is really dumb and is going to backfire on them horribly come November. So….carry on.
  16. It’s a huge problem but you’re bitching about the wrong side of the balance sheet. If you think adding revenue will help the debt I can’t help you.
  17. And I got a cool nickname on PPP for calling out this bull#### on day one. Methinks those calling out racists need to look in the mirror.
  18. My answer is hell no. There is no limit to how much one can earn so why would there be a limit on the dollar amount they pay in taxes. Kind of why there is an income limit on SS tax. The reason is because there is a cap on the SS income when collecting.
  19. Methinks you don’t know what the term abuse means. How is it abuse if they are following the tax laws put in place? So getting to keep more of theirs is needing more money? 🤔
  20. And where is the abuse? Why has Buffer not been charged with tax evasion? See when you use the rules in place to your advantage it’s not abuse. Wouldn’t you agree?
  21. So your billionaire tax loophole abuse was something you just threw out there with nothing to back it up with? Got it.
  22. Abuse loopholes? Give us an example of billionaire loophole abuse. And have you thanked Donald Trump for doubling your deduction? Oh wait….he only cut taxes for the rich. So how rich are you?
  23. Operation Nipple Suck. We can do this all day.
  24. I thought I misheard this on the news this morning. So not one person thought to say "ya know....Operation Fly Formula sound really stupid. I mean epically monumentally ***** even for us stupid!"?
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