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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Then why the “I pray for you and your guns” comment?
  2. Likely not. And if so I’m going down defending my home and my family. Not sniveling in the corner like you. Big red fonts won’t save you there.
  3. Not sure if I can make this one but I have fond memories of the first one.
  4. Smoked ones with a side of cottage cheese is the most economical way to go. Just sayin’
  5. Scenario. Two guys break into your/my homes in the middle of the night. I have a weapon you don’t. Who would you rather be?
  6. I assume he took the opportunity to weave in something about him and his family. "I understand what it's like to lose a child because...yada yada yada...."
  7. Why are those on the right, including me, concerned? We don't trust the government. I own firearms and the reason was because we feared for our lives, and for good reason, when we lived in Oakland. Are all our weapons, after they ban assault weapons, next? Who protects us then? It sure ain't agencies like Oakland PD. That's for sure. Regarding your last point. That's the slippery slope. It's the same with homelessness. Who is going to force meds on those that need it? The ***** government?? I would love them to work on getting their families involved in this. Leave the psychotic alone. Classic case. Yelling into his keyboard.
  8. And why are we letting the extremes, which are likely a pretty decent minority, dictate policy? Both extremes. The far left screams OUR RIGHTS!! just as loud.
  9. What’s your point?
  10. Of course. He was still likely mental and the weapon of choice most likely does not factor into his mental state at the time. Yes the form requirement and background check is the same Which is the most important factor in this? The background check or waiting period. You think this ***** cared if he had to wait 10 days?
  11. What are the requirements for fire arm purchases in TX? There is no waiting period in TX. CA is 10 days.
  12. Whew. Had me worried there for a second. This will be one of the very few times I will use this term in a non derogatory manner… Carry on.
  13. I stopped reading when the poster said this: For people looking for possible solutions to reducing gun deaths (elimination is possible but we should strive to save lives where we can) Unless of course that was a typo and they meant to say elimination in NOT possible. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  14. I know. I try not to communicate directly with him nor Billy Boy the Psychotic. My sanity is very important to me.
  15. Yup it's our fault for not voting for sensible gun laws. Wait a minute. When was that on the ballot? We know who to blame on this. It's the worthless pieces of ***** that have populated DC for the last 50 years.
  16. All crime? ***** dude we aren't even talking about stopping. The hand wringing must come to an end. Mental illness is way the ***** out of control. Look at the homeless. I would venture a guess that the number of people on the streets because they missed a few mortgage/rent payments is in the single digits. But scooping them up and putting them someplace where they are not a harm to society and themselves is a VERY slippery slope but one I feel we need to go down.
  17. The common threads in most of these mass shooting is the shooter showed signs of violent behavior and nothing was done. We are deathly afraid to surveil or lock these people up if necessary. But no. We ignore the warning signs and even allow them to buy weapons. THIS is how you fix the problem. True meaningful gun legislation does not mean taking away the guns. It’s doing our best to keep them out of the hands of the violently disturbed. The warning signs are often very much in the open and identifiable.
  18. Good leaders negotiate to get things done. Unfortunately we elect based on popularity (and lately color and genital status) not based on ability to lead. Apparently gone are the days of Reagan and Tip O’Neill.
  19. And there it is. It's not hard to figure this ***** out. You must present a valid and current permit to purchase ammo. It's been awhile since we bought ammo and it reminded me. Here in CA you needed to go through a background check but it appears it was struck down by a Federal Judge. I think that is a bit excessive because if you shoot a lot your could be buying ammo weekly. However a middle ground is as mentioned above. You need to present a current gun permit that needs to be renewed (with background checks) every year or other year to purchase ammo. Also. You want to buy body armor? Background check. Good ***** lord. So someone buys body armor and there are no red flags?
  20. I’ve been saying this for years now. It blew me away when I realized the permit we got 9 years ago after our house was broken in to never needed to be renewed. Trust me. My wife has the permit and she’s crazier now than she was 9 years ago. Now that is all my fault but that’s neither here nor there.
  21. They go through background checks. Hell I couldn’t get a permit here in CA because I had a medical marijuana card. He’s the issue. Gun permits, to my knowledge are not renewed. The background check is done once upon initial purchase. All registers gun owners should be required to renew their registration periodically and have a new background check ran.
  22. Yes we did. But let me ask you. Is any sane person, one with no mental illness, going to go into a school and murder children?
  23. Let me rephrase that. They’ve blamed everything from the access to guns and mental illness. We’ve always had guns in this country why I lean towards mental illness. Ok why the reason for huge uptick in these? My theory of the pressure on people causes them to snap. You remember the term “going postal” right?
  24. It’s a psychotic thing to say. Consider the source. EDIT: And only someone suffering from psychosis would laugh at being called psychotic. I think I need to change professions.
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